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Last active March 31, 2022 08:49
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A testing suite for Exercise 5: Agda of AFP 2022 at UU
module TestExer-cad0p where
import Exercise
open Exercise
-- You need to add this line at the top of Exercise.agda :
-- {-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
-- for this module to be able to import the other module.
------- TO COMPLETE ------
-- what is the function to add vectors?
_+v_ : {n : Nat} -> Vec Nat n -> Vec Nat n -> Vec Nat n
_+v_ = vadd
-- what is the function to add matrices?
_+m_ : {n m : Nat} -> Matrix Nat m n -> Matrix Nat m n -> Matrix Nat m n
_+m_ = madd
-- we need to define another function to create a vector of
-- size n with all 0s
zeroVec : (n : Nat) -> Vec Nat n
zeroVec Zero = Nil
zeroVec (Succ n) = Cons 0 (zeroVec n)
-- a function that maps i to n - i
-- this evaluates to Zero if n < i
compNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
compNat (Succ n) (Succ i) = compNat n i
compNat n i = n
-- creates a vector of size n with a 1 in position i, 0 < i <= n
-- idVec {1} 1 == Cons 1 Nil
idVec : {n : Nat} -> Nat -> Maybe (Vec Nat n)
idVec {Zero} Zero = Just Nil
idVec {Zero} (Succ i) = Nothing
idVec {Succ n} Zero = Nothing
idVec {Succ n} 1 = Just (Cons 1 (zeroVec n))
idVec {Succ n} (Succ i) with idVec {n} i
... | Just x = Just (Cons 0 x)
... | Nothing = Nothing
-- needed for Ex 1 <*> testing
vmapf : {a b : Set} {n : Nat} -> (a -> b) -> Vec (a -> b) n
vmapf {a} {b} {Zero} f = Nil
vmapf {a} {b} {Succ n} f = Cons f (vmapf f)
-- so I'm defining a function that simply returns the vector
-- for testing of the compiler
vreturn : {a : Set} {n : Nat} -> Vec a n -> Vec a n
vreturn v = v
testZeroVec : zeroVec Zero == Nil
testZeroVec = Refl
testZeroVec2 : zeroVec 2 == Cons Zero (Cons Zero Nil)
testZeroVec2 = Refl
testIdVec : idVec {0} 0 == Just Nil
testIdVec = Refl
testIdVec1 : idVec {1} 1 == Just (Cons 1 Nil)
testIdVec1 = Refl
testIdVec2₀ : idVec {2} 0 == Nothing
testIdVec2₀ = Refl
testIdVec2₁ : idVec {2} 1 == Just (Cons 1 (Cons Zero Nil))
testIdVec2₁ = Refl
testIdVec2₂ : idVec {2} 2 == Just (Cons Zero (Cons 1 Nil))
testIdVec2₂ = Refl
testIdVec2₃ : idVec {2} 3 == Nothing
testIdVec2₃ = Refl
testCompNat2₀ : compNat 2 0 == 2
testCompNat2₀ = Refl
testCompNat2₁ : compNat 2 1 == 1
testCompNat2₁ = Refl
testCompNat2₂ : compNat 2 2 == 0
testCompNat2₂ = Refl
----- Exercise 1 -----
testPure : pure {1} {Bool} True == {! Cons True Nil !}
testPure = Refl
testPure2 : pure {2} {Bool} True == {! Cons True (Cons True Nil) !}
testPure2 = Refl
test-<*> : (vmapf (λ b -> False) <*> Cons True (Cons False Nil)) ==
{! Cons False (Cons False Nil) !}
test-<*> = Refl
testVmap : {a b : Set} {n : Nat} {v : Vec a n} {f : (a -> b)} ->
((vmapf f) <*> v) == vmap f v
testVmap {a} {b} {.0} {Nil} {f} = {! Refl !}
testVmap {a} {b} {Succ n} {Cons x v} {f} =
let ih = {! testVmap {a} {b} {n} {v} {f} !} in {! cong (Cons (f x)) testVmap !}
test-+v : (Cons 1 (Cons 2 Nil) +v Cons 3 (Cons 4 Nil)) == {! Cons 4 (Cons 6 Nil) !}
