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Created July 12, 2024 14:23
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NetCDF Python tools for Deltares Delft3d-FM files
To to read and process Deltares Delft3d-FM netCDF files: and
Plotting using Matplotlib and Basemap.
Using pyugrid to read grids from the files.
Bogdan Hlevca
20160913 -- Initial version created
netcdf4-python --
pyugrid --
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri
from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation, TriAnalyzer, UniformTriRefiner
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import as cm
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import matplotlib
import netCDF4
import pyugrid
import cartopy
from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER
import shapefile
# Python library that can read unstructured grid subclassed from pygrid
# to handle a few nonstandard features in dflowfm netCDF files
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.expanduser(__file__))))
sys.path.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, PACKAGE_PARENT)))
import d3d_fm_ugrid
import read_nc_cdf
import streamplot_ug
class NcMapD3dfm(read_nc_cdf.NcCdf):
Class encapsulating the Delft3D-FM netCDF MAP file features and plotting
# plot:0 = no plotting; 1 = plot as a map, 2 = plot as a map with one arg, 3 = plot the mesh,
# 4 = plot statistics such as number of nodes, 5 = plot stat with arg
# FixME: old variables, will be removed
old_variable_dicts = [
{'Name': 'BndLink', 'standard': '', 'long': 'Netlinks that compose the net boundary', 'plot': 4},
{'Name': 'FlowElemContour_x', 'standard:': 'projection_x_coordinate',
'long': 'List of x-points forming flow element', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'FlowElemContour_y', 'standard': 'projection_y_coordinate',
'long': 'List of y-points forming flow element', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'FlowElem_bac', 'standard': 'cell_area', 'long': 'Flow element area', 'plot': 1},
{'Name': 'FlowElem_bl', 'standard': 'sea_floor_depth', 'long': "Bottom level at flow element's circumcenter.",
'plot': 1},
{'Name': 'FlowElem_xcc', 'standard': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long': 'Flow element circumcenter x',
'plot': 1},
{'Name': 'FlowElem_ycc', 'standard': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long': 'Flow element circumcenter y',
'plot': 1},
{'Name': 'FlowElem_zcc', 'standard': '', 'long': 'Flow element average bottom level (average of all corners).',
'plot': 1},
{'Name': 'FlowLink', 'standard': '', 'long': 'link/interface between two flow elements', 'plot': 0},
{'Name': 'FlowLinkType', 'standard': '', 'long': 'type of flowlink', 'plot': 0},
{'Name': 'FlowLink_latu', 'standard': 'latitude', 'long': 'flowlink latitude', 'plot': 0},
{'Name': 'FlowLink_lonu', 'standard': 'longitude', 'long': 'flowlink longitude', 'plot': 0},
{'Name': 'FlowLink_xu', 'standard': 'projection_x_coordinate',
'long': 'Center coordinate of flow link (x velocity point).', 'plot': 0},
{'Name': 'FlowLink_yu', 'standard': 'projection_y_coordinate',
'long': 'Center coordinate of flow link (y velocity point).', 'plot': 0},
{'Name': 'Mesh2D', 'standard': '', 'long': '', 'plot': 3},
{'Name': 'NetElemNode', 'standard': '', 'long': 'Mapping from net cell to net nodes.', 'plot': 4},
{'Name': 'NetLink', 'standard': 'netlink', 'long': 'link between two netnodes', 'plot': 4},
{'Name': 'NetLinkContour_x', 'standard': 'projection_x_coordinate',
'long': 'List of x-contour points of momentum control volume surrounding each net/flow link.', 'plot': 4},
{'Name': 'NetLinkContour_y', 'standard': 'projection_y_coordinate',
'long': 'List of y-contour points of momentum control volume surrounding each net/flow link.', 'plot': 4},
{'Name': 'NetLinkType', 'standard': '', 'long': 'type of netlink', 'plot': 4},
{'Name': 'NetLink_xu', 'standard': 'projection_x_coordinate',
'long': 'Center coordinate of net link (x velocity point).', 'plot': 4},
{'Name': 'NetLink_yu', 'standard': 'projection_y_coordinate',
'long': 'Center coordinate of net link (y velocity point).', 'plot': 4},
{'Name': 'NetNode_lat', 'standard': 'latitude', 'long': 'node latitude', 'plot': 0},
{'Name': 'NetNode_lon', 'standard': 'longitude', 'long': 'node longitude', 'plot': 0},
