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Last active June 3, 2021 16:31
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  • Save byteab/d9852a7cc102dae0f07186e1dc4fe700 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save byteab/d9852a7cc102dae0f07186e1dc4fe700 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
persist middleware catch implemented correctly
import {
} from './vanilla'
export const redux = <S extends State, A extends { type: unknown }>(
reducer: (state: S, action: A) => S,
initial: S
) => (
set: SetState<S>,
get: GetState<S>,
api: StoreApi<S> & {
dispatch?: (a: A) => A
devtools?: any
): S & { dispatch: (a: A) => A } => {
api.dispatch = (action: A) => {
set((state: S) => reducer(state, action))
if (api.devtools) {
api.devtools.send(api.devtools.prefix + action.type, get())
return action
return { dispatch: api.dispatch, ...initial }
type NamedSet<T extends State> = {
<K extends keyof T>(
partial: PartialState<T, K>,
replace?: boolean,
name?: string
): void
export const devtools = <S extends State>(
fn: (set: NamedSet<S>, get: GetState<S>, api: StoreApi<S>) => S,
prefix?: string
) => (
set: SetState<S>,
get: GetState<S>,
api: StoreApi<S> & { dispatch?: unknown; devtools?: any }
): S => {
let extension
try {
extension =
(window as any).__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ ||
(window as any).top.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__
} catch {}
if (!extension) {
if (
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' &&
typeof window !== 'undefined'
) {
console.warn('Please install/enable Redux devtools extension')
api.devtools = null
return fn(set, get, api)
const namedSet: NamedSet<S> = (state, replace, name) => {
set(state, replace)
if (!api.dispatch) {
api.devtools.send(api.devtools.prefix + (name || 'action'), get())
const initialState = fn(namedSet, get, api)
if (!api.devtools) {
const savedSetState = api.setState
api.setState = <K extends keyof S>(
state: PartialState<S, K>,
replace?: boolean
) => {
savedSetState(state, replace)
api.devtools.send(api.devtools.prefix + 'setState', api.getState())
api.devtools = extension.connect({ name: prefix })
api.devtools.prefix = prefix ? `${prefix} > ` : ''
api.devtools.subscribe((message: any) => {
if (message.type === 'DISPATCH' && message.state) {
const ignoreState =
message.payload.type === 'JUMP_TO_ACTION' ||
message.payload.type === 'JUMP_TO_STATE'
if (!api.dispatch && !ignoreState) {
} else {
} else if (
message.type === 'DISPATCH' &&
message.payload?.type === 'COMMIT'
) {
} else if (
message.type === 'DISPATCH' &&
message.payload?.type === 'IMPORT_STATE'
) {
const actions = message.payload.nextLiftedState?.actionsById
const computedStates =
message.payload.nextLiftedState?.computedStates || []
({ state }: { state: PartialState<S> }, index: number) => {
const action = actions[index] || api.devtools.prefix + 'setState'
if (index === 0) {
} else {
api.devtools.send(action, api.getState())
return initialState
type Combine<T, U> = Omit<T, keyof U> & U
export const combine = <
PrimaryState extends State,
SecondaryState extends State
initialState: PrimaryState,
create: (
set: SetState<PrimaryState>,
get: GetState<PrimaryState>,
api: StoreApi<PrimaryState>
) => SecondaryState
): StateCreator<Combine<PrimaryState, SecondaryState>> => (set, get, api) =>
(set as unknown) as SetState<PrimaryState>,
(get as unknown) as GetState<PrimaryState>,
(api as unknown) as StoreApi<PrimaryState>
type StateStorage = {
getItem: (name: string) => string | null | Promise<string | null>
setItem: (name: string, value: string) => void | Promise<void>
type StorageValue<S> = { state: S; version: number }
type PersistOptions<S> = {
/** Name of the storage (must be unique) */
name: string
* A function returning a storage.
* The storage must fit `window.localStorage`'s api (or an async version of it).
* For example the storage could be `AsyncStorage` from React Native.
* @default () => localStorage
getStorage?: () => StateStorage
* Use a custom serializer.
* The returned string will be stored in the storage.
* @default JSON.stringify
serialize?: (state: StorageValue<S>) => string | Promise<string>
* Use a custom deserializer.
* @param str The storage's current value.
