vagrant tells the guest to run | bash ....
The tries to use wget (that's the preferred option)
# do_wget URL FILENAME
do_wget() {
echo "trying wget..."
wget -O "$2" "$1" 2>$tmp_dir/stderr
# check for 404
grep "ERROR 404" $tmp_dir/stderr 2>&1 >/dev/null
if test $? -eq 0; then
echo "ERROR 404"
# check for bad return status or empty output
if test $rc -ne 0 || test ! -s "$2"; then
capture_tmp_stderr "wget"
return 1
return 0
When the LANG variable is not set (which is the case for this debian box when the command is sent over ssh) wget seems to work but puts an error into the /tmp/ file which the omnitruck script spots and tells vagrant that chef_install failed.
This seems to be due to a ANSI -> UTF8 converstion done by wget. The download succeeds but the 404 in the log causes to fail and thus vagrant provisioning halts.
Seems like the script should use wget properly (wget returns 8 on a 404). The workaround was to tell vagrant to forward LANG from the local env
config.ssh.forward_env = ["LANG"]