{'Name': 'NetNode_x', 'standard': 'projection_x_coordinate', 'long': 'x-coordinate of net nodes', 'plot': 0},
{'Name': 'NetNode_y', 'standard': 'projection_y_coordinate', 'long': 'y-coordinate of net nodes', 'plot': 0},
{'Name': 'NetNode_z', 'standard': 'sea_floor_depth',
'long': "Bottom level at net nodes (flow element's corners)", 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'Numlimdt', 'standard': '*Numlimdt', 'long': 'Nr of times cell was Courant limiting', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'czs', 'standard': '', 'long': 'Chezy roughness', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'diu', 'standard': 'Horizontal diffusivity', 'long': '', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'projected_coordinate_system', 'standard': '', 'long': '', 'plot': 0},
{'Name': 'q1', 'standard': 'flow_flux', 'long': 'Flow flux', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 's0', 'standard': 'sea_surface_height', 'long': 'waterlevel old', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 's1', 'standard': 'sea_surface_height', 'long': 'waterlevel', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'taus', 'standard': 'taucurrent', 'long': 'taucurrent in cell center', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'timestep', 'standard': 'timestep', 'long': '', 'plot': 5},
{'Name': 'u0', 'standard': 'sea_water_speed_old', 'long': '', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'ucx', 'standard': 'eastward_sea_water_velocity', 'long': 'eastward velocity on cell center',
'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'ucy', 'standard': 'northward_sea_water_velocity', 'long': 'northward velocity on cell center',
'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'unorm', 'standard': 'sea_water_speed', 'long': '', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'viu', 'standard': 'Horizontal viscosity', 'long': '', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'waterdepth', 'standard': '*waterdepth', 'long': 'waterdepth', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'windx', 'standard': '', 'long': 'eastward air velocity on cell center', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'windxu', 'standard': 'eastward_wind', 'long': 'eastward air velocity on flow links', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'windy', 'standard': '', 'long': 'northward air velocity on cell center', 'plot': 2},
{'Name': 'windyu', 'standard': 'northward_wind', 'long': 'northward air velocity on flow links', 'plot': 2},
# FixMe Data variables list for UGRID based netCDF file.
# Will be expanded as the 3D variables and other variables will be added
ugrid_variable_dicts = [
{'name': 'node_z', 'standard_name': 'altitude', 'long_name': 'z-coordinate of mesh nodes', 'location': 'node'},
{'name': 'edge_type', 'standard_name': '', 'long_name': 'edge type (relation between edge and flow geometry)',
'location': 'edge'},
{'name': 'flowelem_ba', 'standard_name': 'cell_area', 'long_name': '', 'location': 'face'},
{'name': 'flowelem_bl', 'standard_name': 'altitude', 'long_name': 'flow element center bedlevel (bl)',
'location': 'face'},
{'name': 'Numlimdt', 'standard_name': '', 'long_name': 'number of times flow element was Courant limiting',
'location': 'face'},
{'name': 's1', 'standard_name': 'sea_surface_height', 'long_name': 'water level', 'location': 'face'},
{'name': 'waterdepth', 'standard_name': 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface',
'long_name': 'water depth at pressure points', 'location': 'face'},
{'name': 's0', 'standard_name': 'sea_surface_height', 'long_name': 'water level on previous timestep',
'location': 'face'},
{'name': 'u1', 'standard_name': '', 'long_name': 'normal velocity at velocity point', 'location': 'edge'},
{'name': 'u0', 'standard_name': '', 'long_name': 'normal velocity at velocity point at previous time step',
'location': 'edge'},
{'name': 'ucx', 'standard_name': 'sea_water_x_velocity',
'long_name': 'x-component of flow element center velocity vector', 'location': 'face'},
{'name': 'ucy', 'standard_name': 'sea_water_y_velocity',
'long_name': 'y-component of flow element center velocity vector', 'location': 'face'},
