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Last active November 9, 2015 22:44
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Some experiments with HDFS MapFiles and hdfs-clj
(ns hdp-clj-wb.core
"Some tests with hadoop mapfiles. Example usage.
* Create a file with 1000 keys (from 000 to 999)
(hdp-clj-wb.core/make-map-file \"hdfs://localhost:9000/user/me/map3\" 1000)
* Get the MD5 of the key 235 of 1000
(hdp-clj-wb.core/get-md5 \"hdfs://localhost:9000/user/me/map3\" 234 1000)
* Get 4 items from the key 990 of 1000
(hdp-clj-wb.core/get-some-md5 \"hdfs://localhost:9000/user/me/map3\" 990 1000 4)
(:require [hdfs.core :as hdfs])
(:import ( Text MapFile MapFile$Writer SequenceFile$Writer$Option)
( MapFile$Reader SequenceFile$Reader$Option)
( MessageDigest)))
(defn format-key
[idx total]
(let [num-digits (int (Math/ceil (/ (Math/log total) (Math/log 10))))
format-str (format "%%0%dd" num-digits)]
(format format-str idx)))
(defn make-map-file
"Creates a Hadoop MapFile with num-records consecutive records
The key is the 0 padded string representing the index: 0001, 0002..
with as much zeros as needed to represent all the keys sorted lexicographically
The value is a string representing the MD5 of the key a0:12:32:. ... :33"
[path-str num-records]
(with-open [mf (MapFile$Writer.
(hdfs/make-path path-str)
(into-array SequenceFile$Writer$Option [(MapFile$Writer/keyClass Text) (MapFile$Writer/valueClass Text)]))]
(let [md5-engine (MessageDigest/getInstance "MD5")]
(doseq [item (range num-records)]
(let [k (Text. (format-key item num-records))
_ (doto md5-engine .reset (.update (.getBytes k)))
txt (clojure.string/join ":" (map (partial format "%02x") (vec (.digest md5-engine))))
v (Text. txt)]
(.append mf k v))))))
(defn get-md5
"Gets the value of the key idx of a total of `total`
from a file created by make-map-file"
[path-str idx total]
(with-open [mf (MapFile$Reader.
(hdfs/make-path path-str)
(into-array SequenceFile$Reader$Option []))]
(let [k (Text. (format-key idx total))
v-res (Text. )]
(when (.get mf k v-res)
[(str k) (str v-res)]))))
(defn get-some-md5
"The same as the function above but gets more records.
It shows how to perform a scan from an specific key"
[path-str idx total num-records]
(with-open [mf (MapFile$Reader.
(hdfs/make-path path-str)
(into-array SequenceFile$Reader$Option []))]
(let [k (Text. (format-key idx total))
v (Text. )
found? (.get mf k v)]
(loop [f-loop found? k-loop k v-loop v c-loop (dec num-records) res []]
(if (or (not f-loop) (< c-loop 0))
(let [pair [(str k-loop) (str v-loop)]
f-loop (.next mf k-loop v-loop)]
(recur f-loop k-loop v-loop (dec c-loop) (conj res pair))))))))
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