test-+v = Refl
----- Exercise 2 -----
testMatrix : Matrix Bool 1 1
testMatrix = Cons (Cons True Nil) Nil
testMatrixEmpty : Matrix Bool 0 0
testMatrixEmpty = Nil
matrix3₃ : Matrix Nat 3 3
matrix3₃ =
Cons (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil)))(
Cons (Cons 4 (Cons 5 (Cons 6 Nil)))(
Cons (Cons 7 (Cons 8 (Cons 9 Nil)))
matrix3₂ : Matrix Nat 3 2
matrix3₂ =
Cons (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil)))(
Cons (Cons 4 (Cons 5 (Cons 6 Nil)))
test-+m : (matrix3₂ +m matrix3₂) ==
{! Cons (Cons 2 (Cons 4 (Cons 6 Nil))) (
Cons (Cons 8 (Cons 10 (Cons 12 Nil)))
Nil) !}
test-+m = Refl
testIdMatrix₀ : idMatrix {0} == {! Nil !}
testIdMatrix₀ = Refl
testIdMatrix₁ : idMatrix {1} == {! Cons (Cons 1 Nil) Nil !}
testIdMatrix₁ = Refl
testIdMatrix₂ : idMatrix {2} ==
{! Cons (Cons 1 (Cons Zero Nil)) (
Cons (Cons Zero (Cons 1 Nil))
Nil) !}
testIdMatrix₂ = Refl
testIdMatrix₃ : idMatrix {3} ==
{! Cons (Cons 1 (Cons Zero (Cons Zero Nil)))(
Cons (Cons Zero (Cons 1 (Cons Zero Nil)))(
Cons (Cons Zero (Cons Zero (Cons 1 Nil)))
Nil)) !}
testIdMatrix₃ = Refl
testTranspose3₃ : transpose matrix3₃ ==
{! Cons (Cons 1 (Cons 4 (Cons 7 Nil))) (
Cons (Cons 2 (Cons 5 (Cons 8 Nil))) (
Cons (Cons 3 (Cons 6 (Cons 9 Nil)))
Nil)) !}
testTranspose3₃ = Refl
-- test that it works correctly on non-square matrices
testTranspose3₂ : transpose matrix3₂ ==
{! Cons (Cons 1 (Cons 4 Nil)) (
Cons (Cons 2 (Cons 5 Nil)) (
Cons (Cons 3 (Cons 6 Nil))
Nil)) !}
testTranspose3₂ = Refl
----- Exercise 3 -----
testPlan1 : plan {1} == {! Cons Fz Nil !}
testPlan1 = Refl
testPlan2 : plan {2} == {! Cons Fz (Cons (Fs Fz) Nil) !}
testPlan2 = Refl
testForget : forget {4} (Fs (Fs Fz)) == {! 2 !}
testForget = Refl
-- the test for embed is in the Exercise
-- it's called 'correct'
-- correct : {n : Nat} -> (i : Fin n) -> forget i == forget (embed i)
----- Exercise 4 -----
testCmp-₀≡₀ : cmp Zero Zero == {! Equal !}
testCmp-₀≡₀ = Refl
testCmp-₀<₁ : cmp Zero 1 == {! LessThan 1 !}
testCmp-₀<₁ = Refl
testCmp-₀<₃ : cmp Zero 3 == {! LessThan 3 !}
testCmp-₀<₃ = Refl
testCmp-₁>₀ : cmp 1 Zero == {! GreaterThan 1 !}
testCmp-₁>₀ = Refl
testCmp-₃>₀ : cmp 3 Zero == {! GreaterThan 3 !}
testCmp-₃>₀ = Refl
-- now with the recursive case
testCmp-₅≡₅ : cmp 5 5 == {! Equal !}
testCmp-₅≡₅ = Refl
testCmp-₅<₆ : cmp 5 6 == {! LessThan 1 !}
testCmp-₅<₆ = Refl
testCmp-₅<₈ : cmp 5 8 == {! LessThan 3 !}
testCmp-₅<₈ = Refl
testCmp-₆>₅ : cmp 6 5 == {! GreaterThan 1 !}
testCmp-₆>₅ = Refl
testCmp-₈>₅ : cmp 8 5 == {! GreaterThan 3 !}
testCmp-₈>₅ = Refl
-- now test difference
testDifference-|0-0| : difference Zero Zero == {! Zero !}
testDifference-|0-0| = Refl
testDifference-|0-1| : difference Zero 1 == {! 1 !}
testDifference-|0-1| = Refl
testDifference-|1-0| : difference 1 Zero == {! 1 !}
testDifference-|1-0| = Refl
testDifference-|0-5| : difference Zero 5 == {! 5 !}
testDifference-|0-5| = Refl
testDifference-|5-0| : difference 5 Zero == {! 5 !}
testDifference-|5-0| = Refl
testDifference-|5-5| : difference 5 5 == {! Zero !}