{'name': 'q1', 'standard_name': 'discharge', 'long_name': 'Discharge through flow link at current time',
'location': 'edge'},
{'name': 'taus', 'standard_name': '', 'long_name': 'Total bed shear stress', 'location': 'face'},
{'name': 'czs', 'standard_name': '', 'long_name': 'Chezy roughness', 'location': 'face'}
def __init__(self, file):
Initialize the object and open the file
:param file: netCDF file that contains UGRID based MAP data
self.nc_attrs = None # netCDF attributes
self.nc_dims = None # netCDF dimensions
self.nc_vars = None # netCDF variables
self.dt_time = None # time variable/dimension as datetime objects
self.nm_time = None # time variable/dimension as Julian Days
self.fname = file # file name to be opened
self.ugrid = None # the UGRID object instantiated from pyugrid
self.pause = False # pause flag that is toggled by clicking the animation canvas
print('open file: %s' % self.fname)
self.f = netCDF4.Dataset(self.fname, 'r', 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC') # format='NETCDF4 or 'NETCD F4')
self.ugrid = d3d_fm_ugrid.D3dfmUGrid.from_ncfile(self.fname, load_data=True)
except IOError:
print("Cannot open file:%s" % self.fname)
raise IOError("could not open file: %d" % self.fname)
def __del__(self):
print('closed file: %s' % self.fname)
del self.ugrid
# FixMe It will be removed once UGRID format is going to be the standard
def get_plot_type_old(self, varname):
:param varname:
:return: str - plot type pvariable name that would be plotted
for entry in NcMapD3dfm.var_varble_dicts:
if entry['Name'] == varname:
return entry['plot']
print("EWrror: No variable with name: %s was found." % varname)
raise KeyError("Only 12 plots are supported.")
# FixMe - Make this smarter based by keys/convensions from below rather than hardcoded
def is_vector(self, var):
Returns true if variable name matches the convention
sea_water_speed direction_of_sea_water_velocity
sea_ice_speed direction_of_sea_ice_speed
wind_speed wind_to_direction
eastward_sea_water_velocity northward_sea_water_velocity
eastward_sea_ice_velocity northward_sea_ice_velocity
eastward_wind_shear northward_wind_shear
surface_downward_eastward_wind surface_downward_northward_wind
eastward_wind northward_wind
x-component y-component' face
n-component' t-component' edge
:param var: variable object to be plotted
:return: False if not a vecor variable or the name of the variable
vectors = {'u1': 'u0', 'u0': 'u1',
'ucx': 'ucy', 'ucy': 'ucx',
'windx': 'windy', 'windy': 'windx',
'windxu': 'windyu', 'windyu': 'windxu'
if in vectors:
return vectors[]
return False
def draw_mesh(self, ax=None, projection: object =, triang=None, depth=None, unit=None,
numbercontours=None, contourcolors=None, contourwidths=None, contourmap=None, refine=1,
meshcolor='darkgrey', shpfilename=None, color='brown', blabels=False) -> object:
Draw the triangular mesh
:param ax: Axes object
:param projection: geographical projection - one of cartopy PlateCarree, Mercator or UTM
:param triang: the tri.triangulation.Triangulation object containing the mesh data
:param depth: Default None. The bathymetry of the center of the face. If None only the mesh will be plotted
:param unit: Default None. {str} represeting the unit of the depth
:param numbercontours: Default None, {int} if not None the numnber of contours will be drawn
based on bathymetry data
:param contourcolors: Default None,
If None, the colormap specified by cmap will be used.
If a {string}, like ‘r’ or ‘red’, all levels will be plotted in this color.
If a {tuple} of matplotlib color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will
be plotted in different colors in the order specified, and repeated if there are
more contours than item in the tuple
:param contourwidths: Default None, number | tuple of numbers ]
If linewidths is None, the default width in lines.linewidth in matplotlibrc is used.
If a number, all levels will be plotted with this linewidth.
If a tuple, different levels will be plotted with different linewidths in the
order specified and repeated if there are more contours than item in the tuple
:param contourmap: Default None, {str} name of the cmap for the contour lines
:param refine: Default 0, {integer}
If refine > 0 an interpolation will be performed recursively
Each triangle will be divided into 4**refine child triangles.
