As I've been learning more and more about NativeScript, one of the first tasks I really dove into was learning how to customize the Navigation Bar for an iOS app. NativeScript has a Navbar component on the roadmap, but for now, it requires some knowledge about the underlying iOS implementation of UINavigationControllers, UIViewControllers and the like. But fear not! I have braved the treacherous waters of StackOverflow and the Objective-C docs and emerged, victorious and unscathed.
In this article, I’ll go over a few of the more common tweaks that you might be needing to make to the Navigation Bar or Status Bar. While NativeScript is a cross-platform framework, these tweaks apply specifically to iOS. However, most of the items that I will cover here can be likewise implemented for Android.
In the process of learning to customize the Navigation Bar, I took a lot of inspiration from this post by Simon NG on AppCoda. It’s a fantastic article that goes through much of what can be done to the iOS Navigation Bar and Status Bar from an Objective-C point of view. I really enjoyed the way the post was laid out, so I’m going to use roughly the same format here to talk about the iOS Navigation Bar / Status Bar in NativeScript:
- Showing And Hiding The Navigation Bar
- Setting The Navigation Bar Title
- Hiding The Back Button
- Changing The Navigation Bar Background Color
- Changing The Title Text Color
- Setting The Status Bar Style
- Customizing the color of the back button
- Hiding the back button
- Adding New Button Bar Items
Most of the tweaks that are done require a reference to the UINavigationController, or the current UIViewController. A reference to this controller can be obtained from the frames
tns module.
var loaded = function(args) {
if (page.ios) {
var controller = frameModule.topmost().ios.controller;
The controller reference allows for easy showing/hiding of the Navigation Bar at any time and on any page.
// hide the navbar controller.navigationBarHidden = false;
// show the navbar controller.navigationBarHidden = true;
application object which exposes the title property.
// set the title
page.ios.title = 'Instaclone';
This is not ideal as the user could then back into the OAuth process and the app would break. Hiding the back button requires getting an instance of the UIViewController’s navigation item, and invoking the setHidesBackButtonAnimated
var controller = frameModule.topmost().ios.controller;
// get the view controller navigation item
var navigationItem = controller.visibleViewController.navigationItem;
// hide back button
navigationItem.setHidesBackButtonAnimated(true, false);
The default iOS colors are ok, but no app is complete without a nice pretty custom Navigation Bar color. Use the setBarTint
method to change the bar color. You can use system constants like blueColor()
, or you can define a custom one using RGBA. I use the handy program Sip, which samples colors and automatically provides them in this RGBA format.
// set bar color to system blue constant navigationBar.barTintColor = UIColor.blueColor();
// set bar color to a nice dark blue with RGBA navigationBar.barTintColor = UIColor.colorWithRedGreenBlueAlpha(0, 0.24, 0.45, 1);
of the Navigation Bar.
// change title color
navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = new NSDictionary([UIColor.whiteColor()], [NSForegroundColorAttributeName]);
. Remember that you can find all of these definitions in the cross-platform-modules repo inside the ios.d.ts
/* change status bar style
UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque */
navigationBar.barStyle = 1;
Simply set the tint color on the navigationBar
to fix this.
navigationBar.tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor();
As of version 0.9.4, Additional buttons can be added to the Navigation Bar using the markup.
<MenuItem text="share" tap="shareAction" icon="ic_share" />
Buttons can also be added programatically by building up UIBarButtonItems and then adding them to the rightBarButtonItems
array on the navigationItem
/* Create bar button item
first argument is what icon to show: UIBarButtonSystemItemDone, UIBarButtonSystemItemCancel, UIBarButtonSystemItemEdit, UIBarButtonSystemItemSave, UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd, UIBarButtonSystemItemFlexibleSpace, UIBarButtonSystemItemFixedSpace, UIBarButtonSystemItemCompose, UIBarButtonSystemItemReply, UIBarButtonSystemItemAction, UIBarButtonSystemItemOrganize, UIBarButtonSystemItemBookmarks, UIBarButtonSystemItemSearch, UIBarButtonSystemItemRefresh, UIBarButtonSystemItemStop, UIBarButtonSystemItemCamera, UIBarButtonSystemItemTrash, UIBarButtonSystemItemPlay, UIBarButtonSystemItemPause, UIBarButtonSystemItemRewind, UIBarButtonSystemItemFastForward, UIBarButtonSystemItemUndo, UIBarButtonSystemItemRedo, UIBarButtonSystemItemPageCurl */
// creates item with UIBarButtonSystemItemAction icon var shareItem = new UIBarButtonItem(9, null, null);
// add item to navigation bar var actionButtonItems = [shareItem]; navigationItem.rightBarButtonItems = actionButtonItems;
I want to show inside my current viewcontroller Main.storyboard, only custom view area with NativeScript UIView (like Embedding WebView). How I can implement this one? Is it possible with NativeScript? I'm beginner in this NativeScript.