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How to use profiling in production mode for react-dom

React recently introduced an experimental profiler API. This page gives instructions on how to use this API in a production release of your app.

Table of Contents

Profiling in production

React DOM automatically supports profiling in development mode for v16.5+, but since profiling adds some small additional overhead it is opt-in for production mode. This gist explains how to opt-in.

Create React App v3.2+

Creating a profiling build can be done by specifying an additional --profile flag:

yarn build --profile

npm run build -- --profile

Create React App <= v3.1

Enabling profiling permanently

At the moment, the only way to permanently enable production profiling in CRA apps is to eject. Then you can follow the instructions below and apply these changes to config/ in your app folder.

However, you can also enable profiling temporarily without ejecting.

Enabling profiling temporarily

If you only want to profile the application locally in production mode, you can do this by editing node_modules directly.

Follow the instructions below, and apply them to node_modules/react-scripts/config/ Then you can run yarn build or npm run build to get a profiling build. Note that your changes would be temporary and will not persist between re-runs of your package manager.

Changing the Webpack config

To enable profiling in production mode, modify Webpack configuration file (config/ as shown below.

react-dom@^17.0.2 / scheduler@^0.20.2

module.exports = {
  // ...
  resolve: {
    // ...
    alias: {
      // ...
      'react-dom$': 'react-dom/profiling',
    // ...
  // ...

Note that if you're using a version of react/react-dom that's less than 16.6, you should refer to this earlier revision of the documentation instead.

Note that if you're using the schedule package v0.3.0-v0.4.0 you should refer to this earlier revision of the documentation instead.

Optional: Disabling mangling for local profiling

When profiling locally, you might want to disable function name mangling so that you can see the component names in the profiler. Note that this will significantly increase your bundle size so only do this during local development! To do this, find the mangle option for UglifyJSPlugin in the config, and set it to false. Don't forget to undo your changes before a real deployment.

Webpack 4

If you are using Webpack 4 to bundle your apps, add the following import aliases to your production config:

react-dom@^17.0.2 / scheduler@^0.20.2

module.exports = {
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      'react-dom$': 'react-dom/profiling',

Note that if you're using a version of react/react-dom that's less than 16.6, you should refer to this earlier revision of the documentation instead.

Note that if you're using the schedule package v0.3.0-v0.4.0 you should refer to this earlier revision of the documentation instead.

Optional: Disabling mangling for local profiling

When profiling locally, you might want to disable function name mangling so that you can see the component names in the profiler. Note that this will significantly increase your bundle size so only do this during local development! To do this, find the mangle option for UglifyJSPlugin in the config, and set it to false. Don't forget to undo your changes before a real deployment.

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lukasz-app commented Dec 7, 2020


Support for React Native

I was able to use babel module-resolver plugin and get Profiling renderer to work with this alias config:

What version of react-native are you using?

I couldn't get it to work with the above snippet. I think it is because at the bottom of the node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Renderer/shims/ReactNative.js require depends on the relative path

ReactNative = require('../implementations/ReactNativeRenderer-prod');

To make it work change this line to:

ReactNative = require('../implementations/ReactNativeRenderer-profiling')

This change, being inside node_modules, will not persist after npm/yarn install, but you can keep it using patch-package

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issacgerges commented Mar 25, 2021

@bvaughn did y'all consider an explicit enabled/disabled / shouldSample prop in this <Profiler> so it could be sampled (or enabled only at certain times) without impacting the component hierarchy at all?

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larry-dalmeida commented Jul 9, 2021

Performance impact is minor: 4 additional fiber attributes, some additional calls to within profiled subtrees.

The memory impact of the additional fiber attributes should be minor, but will always be there if you're loading the profiling build- so only load it if you're using the data.

The calls to aren't done unless you're within a part of the tree wrapped with a <Profiler> tag so the CPU impact- minimal either way- would not apply to parts of your app that aren't being profiled.

This is great @bvaughn! Thank you and love the work! ❤️

I want to profile some components and not all in production, aggregate and send that data to a monitoring endpoint.
I understand that using the profiler in production should have a small or negligible impact on user experience at least for profiling 20-50 (guess) components on a page.

I would like to know if there are any more known data/estimates (perhaps from tests at facebook) on the performance impact on the user experience when shipping the production build of react including the profiler?

I'm hoping for some numbers, if possible (even if guesstimates) to try and determine if it's negligible enough to be shipped to all customers until we have data and then make a call on if we should invest in shipping a different build to smaller customer traffic (bit complex due to our setup)?

I understand if that's not available, I suppose the best way to find out would be to test and gather numbers for ourselves in production.

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xushimin commented Dec 2, 2021


Profiling not support in a development of React v16.13.0

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bvaughn commented Dec 3, 2021

@xushimin Not sure what you're seeing there but it's most likely a transient error. Close DevTools, reload the page and reopen.

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So how do we enabling profiling if we're not using CRA?

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I have the same question as @LongLiveCHIEF . I am not using CRA but would like to enable profiling to troubleshoot errors that are occurring in the production build only.

