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Last active February 15, 2019 19:44
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A list of some packages / data analysis repos I've made

Packages / data analysis repos I've made

Because I mostly work with human subject data, most of my projects are not able to be made public due to the IRB protocols. However, I've managed to excise some parts of the projects that do not have personally identifiable/demographic information, as well as excerpts from computational projects and other R-related activities I've done.

  • catchr 0.2.0: This the exception to the rule about not being complete--this is my first CRAN-accepted package, and is the only package I've really "done right". Designed to provide a shallower learning curve for condition-handling in R, catchr offers a nice little set of tools for working with conditions in R, utilizing a very simple domain-specific language. catchr 0.1.0 was a very different package, but after a deap dive into the rlang source code, I realized most of it was redundant and redid everything from the ground up. I'm actually relatively proud of this one. For a (somewhat) sassy intro, check out my blog post about it.

    • tags: CRAN package, documentation, development, R coding
  • pupilr: A public version of an R package that I use to manage/analyze data from a series of pupillometry (eye-tracking) experiments. Since I can't publicly release the data (which could theoretically be connected to some participants), this is more of a framework, with examples of how I've used the code.

    • tags: package, data analysis, visualizations
  • SwappingSounds: An excerpt from an offshoot of some computational modeling work I've been doing about sound changes in language. I uploaded this primarily to demonstrate how I've been using the tidyverse to write amazingly more effective and simpler code, and how I handle loading lots of data from hundreds of different files. The included .Rmd file is just a file I was using to probe the data visually to see if certain hypotheses I had were correct. I don't really explain the significance of the graphs (or much of anything)

    • tags: data analysis, R coding, visualizations
  • zplyr: Has nothing to do with any plyr (the name was a bad joke): it's just an older package of my own personal R functions and their documentation. It was a way for me to learn some non-standard evaluation before dplyr 0.7.0 and rlang, get practice with roxygen2 documentation, and share a bunch of useful functions for my research across projects. It also has some (sloppy) extensions to ggplot2 (see geom_abs_text() and stat_moments() in the manual for "real" extensions; many of the other functions are "soft" extensions, in that they're just functions that use the existing API).

    • tags: package, documentation, R coding, ggplot2
  • acl2017: An RMarkdown template so you can knit RMarkdown files into the proper paper submission format required by the Association of Computational Linguistics. While it was fun learning how to make my own RMarkdown templates, and my package did allow for an insanely smooth flow from R code to final PDF, I learned that the ACL wanted the .tex files with an incredibly strict citation format that couldn't be reasonably worked in to what I wanted. For more examples of my R abilities/visualizations, check out the final .Rmd file, CMCL2017.Rmd, and its corresponding PDF file.

    • tags: package, R coding, R ecosystem, visualizations, development
  • My GitHub site: I use a knitr and servr to turn .Rmd files into my blog posts, and make everything look pretty with a heavily modified version of knitr-hyde. Using git submodules, I automatically share posts with my twin brother's GitHub blog so that we have a single collaborative blog across different GitHub Pages. I also have posts in which I walk readers through some of the SQL functionality of dplyr (now dbplyr) and how to combine web-scraping and data visualization for interesting stories, etc.

    • tags: GitHub, R website, CSS, R ecosystem, git
  • banquo: A joke package. I was learning how to use the new dplyr and its cohort, and I thought rlang's enquo() sounded a little bit like "Banquo" (our favorite Thane of Lochaber) from Macbeth. So I made a package that lets you type Banquo() instead of enquo(). Womp womp.

    • tags: lol
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