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Created July 26, 2019 09:08
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pub fn access_token() -> BoxedFilter<(String,)> {
let (set_token_value, token_value) =
let channel_lock = tokio_sync::lock::Lock::new(set_token_value);
.and_then(move || {
let current_value = token_value.get_ref().clone().filter(|t| t.is_valid());
let result = match current_value {
Some(token) => Either::A(ok(token.into_token())),
None => {
log::info!("Token missing value.");
// Clone channels for inner closures.
let inner_token_value = token_value.clone();
let mut lock = channel_lock.clone();
// Return a future to a future of the token value.
// Nesting the futures seems necessary, or at least cleanest, in order
// to have the guard on the lock hold while that future executes.
poll_fn(move || match lock.poll_lock() {
// Acquire a lock on the channel
futures::Async::Ready(mut guard) => {
let cv = inner_token_value.get_ref().clone().filter(|t| t.is_valid());
Ok(Async::Ready(match cv {
// If the token already exists, just return it.
Some(token) => {
log::info!("Token had value when lock acquired");
// Otherwise run get_token, send a copy of that token into the channel,
// and return the new token value.
_ => Either::B(gcloud::get_access_token().map_err(log_error).and_then(
move |token| {
// Put the value onto the channel.
log::info!("Completed token refresh.");
Async::NotReady => Ok(Async::NotReady),
// Unwrap the inner future
.and_then(|v| v),
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