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║█████████████████████ D e l f t 3 D - P A R T █████████████████████║
║██ D-Particle Tracking Water quality simulation in 2D/3D models ██║
║ Deltares, PART Version, Jan 12 2019, 22:53:17 ║
║ Deltares, P.O. Box 177, 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands ║
║ Sales : [email protected] tel: +31 (0)88 335 8188 ║
║ Support options: [email protected] tel: +31 (0)88 335 8100 ║
║ Open source website and forum: ║
║ Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Deltares ║
Parallel processing with 24 processor(s)
Applied hydrodynamics file (hyd-file): com-run.hyd
Number of layers : 5
Numerical scheme : 1
Time step for hydrodynamics : 1800 seconds
Time step for part. tracking: 1800 seconds
Modelled substances :
Ekofisk disp
Ekofisk stick
You are using the oil model
Number of oil fractions : 1
Number of particles to be used : 287402
Input file succesfully read.
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