It's a couple extra steps, but really not too hard.
Create a bookmark for "This." and save it.
Go back to your bookmarks and tap "Edit".
Select your "This." bookmark.
Replace the URL with the following:
javascript:%28function %28d%2Cs%2Cp%29 %7Bd %3D document%3Bif %28typeof this_counter_8532 %21%3D%3D %27undefined%27%29 %7Bp %3D d.getElementById%28%27this-modal-%27 %2B this_counter_8532%29%3Bif %28p%29 %7Bp.parentNode.removeChild%28p%29%3Breturn%3B%7D%7Dthis_counter_8532%3DparseInt%28Math.random%28%29 %2A 100000%29 %2B 123456%3Bs %3D d.createElement%28%27script%27%29%3Bs.type %3D %27text%2Fjavascript%27%3Bs.setAttribute%28%27src%27%2C %2B this_counter_8532%29%3Bd.body.appendChild%28s%29%3B%7D%29%28%29%3B
To use, when on a page you want to save, go select the bookmark. The UI that appears isn't mobile-optimized, but oh well.