Save c5e3/e0264a546b249b635349f2ee6c302f36 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/bash | |
modprobe -r ec_sys | |
modprobe ec_sys write_support=1 | |
on="\x8a" | |
off="\x0a" | |
led(){ | |
echo -n -e $1 | dd of="/sys/kernel/debug/ec/ec0/io" bs=1 seek=12 count=1 conv=notrunc 2> /dev/null | |
# thx to u/vali20 | |
# https://www.reddit.com/r/thinkpad/comments/7n8eyu/thinkpad_led_control_under_gnulinux/ | |
} | |
dit(){ | |
led $on | |
sleep 0.1 | |
led $off | |
sleep 0.1 | |
} | |
dah(){ | |
led $on | |
sleep 0.3 | |
led $off | |
sleep 0.1 | |
} | |
morse(){ | |
case $1 in | |
"0") dah; dah; dah; dah; dah;; | |
"1") dit; dah; dah; dah; dah;; | |
"2") dit; dit; dah; dah; dah;; | |
"3") dit; dit; dit; dah; dah;; | |
"4") dit; dit; dit; dit; dah;; | |
"5") dit; dit; dit; dit; dit;; | |
"6") dah; dit; dit; dit; dit;; | |
"7") dah; dah; dit; dit; dit;; | |
"8") dah; dah; dah; dit; dit;; | |
"9") dah; dah; dah; dah; dit;; | |
"a") dit; dah;; | |
"b") dah; dit; dit; dit;; | |
"c") dah; dit; dah; dit;; | |
"d") dah; dit; dit;; | |
"e") dit;; | |
"f") dit; dit; dah; dit;; | |
"g") dah; dah; dit;; | |
"h") dit; dit; dit; dit;; | |
"i") dit; dit;; | |
"j") dit; dah; dah; dah;; | |
"k") dah; dit; dah;; | |
"l") dit; dah; dit; dit;; | |
"m") dah; dah;; | |
"n") dah; dit;; | |
"o") dah; dah; dah;; | |
"p") dit; dah; dah; dit;; | |
"q") dah; dah; dit; dah;; | |
"r") dit; dah; dit;; | |
"s") dit; dit; dit;; | |
"t") dah;; | |
"u") dit; dit; dah;; | |
"v") dit; dit; dit; dah;; | |
"w") dit; dah; dah;; | |
"x") dah; dit; dit; dah;; | |
"y") dah; dit; dah; dah;; | |
"z") dah; dah; dit; dit;; | |
" ") sleep 0.6;; | |
#*) echo "done";; | |
esac | |
sleep 0.2; | |
} | |
parse(){ | |
tmp=$1 | |
for i in $(seq 0 ${#tmp}) | |
do | |
echo "current letter: ${tmp:$i:1}" | |
morse ${tmp:$i:1} | |
done | |
} | |
led $off | |
read -p "enter a word: " input | |
echo "blinking \"$input\"" | |
parse "$input" | |
sleep 1 | |
led $on | |
modprobe -r ec_sys |
doesn't work on Fedora27/ Thinkpad L460
https://gist.github.com/c5e3/e0264a546b249b635349f2ee6c302f36#file-thinkmorse-sh-L82 Should be
led $off
ec_sys is a stock kernel module: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/acpi/ec_sys.c
Script has to run as root, input must be lower case.
Tested on T580, works.
@hirschnase: it is included in ubuntu, not sure about other distros
@kachini: your os might lack ec_sys too. let me know, if you figure out, how to write raw data to your laptop's gpio without ec_sys
@hirschnase: what distro?
Cool! Works fine with opensuse 42.3
I cannot get this to work. It runs, sure, but there is no action,
Specifics of this X131e:
k0nsl01@laptop01:~/Documents/scripts$ uname -a
Linux laptop01 5.3.0 #1.linuxlite SMP Mon Sep 16 18:45:00 NZST 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
k0nsl01@laptop01:~/Documents/scripts$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Linux Lite 4.6
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic
not my project, but does this work? https://github.com/RichusX/thinkmorse
If you are using nixos you can have your LEDs permanently blink messages using the following module:
{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
options = {
services.thinkmorse = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Enable morse on the thinkpad led";
message = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
default = "Hello, World!";
description = "The message to display in morse code";
devices = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
default = [ "tpacpi::lid_logo_dot" ];
description = "The devices to use for morse code";
speed = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
default = "0.1";
description = "Duration of a dit in seconds";
config = lib.mkIf config.services.thinkmorse.enable (
ditDelay = config.services.thinkmorse.speed;
thinkmorse = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "thinkmorse" ''
modprobe -r ec_sys
modprobe ec_sys write_support=1
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (builtins.map (device: ''echo $1 | ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/tee /sys/class/leds/${device}/brightness'' ) config.services.thinkmorse.devices )}
led 1
sleep ${ditDelay}
led 0
sleep ${ditDelay}
led 1
sleep ${ditDelay}
sleep ${ditDelay}
sleep ${ditDelay}
led 0
sleep ${ditDelay}
case $1 in
"0") dah; dah; dah; dah; dah;;
"1") dit; dah; dah; dah; dah;;
"2") dit; dit; dah; dah; dah;;
"3") dit; dit; dit; dah; dah;;
"4") dit; dit; dit; dit; dah;;
"5") dit; dit; dit; dit; dit;;
"6") dah; dit; dit; dit; dit;;
"7") dah; dah; dit; dit; dit;;
"8") dah; dah; dah; dit; dit;;
"9") dah; dah; dah; dah; dit;;
"a") dit; dah;;
"b") dah; dit; dit; dit;;
"c") dah; dit; dah; dit;;
"d") dah; dit; dit;;
"e") dit;;
"f") dit; dit; dah; dit;;
"g") dah; dah; dit;;
"h") dit; dit; dit; dit;;
"i") dit; dit;;
"j") dit; dah; dah; dah;;
"k") dah; dit; dah;;
"l") dit; dah; dit; dit;;
"m") dah; dah;;
"n") dah; dit;;
"o") dah; dah; dah;;
"p") dit; dah; dah; dit;;
"q") dah; dah; dit; dah;;
"r") dit; dah; dit;;
"s") dit; dit; dit;;
"t") dah;;
"u") dit; dit; dah;;
"v") dit; dit; dit; dah;;
"w") dit; dah; dah;;
"x") dah; dit; dit; dah;;
"y") dah; dit; dah; dah;;
"z") dah; dah; dit; dit;;
" ") sleep ${ditDelay}; sleep ${ditDelay}; sleep ${ditDelay}; sleep ${ditDelay}; sleep ${ditDelay}; sleep ${ditDelay} ;;
#*) echo "done";;
sleep 0.2;
for i in $(seq 0 ''${#tmp})
echo "current letter: ''${tmp:$i:1}"
morse ''${tmp:$i:1}
led 0
parse "${config.services.thinkmorse.message}"
led 0
sleep 1
systemd.services.thinkmorse = {
enable = true;
description = "Morse a message on the thinkpad led";
after = [ "systemd-modules-load.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
serviceConfig = {
Restart = "always";
Type = "simple";
ExecStart = "${lib.getExe thinkmorse}";
Cool idea. And this ec_sys kernel module is available where?