:param meshcolor: Default 'darkgrey' Color of the mesh line. Works only if depth=None
:param shpfilename: shapefile name full path. If None no lineboundary will be drawn
:param color: color of the boundary line
:param blabels: boolean - if True will print labels on axes according to the projection type
if ax is None:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection=projection)
if blabels:
if isinstance(projection, or isinstance(projection,
gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True)
gl.xlabels_top = gl.ylabels_right = False
gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER
elif isinstance(projection,
ax.set_ylabel("%s [%s]" % ('y coordinate', 'm'))
ax.set_xlabel("%s [%s]" % ('x coordinate', 'm'))
if isinstance(triang, tri.triangulation.Triangulation):
# plot the bathymethry if depth on the nodes is provided
if depth is not None:
im = ax.tripcolor(triang, facecolors=depth, edgecolors=meshcolor) # or lon, lat, triangles
cbar = plt.colorbar(im)
cbar.set_label('{name} [{unit}]'.format(name='depth', unit=unit))
kw = dict(marker='.', linestyle='-', alpha=0.25, color=meshcolor)
ax.triplot(triang, **kw) # or lon, lat, triangles
print("Error Only Triangulation variables are supported ")
raise ValueError
if numbercontours is not None and isinstance(numbercontours, int):
# draw bathymetry contours
variable_name = "node_z"
dvar = self.ugrid.find_uvars_byname(variable_name)
depth_obj = next(iter(dvar))
z =
if refine > 0:
# Refine data
refiner = tri.UniformTriRefiner(triang)
tri_refi, z_test_refi = refiner.refine_field(z, subdiv=refine)
tri_refi, z_test_refi = triang, z
levels = np.arange(min(z), max(z), (max(z) - min(z)) / numbercontours)
if contourmap is None:
cmap = cm.get_cmap(name='terrain', lut=None)
cmap = cm.get_cmap(name=contourmap, lut=None)
plt.tricontour(tri_refi, z_test_refi, levels=levels,
colors=contourcolors, linewidths=contourwidths)
if shpfilename is not None:
reader = shapefile.Reader(shpfilename)
for shape in reader.shapeRecords():
x = [i[0] for i in shape.shape.points[:]]
y = [i[1] for i in shape.shape.points[:]]
plt.plot(x, y, linewidth=1, color=color)
return ax
def onclick(self, event):
Callback for the button_press_event
:param event: click event
self.pause ^= True
def generateseq(self, len):
Generator that is equiivalent to range(0, len(time))
:param len: length of the time sequence
:return: nothing
t = 0
dt = 0.05
tmax = 10
while t < tmax:
if not self.pause:
self.n += 1
t += dt
if self.n == len:
yield self.n-1
def animate(self,, var=None,
marker='+', msize=2, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='jet',
vectscale=10, vectthin=10, headwidth=3, headlength=5,
title=None, year=1, month=1, day=1,
xlabel=None, ylabel=None, km=False,
cbar=True, cborient='vertical', cbfrac=0.0355, cbpad=0.05, ncolors=None,
shpfilename=None, scolor='brown',
interval=40, repeat=False,
blit=False, save=False, block=False):
Callback function for the animation.FuncAnimation
:param projection: geographical projection - one of: cartopy PlateCarree, Mercator or UTM
:param var: set() of pugrid.UVar objects
:param marker: marker character that is accepted my maptlotlib.pyplot.scatter function
:param msize: scalar or array_like, shape (n, ), optional, default: 20, marker size in points^2.
:param vmin: scalar, optional, default: None, used in conjunction with norm to normalize luminance data
:param vmax: scalar, optional, default: None, used in conjunction with norm to normalize luminance data
If either are None, the min and max of the color array is used.
Note if you pass a norm instance, your settings for vmin and vmax will be ignored.
:param cmap: Colormap, optional, default: None
:param vectscale: Data units per arrow length unit, e.g., m/s per plot width; a smaller scale parameter
makes the arrow longer. If None, a simple autoscaling algorithm is used, based on the
average vector length and the number of vectors. The arrow length unit is given by the
scale_units parameter
:param vectthin: Default 1, thining of the vector/quiver density
:param headwidth: scalar, Head width as multiple of shaft width, default is 3
:param headlength: scalar Head length as multiple of shaft width, default is 5
:param title: String, Title of the plot. Default: None
:param year: Start year
:param month: Start month
:param day: Start day
:param xlabel: Default None. Str will plot the value of the string
:param ylabel: Default None. Str will plot the value of the string
:param km: Default False, True will convert UTM coordinates to km
:param cbar: boolean, True will plot a color bar.
