- Action Launcher
- Action Launcher Pro
- AirDroid
- Alarm
- Amazon
- App Factory
- AppList
- Archery
- ArchWiki Viewer
- Arcus
- Atmospheric
- Audio Manager
- Authenticator
- AutoPebble
- AutoShare
- AutoVoice Unlock Key
- AV Controller
- Barcode Scanner
- BetterBatteryStats
- BofA
- BSPlayer FREE
- BubbleUPnP
- BusyBox Free
- Caffeine
- Cal
- Calcu
- Carousel
- Cast To UPnP/DLNA For GMusic
- CBS Sports
- Cerberus
- Chase
- Chrome Beta
- Chromecast
- Clipper
- Compass
- CrashPlan
- Dark Lands
- DashLight
- DataSync
- DataSync+ Key
- Device Frame Generator
- Device Manager
- DicePlayer
- Discover
- DiskUsage
- Dogecoin Wallet
- DriveDroid
- Dropbox
- eBay
- ES File Explorer
- Event Flow Widget
- F-Droid
- Facets
- Falcon Pro
- Fidelity
- Firefox
- FoldableLayout
- Glance for Pebble
- Google Opinion Rewards
- Google Voice
- Greenify
- Greenify (Donation Package)
- GrooVe IP
- GrubHub
- Hacker News
- Hacker's Keyboard
- Hailo
- HD Widgets
- HDW: High Res Icons
- Hipmunk
- Holo Hacker News
- Holo Hacker News
- Holo Light MD
- Holo Yamaha AV Controller
- HoloIRC
- HP Print Service Plugin
- Imgur
- InstaWifi
- Jewels
- JuiceSSH
- LastCaller
- LastPass
- Link Bubble
- Link Bubble Pro
- Lux
- Markers
- McDonalds
- MD5Checker
- Messenger
- MightyText
- Mindroid
- Mobile VPN
- MultiMuze
- Music Boss
- Muzei
- MX Player
- My Boy! Free
- Nexus 5 Plug-In for Lux
- Nine
- NodeBeat
- NZB 360
- NZBMobile
- OctoDroid
- OCV T2 Mixed Processing
- OI File Manager
- Paper Camera
- PapiJump
- PayPal
- Pebble
- Pebble Notifier
- PebbleDialer
- PebbleTasker
- Pics from Reddit
- Plex
- Plumble Free
- Pocket Casts
- Press
- Pushbullet
- QuickPic
- Reddit News
- reddit sync
- Remote Desktop
- ROM Toolbox Pro
- SBRunner
- Schwab
- SD Maid
- Secure Settings
- SeriesGuide
- ShareFile
- Sick Beard on Android
- Sleep
- Sleep Unlock
- Slickdeals
- Smart Tools
- Snapchat
- Snarf's
- Sonic Dash
- SoundCloud
- SoundHound
- Southwest
- Speedtest
- Spotify
- Square Cash
- Square Register
- Stack Exchange
- Steam
- StickMount
- Struktur
- Super Hexagon
- SuperBeam
- SuperSU Pro
- surespot
- SwiftKey
- SwipePad
- Tasker
- Temple Run
- Terminal Emulator
- Timely
- Tinfoil for Facebook
- Today
- Transit
- Translate
- Trello
- Trickster MOD
- Turbo Client
- Uber
- UberSync for Facebook
- Unified Remote Full
- URL Shortener
- Vector
- Viral lite
- Wallaby
- Wallbase
- Wifi Analyzer
- Xabber Development Version
- Yatse
- Yatse Call Plugin
- Yatse Stream Plugin
- Yatse Widget Unlocker
- Yelp
- Zipcar
May 12, 2014 21:07
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