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Created January 4, 2014 10:07
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This is a proof of concept to show how the debugger can be confused by overwriting the RETN instruction with its own opcode (0xc3) which will result in the debugger executing the code instead of trapping into the return address.
; Overwrite RETN opcode
; Control Flow Obfuscation
; c0d3inj3cT
include \masm32\include\
hMod dd 0
push cfm$("RETN -- 0xc3 Overwrite\n")
call crt_printf
push cfm$("Make the code section writable\n")
call crt_printf
call nextaddr
nextaddr: pop eax
mov ebx, eax
push 4
call crt_malloc
mov esi, eax
invoke LoadLibrary, chr$("kernel32.dll")
mov hMod, eax
invoke GetProcAddress, hMod, chr$("VirtualProtect")
mov ecx, eax
push esi
push 040h
push 0100h
push ebx
call ecx
push cfm$("Enter the proof of concept routine\n")
call crt_printf
call label1
popad ; Debugger will not trap here and instead execute the code
mov eax, 01h
shl eax, 08h
push eax
push cfm$("2 ^ 8 is: %#0x\n")
call crt_printf
call ExitProcess
call label2
label3: retn
pop eax
sub eax, offset label3
lea esi, dword ptr [eax+label3]
lea edi, dword ptr [eax+label4]
mov ecx, 1
rep movs byte ptr [edi], byte ptr [esi]
label4: retn
end start
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