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Created February 26, 2024 11:41
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Interactive WinGet search, just type the index of the package to install
function winget_is {
param ($inName)
$lines = winget search $inName
# Gather indices
$nameIdx = 0
$nameLen = -1
$idIdx = -1
$idLen = -1
$verIdx = -1
$verLen = -1
$firstContentRow = -1
for ($lIdx = 0; $lIdx -lt $lines.Length; $lIdx++) {
$l = $lines[$lIdx]
if ($l.StartsWith("Name")) {
$firstContentRow = $lIdx + 2;
for ($c = 0; $c -lt $l.Length - 1; $c++) {
$s = "$($l[$c])$($l[$($c+1)])"
if ($s -eq "Id") {
$idIdx = $c
$nameLen = $idIdx - $nameIdx
elseif ($s -eq "Ve") {
$verIdx = $c
$idLen = $verIdx - $idIdx
elseif ($s -eq "Ma") {
$verLen = $c - $verIdx
# Validate indices
$idxs = @($nameLen, $idIdx, $idLen, $verIdx, $verLen)
$idxsOk = $true;
foreach ($idx in $idxs) {
$idxsOk = $idxsOk -and $($idx -gt -1)
# Extract info
$it0 = $firstContentRow
$it = $firstContentRow
$packages = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
if (($it -gt -1) -and ($it -lt $lines.Length - 1) -and $idxsOk) {
for (; $it -lt $lines.Length - 1; $it++) {
$n = $($it - $it0)
$nStr = "$n"
if ($n -lt 10) { $nStr = " " + $nStr }
if (($n -gt 9) -and $n -lt 100) { $nStr = " " + $nStr }
$pkgName = $lines[$it].Substring($nameIdx, $nameLen)
$pkgId = $lines[$it].Substring($idIdx, $idLen)
$pkgVer = $lines[$it].Substring($verIdx, $verLen)
Write-Output "$nStr) ID: $pkgId | Ver: $pkgVer | Name: $pkgName"
$toInstall = Read-Host ">> Enter index of package to install"
try {
$toInstallIdx = [int]$toInstall
catch {
Write-Output "Bad index '$toInstall'."
$p = $packages[$toInstallIdx];
Write-Output "!! Trying to install: '$p'"
winget install --disable-interactivity -h -e --id $p
else {
Write-Output "No package found matching input criteria: '$inName'"
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