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Last active February 4, 2024 05:28
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Alpine 3.19 desktop setup

Alpine 3.19 desktop setup

Install Alpine

  1. Get Standard ISO from
  2. Boot the ISO and log in as root (no password required).
  3. Run setup-alpine and install using defaults. For partition layout use sys or lvmsys.

Desktop Setup

On a fresh boot of newly installed system

Set up DNS and repositories

echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf 
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
sed -i 's/#http/http/g;' /etc/apk/repositories
grep -v '#/media/cdrom/apks' /etc/apk/repositories > /etc/apk/repositories.tmp
mv /etc/apk/repositories.tmp /etc/apk/repositories
apk update
apk upgrade

Install useful tools

apk add bash bash-completion chrony curl grep htop iproute2 lsof nano ncdu neofetch mc mtr openvpn p7zip procps rsync tcpdump vim wget whois xz
apk add abuild binutils ccache coreutils findutils gcompat hwdata-pci hwdata-usb linux-headers util-linux util-linux-misc pciutils usbutils shadow
apk add autoconf automake bison build-base cargo cmake flex libtool m4 patch pkgconfig
usermod -s /bin/bash root

Deploy Xorg, drivers and required tools

apk add xf86-video-vesa xf86-video-intel xf86-video-nouveau xf86-video-amdgpu
apk add dbus elogind polkit-elogind
rc-update add chronyd
rc-update add dbus
rc-update add elogind
rc-update add polkit
rc-service chronyd start
rc-service dbus start
rc-service elogind start
rc-service polkit start
apk add kbd xf86-input-synaptics xf86-input-libinput
apk add plasma

Install KDE and custom applications

apk add kde-applications
apk add audacity chromium docker docker-cli-compose gedit gimp flatpak font-adobe-source-code-pro keepassxc terminator
rc-update add docker
rc-update add sddm
setup-devd udev

Configure user

export INSTALL_USER="c0m4r"
useradd -m -d /home/${INSTALL_USER} -s /bin/bash ${INSTALL_USER}
usermod -a -G wheel ${INSTALL_USER}
echo ". /etc/profile" > /home/${INSTALL_USER}/.bashrc
echo "alias ls='ls --color'" >> /home/${INSTALL_USER}/.bashrc
echo "alias grep='grep --color'" >> /home/${INSTALL_USER}/.bashrc
chown ${INSTALL_USER}:${INSTALL_USER} /home/${INSTALL_USER}/.bashrc
passwd ${INSTALL_USER}

Sudo configuration

Uncomment sudo configuration for the wheel group

sudo visudo


That's all, everything should be up and running after reboot

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