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Last active March 12, 2023 13:40
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Permission Pattern for Rust
/// ref: [zhihu](
use crate::foo::{IncreaseOnly, new_increase_only};
fn main() {
let mut x1 = new_increase_only!(0);
let mut x2 = new_increase_only!(2);
let y = 1;
// only can be used in `x1`
let le = x1.check_less_or_equal(y).unwrap();
// ERROR! expected struct `main::__Permit`, found a different struct `main::__Permit`
mod foo {
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub struct LessOrEqual<Permit> {
x: u64,
permission: PhantomData<*mut Permit>,
impl<Permit> LessOrEqual<Permit> {
fn new(x: u64) -> Self {
Self { x, permission: PhantomData }
pub struct IncreaseOnly<Permit> {
x: u64,
permission: PhantomData<*mut Permit>,
macro_rules! new_increase_only {
($value: expr) => {
struct __Permit;
struct RawIncreaseOnly<Permit> {
x: u64,
permission: std::marker::PhantomData<*mut Permit>,
// we cannot use `IncreaseOnly::new` here
// since it will expose private API and lead to compile error
unsafe {
std::mem::transmute::<RawIncreaseOnly<__Permit>, IncreaseOnly<__Permit>>(
RawIncreaseOnly { x: $value, permission: std::marker::PhantomData }
pub(crate) use new_increase_only;
impl<Permit> IncreaseOnly<Permit> {
fn new(x: u64) -> Self {
Self { x, permission: PhantomData }
pub fn check_less_or_equal(&self, other: u64) -> Option<LessOrEqual<Permit>> {
if self.x <= other {
} else {
pub fn update(&mut self, greater_than_self: LessOrEqual<Permit>) {
self.x = greater_than_self.x;
Copy link


use crate::db::Db;
use crate::id::make_id;

mod db {
    use std::collections::HashMap;
    use crate::id::{Id, make_id};

    pub struct Db<Brand> {
        id: Id<Brand>,
        data: HashMap<String, i32>

    impl<Brand> Db<Brand> {
        pub fn new(id: Id<Brand>) -> Self {
            Self {
                data: HashMap::new(),

        pub fn insert(&mut self, key: String, value: i32) -> Permit<Brand> {
  , value);

        pub fn get(&self, key: &str, _permit: Permit<Brand>) -> Option<&i32> {

    pub struct Permit<Brand>(Id<Brand>);

    impl<Brand> Permit<Brand> {
        fn new(id: Id<Brand>) -> Self {

mod id {
    use std::marker::PhantomData;

    pub type InvariantType<T> = PhantomData<*mut T>;

    #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Id<Brand>(InvariantType<Brand>);

    impl<Brand> Id<Brand> {
        fn new() -> Self {

    impl<Brand> Clone for Id<Brand> {
        fn clone(&self) -> Self {

    macro_rules! make_id {
        () => {
                use crate::id::InvariantType;
                use std::marker::PhantomData;
                use crate::id::Id;

                struct __Brand;

                pub struct RawId<Brand>(InvariantType<Brand>);
                let raw_id: RawId<__Brand> = RawId(PhantomData);

                unsafe {
                    std::mem::transmute::<RawId<__Brand>, Id<__Brand>>(raw_id)

    pub(crate) use make_id;

fn main() {
    let id1 = make_id!();
    let id2 = make_id!();
    let mut db1 = Db::new(id1);
    let db2 = Db::new(id2);
    let key = String::from("key");
    let permit1 = db1.insert(key.clone(), 1);
    assert_eq!(db1.get(&key, permit1), Some(&1));
    db2.get(&key, permit1); // ERROR

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