:param cborient: orinetation of the color bar 'vertical' or 'horizontal' Default 'vertical'
:param cbfrac: 0.15; fraction of original axes to use for colorbar
:param cbpad: 0.05 if vertical, 0.15 if horizontal; fraction of original axes between colorbar and new image ax
:param ncolors: Default 256, Set to 20 to obtain the band effects
:param shpfilename: absolute path name of the boundary line shapefile
:param scolor: boundary line color, Default 'brown'
:param interval: init_func is a function used to draw a clear frame. If not given, the results of drawing from the first item in the frames sequence will be used. This function will be called once before the first frame.
:param repeat: Boolean, Default=False, if True animation is repeated and does not stop
:param blit: Boolean, If blit=True, func and init_func must return an iterable of artists to be re-drawn.
:param save: Boolean, If save=True a mp4 file with the name of the variable will be saved
:param block: Boolean if True, the animation will be diplayed before ending the function
scatter = None
def update_plot(ts, ax, vari, timeobj, scatter):
Reset the color of the marker based on the value
:param ts:
print("update_plot: %d" % ts)
ax.set_title(timeobj[ts].strftime("%d-%B-%Y %H:%M:%S"))
data =[ts]
return scatter
timeobj = self.get_time(year=year, month=month, day=day) # datetime object
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection=projection)
scatter, vari = self.plot_data_variable(fig, projection, var, 0,
marker, msize, vmin, vmax, cmap,
vectscale, vectthin,
headwidth, headlength,
title, year, month, day,
xlabel, ylabel, km,
cbar, cborient, cbfrac, cbpad, ncolors,
shpfilename, scolor,
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.onclick)
self.n = 0
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_plot, frames=self.generateseq(len(timeobj)), interval=interval,
fargs=(ax, vari, timeobj, scatter), repeat=repeat, blit=blit)
if block:
if save:
aniname = vari.attributes['long_name'] +'.mp4'
print("Saving animation:", aniname), fps=2, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])
return True
def plot_arrows(self, X, Y, UN, VN, color='red', headlength=7, headwidth=3,scale=0.0001, thin=1):
plt.quiver(X[::thin], Y[::thin], UN[::thin], VN[::thin],
color=color, headlength=headlength, headwidth=headwidth,
angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=scale)
def plot_streams(self, ax, X, Y, U, V, color='blue'):
:param ax:
:param X:
:param Y:
:param U:
:param V:
:param color:
print("print_streams works only on an *evenly spaced* grid.")
speed = np.sqrt(U*U+V*V)
streamplot_ug.streamplot(ax, X, Y, U, V,
density=1, color=color)
def plot_data_variable(self, fig=None,, var=None, ts=None,
marker='+', msize=2, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='jet',
vectscale=10, vectthin=10, headwidth=3, headlength=5,
title=None, year=1, month=1, day=1,
xlabel=None, ylabel=None, km=False,
cbar=True, cborient='vertical', cbfrac=0.0355, cbpad=0.05, ncolors=None,
shpfilename=None, scolor='brown',
contours=False, block=False):
:param fig: matplotlib.figure¶
:param projection: geographical projection - one of: cartopy PlateCarree, Mercator or UTM
:param var: set() of pugrid.UVar objects
:param ts: integer, time index in the variable data matrix
:param marker: Default '+' marker character that is accepted my maptlotlib.pyplot.scatter function.
If maker=None an attempt will be made to draw with polygons. Works only vars with location='face'
:param msize: scalar or array_like, shape (n, ), optional, default: 20, marker size in points^2.
:param vmin: scalar, optional, default: None, used in conjunction with norm to normalize luminance data
:param vmax: scalar, optional, default: None, used in conjunction with norm to normalize luminance data
If either are None, the min and max of the color array is used.
Note if you pass a norm instance, your settings for vmin and vmax will be ignored.
