I hereby claim:
- I am bvajda on github.
- I am bvkb (https://keybase.io/bvkb) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASCt3J9Jf_O5fUZx9lMoCo9I_S0NRcwZhk0N3hSjbPN5HQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Shamelessly copied from: http://www.stereoplex.com/blog/vmware-fusion-guests-with-a-static-ip VMWare Fusion v4
get the MAC address of the vm: Virtual Machine - Settings - Network Adapter - Advanced make a note of it, it will be needed later
open /Library/Preferences/VMWare Fusion/vmnet8/dhcpd.conf: make note of the subnet range -> select a fixed ip outside of this range make note of the "options routers" ip address -> needed later append:
install CentOS 6
yum update
yum upgrade
check the server time. sync the time to a time server if needed (service 'ntpd')
download and install Postgresql Server v9.1 rpm package:
rpm -Uvh http://yum.pgrpms.org/9.1/redhat/rhel-6-x86_64/pgdg-centos91-9.1-4.noarch.rpm
This should have installed the necessary server package: postgresql91-server.x86_64
ruby-1.9.2-p290-i386 :005 > Publication.all
/Users/bence/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290-i386@tools/gems/activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter-1.4.0/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/oracle_enhanced_oci_connection.rb:317: [BUG] Bus Error
ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision 32553) [x86_64-darwin11.0.0]
-- control frame ----------
c:0062 p:---- s:0240 b:0240 l:000239 d:000239 CFUNC :initialize
c:0061 p:---- s:0238 b:0238 l:000237 d:000237 CFUNC :new
c:0060 p:0307 s:0231 b:0231 l:000230 d:000230 METHOD /Users/bence/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290-i386@tools/gems/activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter-1.4.0/lib/active_record/connection_
c:0059 p:0037 s:0215 b:0215 l:000214 d:000214 METHOD /Users/bence/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290-i386@tools/gems/activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter-1.4.0/lib/active_record/connection_
#/etc/rc.d/init.d/nginx | |
#!/bin/bash | |
# | |
# nginx Startup script for the nginx HTTP Server | |
# | |
# chkconfig: 345 85 15 | |
# description: Web server | |
# processname: nginx: master process /opt/nginx/sbin/nginx | |
# nginx: worker process |
DM's Integrity Map causes issues when setting up tables in legacy repositories. The rails console can access the models, but the controller cannot. The (temporary?) solution is to add the following lines to the models. http://groups.google.com/group/datamapper/browse_thread/thread/16dc095f33097050#
def self.default_repository_name
def self.repository(name = nil, &block)
super(:your_repository, &block)
Warning: NLS_LANG is not set. fallback to US-ASCII. | |
Loading development environment (Rails 3.1.0.rc5) | |
ruby-1.9.2-p290-i386 :001 > Title.connection.class | |
=> ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleEnhancedAdapter | |
ruby-1.9.2-p290-i386 :002 > Title.first | |
OB Columns (1707.7ms) SELECT column_name AS name, data_type AS sql_type, data_default, nullable, virtual_column, hidden_column, DECODE(data_type, 'NUMBER', data_precision, 'FLOAT', data_precision, 'VARCHAR2', DECODE(char_used, 'C', char_length, data_length), 'RAW', DECODE(char_used, 'C', char_length, data_length), 'CHAR', DECODE(char_used, 'C', char_length, data_length), NULL) AS limit, DECODE(data_type, 'NUMBER', data_scale, NULL) AS scale FROM all_tab_cols WHERE owner = 'CV' AND table_name = 'OB' AND hidden_column = 'NO' ORDER BY column_id | |
Title Load (76.6ms) SELECT "OB".* FROM "OB" LIMIT 1 | |
OCIError: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended: SELECT "OB".* FROM "OB" LIMIT 1 | |
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: OCIError: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly |