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byrnedo / wg0.conf
Created November 6, 2024 15:26
Address = <ip>/32
PrivateKey = xxxx
PostUp = mkdir -p /etc/resolver
PostUp = echo "domain <some>" > /etc/resolver/<some>
PostUp = echo "search <some>" >> /etc/resolver/<some>
PostUp = echo "nameserver <dns server>" >> /etc/resolver/<some>
PostDown = rm /etc/resolver/<some>
byrnedo /
Created March 7, 2024 10:21
Start a multipass n node cluster, and handle it easily.
SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case $1 in
# -e|--extension)
byrnedo /
Created February 9, 2024 12:12
Get next on call date from Pagerduty
# NOTE: assumes bsd `date` (as in mac)
set -euo pipefail
user_name="Your Name"
if [ -z "$PD_TOKEN" ]; then
PD_TOKEN=$(cat ~/.pagerduty.token)
byrnedo / multierror.go
Created November 16, 2022 14:30
Multierror.go, mutliple go error container.
// MultiError don't use directly, use NewMultiError
type MultiError map[string]error
// NewMultiError returns nil if all errs are nil
func NewMultiError(errs map[string]error) error {
for k, v := range errs {
if v == nil {
delete(errs, k)
byrnedo / debounce.go
Last active November 2, 2022 08:53
Debounce go channel
package pkg
import (
// Debounce takes a channel, and will notify the output channel with the last received message at frequency min.
// Upon cancel or max timeout, it will check one last time for a message.
// Cancelling the ctx will cause the goroutine to exit.
byrnedo / repo.go
Last active December 19, 2023 12:18
Repo setup for go that lets you use transactions transparently
package repo
import (
// can be either a *sqlx.DB or a *sqlx.Tx
byrnedo / sqlx-stats-logger.go
Created July 21, 2022 05:59
Go routine to periodically log sqlx connection pool stats
go func(dbx *sqlx.DB) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
stats := dbx.Stats()
b, _ := json.Marshal(stats)
log.Printf("db stats: %d open, %d idle, %d in-use", stats.OpenConnections, stats.Idle, stats.InUse)
byrnedo /
Created June 23, 2021 13:22
Swedish Vaccination Time Checker
# A list of the clinics you're interested in polling, you'll find them via the 1177 links
for clin in 1546 500 493 2053 2056 521 528 506; do
apt=$(curl -s$clin/appointmentTypes |jq -r '.[] |select(.name == "1 pers Covid-19 30-64 år (född -57 till -91)")|.id')
echo $clin $apt
curl$clin/appointments/$apt/slots/210601-210731 -s |jq -e '.[].slots |any(.[]; .available == true)'|grep true
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
time=$(date +%s)
byrnedo /
Created February 15, 2021 13:05
selenium standalone tricks
# start a new session
curl --data '{"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName": "chrome"}}' --silent http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/session | jq -r .sessionId
byrnedo /
Created February 15, 2021 13:05
Fill terminal input and return to interactive
# Sends foo bar and baz then back to you
(printf 'foo\nbar\nbaz\n' && cat) | $1