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Last active May 8, 2023 20:07
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Neapolitan Pizza Dough. One recipe; two styles.
<article class="recipe recipe--old-style">
<h1>Neapolitan Pizza Dough</h1>
<h2><data class="servings" value="12">about twelve servings</data></h2>
<ul class="ingredients">
<li><data value='[1500, "g", "Bread Flour"]'>1500 g Bread Flour</data></li>
<li><data value='[5, "g", "Yeast"]'>5 g Yeast</data></li>
<li><data value='[10, "g", "Honey"]'>10 g Honey</data></li>
<li><data value='[25, "g", "Salt"]'>25 g Salt</data></li>
<li><data value='[50, "g", "Olive Oil"]'>50 g Olive Oil</data></li>
<li><data value='[1000, "g", "Water"]'>1000 g Water</data></li>
<div class="instructions">
<ol class="instructions__step">
<li><small>Mix</small> water, yeast, and honey in a large bowl.</li>
<li>Let yeast mixture bloom for <data class="duration" value="PT10M">10 minutes</data>.</li>
<ol class="instructions__step">
<li><small>Combine</small> flour and salt in a large bowl.</li>
<li>Pour the yeast mixture into the flour mixture.</li>
<li>Drizzle on the olive oil.</li>
<li>Knead with hands or dough scraper until combined, <data class="duration" value="PT5M">about 5 minutes</data>.</li>
<li>Then let dough rest for <data class="duration" value="PT30M">30 minutes</data>.</li>
<ol class="instructions__step">
<li><small>Remove</small> rested dough from bowl and knead for <data class="duration" value="PT15M">15 minutes</data>.</li>
<li>Form into a large ball and lightly coat with olive oil.</li>
<li>Cover dough with plastic wrap and let rise for <data class="duration" value="PT1H">1 hour</data>.</li>
<ol class="instructions__step">
<li><small>Lightly</small> dust a large sheetpan with flour.</li>
<li>Remove plastic wrap and form into <data class="portion" value='[220, "g", "balls"]'>220g portions.</li>
Let the dough rise for
<data class="duration" value='["PT3H","PT4H"]'>3 to 4 hours</data>
at room temperature, or
<data class="duration" value='["PT8H","PT24H"]'>8 to 24 hours</data>
in the refrigerator.
<ol class="instructions__step">
<li><small>Preheat</small> oven at <data class='temp' value='[500, "F"]'>500&deg;F</data>.</li>
Place single dough ball onto a floured work surface and
<li>Top and bake.</li>
<!-- END OF CODE -->
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