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M1M0G commented Mar 27, 2022

I have the same problem, when using non-СRA, changing the alias in the webpack config has no effect

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tonyhallett commented May 14, 2022

for those using Parcel you can put the alias in package.json

"alias": {
      "react-dom": "react-dom/profiling",

for those wanting it to be applied conditionally with an environment variable the typescript code below can be used for a custom Resolver.


import {Resolver} from '@parcel/plugin';
import {PluginLogger, Dependency} from '@parcel/types'
import NodeResolver, { FilePath, Options, Environment, ResolverContext, Nullable, ResolveResult } from '@parcel/node-resolver-core';

const reactDom = 'react-dom';
const schedulerTracing = 'scheduler/tracing';

const logOrigin = 'ReactProfilingAliasResolver';

function createDiagnosticWithOrigin(message:string){
  return {

const shouldLog = false
function log(logger:PluginLogger,resolved:Nullable<ResolveResult>, dependency:Dependency){
  if (shouldLog) {
    logger.log(createDiagnosticWithOrigin(`parent - ${dependency.resolveFrom!}`));
      logger.log(createDiagnosticWithOrigin(`resolved ${dependency.specifier} ${JSON.stringify(resolved)}`));
      logger.log(createDiagnosticWithOrigin(`failed to resolve ${dependency.specifier}`));

function shouldProfile(specifier:string){
  return process.env.REACT_PROFILING !== undefined && (specifier === reactDom || specifier === schedulerTracing);

export default new Resolver({
  async resolve(arg) { 
    const {specifier, dependency,options} = arg;
    const logger = arg.logger;

    if (shouldProfile(specifier)){

      const resolver = new ReactAliasingNodeResolver({
        fs: options.inputFS,
        projectRoot: options.projectRoot,
        // Extensions are always required in URL dependencies.
          dependency.specifierType === 'commonjs' ||
          dependency.specifierType === 'esm'
            ? ['ts', 'tsx', 'js', 'jsx', 'json']
            : [],
        mainFields: ['source', 'browser', 'module', 'main'],
        packageManager: options.shouldAutoInstall
          ? options.packageManager
          : undefined,
      const resolved = await resolver.resolve({
        filename: specifier,
        specifierType: dependency.specifierType,
        parent: dependency.resolveFrom,
        env: dependency.env,
        sourcePath: dependency.sourcePath,
        loc: dependency.loc,
      log(logger,resolved, dependency);
      return resolved;
    return null;

class ReactAliasingNodeResolver extends NodeResolver{

  async loadAlias(_filename:string, _sourceFile:FilePath, _env:Environment,_ctx:ResolverContext): Promise<Nullable<NodeResolver.ResolvedAlias>> {
    const resolved = filename == reactDom ? 'react-dom/profiling' : 'scheduler/tracing-profiling';
    return {
      sourcePath:'', // not used



declare module '@parcel/node-resolver-core' {
    import type {FileSystem} from '@parcel/fs';
    import type {PackageManager} from '@parcel/package-manager';
    import type {PluginLogger, ResolveResult} from '@parcel/types';
    export type {ResolveResult} from '@parcel/types';

    export type Nullable<T> = T | undefined | null;

    export type FilePath = string;

    // to type if required
    export type URLSearchParams = unknown
    export type ResolverContext = unknown
    export type Environment = unknown

    export type Module = {
        moduleName?: string,
        subPath?: Nullable<string>,
        moduleDir?: FilePath,
        filePath?: FilePath,
        code?: string,
        query?: URLSearchParams,
    export type Options = {
        fs: FileSystem,
        projectRoot: FilePath,
        extensions: Array<string>,
        mainFields: Array<string>,
        packageManager?: PackageManager,
        logger?: PluginLogger,
    export type ResolveArg = {
    export type ResolvedAlias = {
        type: 'file' | 'global',
        sourcePath: FilePath,
        resolved: string,
    class NodeResolver {
        projectRoot: FilePath
        constructor(opts: Options) {}
        loadAlias(filename:string, sourceFile:FilePath, env:Environment,ctx:ResolverContext):Promise<Nullable<ResolvedAlias>>
        findNodeModulePath(filename:string,sourceFile:FilePath,ctx:ResolverContext):Module | null | undefined
    export = NodeResolver
  1. Create a package for the resolver ( compile to js )
  2. Include in .parcelrc
  "extends": "@parcel/config-default",
  "resolvers": ["parcel-resolver-react-profiling", "..."]

npm script usage ( windows ) - see build-profile

  "scripts": {
    "start": "parcel src/html/debug/parcel-dev.index.html",
    "build-prod": "parcel build src/html/build/index.html --dist-dir dist/build",

    "build-profile": "set REACT_PROFILING=true&& parcel build src/html/profiling/index.html --dist-dir dist/debug" 

Note that as there is currently no invalidateOnEnvChange for resolvers the result will be cached and re-used even if you don't set the environment variable.
This is not an issue when you always want to always profile a specific production build that has a different cache key ( entries and mode ). In the example above build-prod and build-profile have a different entry. ( build-profile index.html has a script for standalone react-devtools to enable profiling of a WebView2 ).
If it is an issue then no-cache.

