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#!/usr/bin/env python | |
""" | |
This script will help you authenticate a Django application using python-saml with Azure AD. | |
This is sample code. | |
Usage: | |
./script.py <application host> <federation metadata URL> | |
Example: | |
python script.py http://vm.cloudapp.net https://login.microsoftonline.com/95133f51-071a-4531-99b9-5a3b9a116600/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml > saml/settings.json | |
1. Get and build python-saml from https://github.com/onelogin/python-saml | |
* In Ubuntu, requirements include python-libxml2 libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libpython2.7-dev swig python-django python-lxml python-isodate | |
* Also, sudo pip install untangle to use this script. | |
2. Create your Azure AD domain, a user for testing, and an application | |
* SSO URI is http://fqdn/?sso | |
* ID URI is http://fqdn/metadata/ | |
3. Grab the federation metadata URL for your application (under "View endpoints") | |
4. Use this script to generate a demo-django/saml/settings.json file | |
5. Run python manage.py runserver and browse to http://fqdn/?sso | |
""" | |
import untangle | |
import base64 | |
import re | |
import json | |
import sys | |
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT | |
host = sys.argv[1] | |
addr = sys.argv[2] | |
obj = untangle.parse(addr) | |
svc = obj.EntityDescriptor.IDPSSODescriptor.SingleSignOnService[0]["Location"] | |
der = base64.b64decode(obj.EntityDescriptor.ds_Signature.KeyInfo.X509Data.X509Certificate.cdata) | |
ssl = Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-fingerprint", "-inform", "der", "-noout"], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) | |
out = ssl.communicate(input=der)[0] | |
bts = out.decode().rstrip().split('=')[1].split(':')[0:20] | |
fin = ''.join(bts).lower() | |
jac = { "url": host + "/?acs", "binding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" } | |
jsl = { "url": host + "/?sls", "binding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" } | |
jsp = { "entityId": host + "/metadata", "assertionConsumerService": jac, "singleLogoutService": jsl, "NameIDFormat": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified" } | |
jso = { "url": svc, "binding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" } | |
jsu = { "url": svc, "binding": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" } | |
jid = { "entityId": svc, "singleSignOnService": jso, "singleLogoutService": jsu, "certFingerprint": fin } | |
stg = { "strict": "true", "debug": "true", "sp": jsp, "idp": jid } | |
print json.dumps(stg) |
Thanks for sharing.
FYI, yesterday I got the "metadata.xml" of Azure IDP from our company's administrator, and the data format is a little different.
So I modified the line 43 as following for my circumstance:
der = base64.b64decode(obj.EntityDescriptor.RoleDescriptor[0].KeyDescriptor.KeyInfo.X509Data.X509Certificate.cdata)
to @hobzcalvin @merutak @bureado :
By the way, I just start SSO related work on Python flask+Python3-saml with Azue as IDP, I appreciate if anyone could share me some an complete example of SP.
@gongmingwei did you manage to finish off your SSO/SAML solution? Could you share you experience, or point us new to the area to some resources?
Hi, @ghost I'm also working on getting an Azure SAML SSO + flask + python 3. I'm currently using pysaml2 but I'm getting bad responses from the IDP. Were you able to get your project working?
I had to make several changes, notably remove the 'metadata/' suffix from the "issuer", "login" and "logout" URLs.