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Last active October 25, 2024 16:52
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Clojure sym-map variants
;; Credit (Chad Harrington)[] from whom I copied
;; `sym-map` and who thus inspired the others.
(defmacro sym-map
"Builds a map from symbols. Symbol names are turned into keywords and become the
map's keys. Symbol values become the map's values.
(let [a 1 b 2]
(sym-map a b)) ;; => {:a 1 :b 2}
[& syms]
(zipmap (map keyword syms) syms))
(defmacro sym-nsmap
"Builds a map from symbols. Symbol names are turned into keywords, using `n` as the
namespace, and become the map's keys. Symbol values become the map's values.
(let [a 1 b 2]
(sym-nsmap :foo a b) ;; => {:foo/a 1 :foo/b 2}
(sym-nsmap \"bar\" a b)) ;; => {:bar/a 1 :bar/b 2}
[n & syms]
(zipmap (map #(keyword (name n) (name %)) syms) syms))
(defmacro nssym-map
"Builds a map from symbols. Symbol names are turned into keywords with the first
hyphen delimited part becoming the ns of the keyword that becomes the map's keys.
Symbol values become the map's values.
(let [my-a 1 your-a 2]
(nssym-map my-a your-a)) ;; => {:my/a 1 :your/a 2}"
[& nssyms]
(zipmap (map #(apply keyword (str/split (name %) #"-" 2)) nssyms) nssyms))
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