At some point I will add the resolver to npm, but in the meantime here it is.

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Tymek commented Jun 7, 2022

in Vite putting this in vite.config.ts worked:

export default defineConfig({
// ...
    resolve: {
        alias: {
            'react-dom': path.resolve(
            'scheduler/tracing': path.resolve(
// ...

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louiszawadzki commented Sep 26, 2022

For versions of React Native equal to or greater than 0.61, I improved @lukaszchopin's solution so you don't have to use patch-package. You can use this configuration in your babel.config.js:

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
  plugins: [
        root: ['./'],
        resolvePath(sourcePath) {
          if (sourcePath === '../implementations/ReactNativeRenderer-prod') {
            return path.resolve(
          return undefined;

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in-op commented Dec 21, 2022

@bvaughn, you still need the scheduler aliases, at least when using webpack bundling alone, which may be the source of some confusion here for people having trouble getting it working. I tested with the exact versions of react-dom and scheduler, and if you skip the scheduler alias you get this error:

It is not supported to run the profiling version of a renderer (for example, `react-dom/profiling`) without also replacing the `scheduler/tracing` module with `scheduler/tracing-profiling`. Your bundler might have a setting for aliasing both modules. Learn more at

Technically I got a minified error that linked here, since it's a production build.

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@tonyhallett Your code didn't work but I made a module which does fix this for Parcel. Turned out to be a lot less code than I expected:

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I am getting the below error for your solution @louiszawadzki

error: index.js: Cannot find module 'babel-plugin-module-resolver'
Require stack:
- app/root/node_modules/metro-react-native-babel-transformer/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/plugins.js
- app/root/node_modules/metro-react-native-babel-transformer/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/files/index.js
- app/root/node_modules/metro-react-native-babel-transformer/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/index.js
- app/root/node_modules/metro-react-native-babel-transformer/src/index.js
- app/root/node_modules/metro-transform-worker/src/index.js
- app/root/node_modules/metro/src/DeltaBundler/Worker.js
- app/root/node_modules/jest-worker/build/workers/processChild.js

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@Tymek thanks for the vite snippet! Wondering if you ever saw errors like this during your vite build:

ERROR: [vite:load-fallback] Could not load /Users/aislinn.hayes/code/monorepo/apps/app1/node_modules/react-dom/profiling/test-utils (imported by ../../node_modules/@testing-library/react/dist/@testing-library/react.esm.js): ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/aislinn.hayes/code/monorepo/apps/app1/node_modules/react-dom/profiling/test-utils'
✘ [ERROR] Could not read from file: /Users/aislinn.hayes/code/monorepo/apps/app1/node_modules/react-dom/profiling

      3 │ import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
        ╵                      ~~~~~~~~~~~

✘ [ERROR] Could not read from file: /Users/aislinn.hayes/code/monorepo/apps/app1/node_modules/react-dom/profiling/test-utils

      1 │ import * as testUtils from 'react-dom/test-utils';
        ╵                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

✘ [ERROR] Could not read from file: /Users/aislinn.hayes/code/monorepo/apps/app1/node_modules/react-dom/profiling/client

      4 │ import * as ReactDOMClient from 'react-dom/client';

I don't know why @testing-library/react would even be trying to build during our production build 🤨
We exclude any files that reference that package from our tsconfig.json AFAIK.
For extra complexity, I am using vite in a monorepo as well 😇

    "react": "18.2.0",
    "react-dom": "18.2.0",
    "vite": "5.1.4",

Any pointers on where to look to try to debug this one? Thank you!

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zeorin commented Mar 15, 2024

  resolve: {
    alias: [
      { find: /^react-dom$/, replacement: 'react-dom/profiling' },
      { find: 'scheduler/tracing', replacement: 'scheduler/tracing-profiling' }

in vite.config.js did the trick for me.

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ThenMorning commented Jun 12, 2024

I am using react-devtools-core to implement a custom backend for debugging a custom renderer similar to React Native. During the debugging process, React is using the development build version:
"react": "18.2.0", "react-devtools-core": "4.28.0", "react-reconciler": "0.29.0"
However, I have found that in react-devtools-core, the recordProfilingDurations method is not capturing accurate durations for the fiber nodes, and all durations are 0. Are there any additional steps required to record the render times (duration) accurately?

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For versions of React Native equal to or greater than 0.61, I improved @lukaszchopin's solution so you don't have to use patch-package. You can use this configuration in your babel.config.js:

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
  plugins: [
        root: ['./'],
        resolvePath(sourcePath) {
          if (sourcePath === '../implementations/ReactNativeRenderer-prod') {
            return path.resolve(
          return undefined;

For my side, there is an existing module-resolver, so I need to config a same module-resolver with alias to meet the requirement.

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
  plugins: [
        root: ['./node_modules'],
        resolvePath(sourcePath) {
          if (sourcePath === '../implementations/ReactNativeRenderer-prod') {
            return path.resolve(
          return undefined;

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