* @default JSON.parse
deserialize?: (str: string) => StorageValue<S> | Promise<StorageValue<S>>
* Prevent some items from being stored.
blacklist?: (keyof S)[]
* Only store the listed properties.
whitelist?: (keyof S)[]
* A function returning another (optional) function.
* The main function will be called before the state rehydration.
* The returned function will be called after the state rehydration or when an error occurred.
onRehydrateStorage?: (state: S) => ((state?: S, error?: Error) => void) | void
* If the stored state's version mismatch the one specified here, the storage will not be used.
* This is useful when adding a breaking change to your store.
version?: number
* A function to perform persisted state migration.
* This function will be called when persisted state versions mismatch with the one specified here.
migrate?: (persistedState: any, version: number) => S | Promise<S>
interface Thenable<Value> {
then<V>(onFulfilled: (value: Value) => V): Thenable<V>
catch<V>(onRejected: (reason: Error) => V): Thenable<V>
const toThenable = <Result, Input>(
fn: (input: Input) => Result | Promise<Result> | Thenable<Result>
) => (input: Input): Thenable<Result> => {
try {
const result = fn(input)
if (result instanceof Promise) {
return result as Thenable<Result>
return {
then(onFulfilled) {
return toThenable(onFulfilled)(result as Result)
catch(onRejected) {
return this as Thenable<any> // FIXME can we avoid any ?
} catch (e) {
return {
then(onFulfilled) {
return this as Thenable<any> // FIXME can we avoid any ?
catch(onRejected) {
return toThenable(onRejected)(e)
export const persist = <S extends State>(
config: StateCreator<S>,
options: PersistOptions<S>
) => (set: SetState<S>, get: GetState<S>, api: StoreApi<S>): S => {
const {
getStorage = () => localStorage,
serialize = JSON.stringify,
deserialize = JSON.parse,
version = 0,
} = options || {}
let storage: StateStorage | undefined
try {
storage = getStorage()
} catch (e) {
// prevent error if the storage is not defined (e.g. when server side rendering a page)
if (!storage) {
return config(
(...args) => {
`Persist middleware: unable to update ${name}, the given storage is currently unavailable.`
const thenableSerialize = toThenable(serialize)
const setItem = (): Thenable<void> => {
const state = { ...get() }
if (whitelist) {
;(Object.keys(state) as (keyof S)[]).forEach((key) => {
!whitelist.includes(key) && delete state[key]
if (blacklist) {
blacklist.forEach((key) => delete state[key])
return thenableSerialize({ state, version }).then((serializedValue) => {
return (storage as StateStorage).setItem(name, serializedValue)
const savedSetState = api.setState
api.setState = (state, replace) => {
savedSetState(state, replace)
void setItem()
// rehydrate initial state with existing stored state
// a workaround to solve the issue of not storing rehydrated state in sync storage
// the set(state) value would be later overridden with initial state by create()
// to avoid this, we merge the state from localStorage into the initial state.
let stateFromStorageInSync: S | undefined
const postRehydrationCallback = onRehydrateStorage?.(get()) || undefined
// bind is used to avoid `TypeError: Illegal invocation` error
.then((storageValue) => {
if (storageValue) {
return deserialize(storageValue)
.then((deserializedStorageValue) => {
if (deserializedStorageValue) {
if (deserializedStorageValue.version !== version) {
if (migrate) {
return migrate(
`State loaded from storage couldn't be migrated since no migrate function was provided`
} else {
stateFromStorageInSync = deserializedStorageValue.state
.then((migratedState) => {
if (migratedState) {
stateFromStorageInSync = migratedState as S
set(migratedState as PartialState<S, keyof S>)
return setItem()
.then(() => {
postRehydrationCallback?.(get(), undefined)
.catch((e: Error) => {
postRehydrationCallback?.(undefined, e)
const configResult = config(
(...args) => {
void setItem()
return stateFromStorageInSync
? { ...configResult, ...stateFromStorageInSync }
: configResult
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byteab commented Jun 3, 2021
still have some typescript issues Type 'Thenable<void | Promise<void>>' is not assignable to type 'Thenable<void>'.
I think we should change toThenalbe types a little bit.
toThenable may return a Promise or a Thenable. the then and catch handlers' values are always a simple values, they are never a promise or a thenable.

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