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Created November 8, 2022 10:33
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var devtools = {
isOpen: false,
orientation: undefined,
threshold = 160;
// for older browser version check for globalThis object
if (typeof globalThis === 'undefined') {
var globalThis = window;
var emitEvent = function emitEvent(isOpen, orientation) {
globalThis.dispatchEvent(new globalThis.CustomEvent('devtoolschange', {
detail: {
isOpen: isOpen,
orientation: orientation
var detectDevtoolsFn = function detectDevtoolsFn() {
var _ref = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0],
_refEmitEvents = _ref.emitEvents,
emitEvents = _refEmitEvents === undefined ? true : _refEmitEvents;
var widthThreshold = globalThis.outerWidth - globalThis.innerWidth > threshold,
heightThreshold = globalThis.outerHeight - globalThis.innerHeight > threshold,
orientation = widthThreshold ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
if (!(heightThreshold && widthThreshold) && (globalThis.Firebug && && || widthThreshold || heightThreshold)) {
if ((!devtools.isOpen || devtools.orientation !== orientation) && emitEvents) {
emitEvent(true, orientation);
devtools.isOpen = true;
devtools.orientation = orientation;
} else {
if (devtools.isOpen && emitEvents) {
emitEvent(false, undefined);
devtools.isOpen = false;
devtools.orientation = undefined;
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
// call devtools fn to check if it is open or not
detectDevtoolsFn({ emitEvents: false });
if (devtools.isOpen) {
console.log('DevTools is open on Browser Window!');
} else {
console.log('DevTools is closed on Browser Window!');
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