testDifference-|5-5| = Refl
testDifference-|8-5| : difference 8 5 == {! 3 !}
testDifference-|8-5| = Refl
testDifference-|5-8| : difference 5 8 == {! 3 !}
testDifference-|5-8| = Refl
----- Exercise 5 -----
-- check the exercise
----- Exercise 6 -----
-- check the exercise
----- Exercise 7 -----
-- check the exercise
----- Exercise 8 -----
-- check the exercise
----- Exercise 9 -----
-- in order to understand what is meant by the correctness
-- of the compiler, I will write here some tests
-- n should be equal to m
-- n is the compiler, m is how a correct compiler should behave
testCompilerValₙ : exec (compile (Val 1)) Nil == {! Cons 1 Nil !}
testCompilerValₙ = Refl
-- this he didn't like for some reason
-- Cons (eval (Val 1)) Nil == {! !}
-- I previously used append Nil xs but it would flip the results
testCompilerValₘ : vreturn (Cons (eval (Val 1)) Nil) == Cons 1 Nil
testCompilerValₘ = Refl
-- now let's try with a zeroVec
testCompilerValₙ-zeroVec4 : exec (
compile (Val 1)) ({! zeroVec 4 !}) ==
{! Cons 1 (Cons Zero (Cons Zero (Cons Zero (Cons Zero Nil)))) !}
testCompilerValₙ-zeroVec4 = Refl
-- yay vreturn doesn't complain
testCompilerValₘ-zeroVec4 : vreturn (
Cons (eval (Val 1)) (zeroVec 4)) ==
Cons 1 (Cons Zero (Cons Zero (Cons Zero (Cons Zero Nil))))
testCompilerValₘ-zeroVec4 = Refl
testCompilerValₙ-zeroVec1 : exec
(compile (Val 1)) ({! zeroVec 1 !}) ==
{! Cons 1 (Cons Zero Nil) !}
testCompilerValₙ-zeroVec1 = Refl
-- yay vreturn doesn't complain
testCompilerValₘ-zeroVec1 : vreturn
(Cons (eval (Val 1)) (zeroVec 1)) ==
Cons 1 (Cons Zero Nil)
testCompilerValₘ-zeroVec1 = Refl
-- so from the above we conclude that
-- the compiler is correct for Val
-- let's try the add constructor
addSimpleExpr : {! Expr 1 !}
addSimpleExpr = Add (Val 1) (Val 2)
testCompilerAddSimpleₙ :
exec (compile addSimpleExpr) Nil == {! Cons 3 Nil !}
testCompilerAddSimpleₙ = Refl
testCompilerAddSimpleₘ :
append Nil (Cons (eval addSimpleExpr) Nil) == Cons 3 Nil
testCompilerAddSimpleₘ = Refl
testCompilerAddSimpleₙ-zeroVec1 :
exec (compile addSimpleExpr) ({! zeroVec 1 !}) ==
{! Cons 3 (Cons Zero Nil) !}
testCompilerAddSimpleₙ-zeroVec1 = Refl
testCompilerAddSimpleₘ-zeroVec1 :
vreturn (Cons (eval addSimpleExpr) (zeroVec 1)) ==
Cons 3 (Cons Zero Nil)
testCompilerAddSimpleₘ-zeroVec1 = Refl
-- add nested expressions...
addNestedExpr : {! Expr 2 !}
addNestedExpr = Add (Add (Val 1) (Val 2)) (Add (Val 3) (Val 4))
testCompilerAddNestedₙ :
exec (compile addNestedExpr) Nil == {! Cons 10 Nil !}
testCompilerAddNestedₙ = Refl
testCompilerAddNestedₘ :
append Nil (Cons (eval addNestedExpr) Nil) == Cons 10 Nil
testCompilerAddNestedₘ = Refl
-- deeply nested adds..
addNested₂Expr : {! Expr 3 !}
addNested₂Expr = Add addNestedExpr addNestedExpr
testCompilerAddNested₂ₙ :
exec (compile addNested₂Expr) Nil == {! Cons 20 Nil !}
testCompilerAddNested₂ₙ = Refl
testCompilerAddNested₂ₘ :
append Nil (Cons (eval addNested₂Expr) Nil) == Cons 20 Nil
testCompilerAddNested₂ₘ = Refl
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