:param cmap: Colormap, optional, default: None
:param vectscale: Data units per arrow length unit, e.g., m/s per plot width; a smaller scale parameter
makes the arrow longer. If None, a simple autoscaling algorithm is used, based on the
average vector length and the number of vectors. The arrow length unit is given by the
scale_units parameter
:param vectthin: Default 1, thining of the vector/quiver density
:param headwidth: scalar, Head width as multiple of shaft width, default is 3
:param headlength: scalar Head length as multiple of shaft width, default is 5
:param title: String, Title of the plot. Default: None
:param year: Start year
:param month: Start month
:param day: Start day
:param xlabel: Default None. Str will plot the value of the string
:param ylabel: Default None. Str will plot the value of the string
:param km: Default False, True will convert UTM coordinates to km
:param cbar: boolean, True will plot a color bar.
:param cborient: orinetation of the color bar 'vertical' or 'horizontal' Default 'vertical'
:param cbfrac: 0.15; fraction of original axes to use for colorbar
:param cbpad: 0.05 if vertical, 0.15 if horizontal; fraction of original axes between colorbar and new image ax
:param ncolors: Default 256, Set to 20 to obtain the band effects
:param shpfilename: absolute path name of the boundary line shapefile
:param scolor: boundary line color, Default 'brown'
:param contours: Boolean
:param block: Boolean, True will call inside the function
:return:scatter object, first variable from the var set()
if fig is None:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection=projection)
ax = fig.get_axes()[0]
if isinstance(projection, or isinstance(projection,
gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True)
gl.xlabels_top = gl.ylabels_right = False
gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER
sc = None
data = None
vari = None
x = y = None
if var is not None:
# select a title based on the number of stations
timeobj = self.get_time(year=year, month=month, day=day) # datetime object
vari = next(iter(var))
raise KeyError("The variable %s does not exist." % var)
if isinstance(vari, pyugrid.uvar.UVar):
if == 2:
data =[ts]
data =
if vari.location == 'face': # build the coordinates of the center of gravity of the face
x = self.ugrid.face_coordinates[:, 0]
y = self.ugrid.face_coordinates[:, 1]
elif vari.location == 'edge': # get the median coordinated of the line
x = self.ugrid.edge_coordinates[:, 0]
y = self.ugrid.edge_coordinates[:, 1]
elif vari.location == 'node': # for this we have the node coordinates
x = self.ugrid.nodes[:, 0]
y = self.ugrid.nodes[:, 1]
if vmin is None:
vmin = min(data)
if vmax is None:
vmax = max(data)
vunit = vari.attributes['units']
# prevent offset type number display
y_formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)
cunits = 'm'
if km:
cunits = 'km'
ticks_x = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x / 1000))
ticks_y = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda y, pos: '{0:g}'.format(y / 1000))
name2 = self.is_vector(vari)
if name2:
dvar2 = self.ugrid.find_uvars_byname(name2)
vari2 = next(iter(dvar2))
self.plot_arrows(x, y, data,[ts], color='blue',
headlength=5, headwidth=3,
scale=1/vectscale, thin=vectthin)
# plot with filled polygons
if (marker is None) and (vari.location == 'face'):
triang = tri.Triangulation(self.ugrid.node_lon, self.ugrid.node_lat,
sc = ax.tripcolor(triang, facecolors=data,
edgecolors='face', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
# limit the number of color bands for a wave like effect
elif ncolors is not None:
if marker is None:
marker = 'o'
norm, bounds = self.color_norm(cmap, vmin, vmax, ncolors)
sc = ax.scatter(x, y, marker=marker, s=msize, cmap=cmap,
c=data, edgecolors='face', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm)
norm = None
bounds= None
if marker is None:
marker = 'o'
sc = ax.scatter(x, y, marker=marker, s=msize, cmap=cmap,
c=data, edgecolors='face', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, norm=norm)
# FixMe: plot of the refined (computed) data countours fails often
if contours and vari.location == 'node':
triangles = self.ugrid.faces[:]
lon = self.ugrid.nodes[:, 0]
lat = self.ugrid.nodes[:, 1]
triang = tri.Triangulation(lat, lon, triangles=triangles)
refiner = UniformTriRefiner(triang)
subdiv = 3
levels = np.arange(vmin, vmax, (vmax-vmin)/4.)
tri_refi, z_test_refi = refiner.refine_field(data, subdiv=subdiv)
ccmap = cm.get_cmap(name='Blues', lut=None)
plt.tricontour(tri_refi, z_test_refi, levels=levels, cmap=ccmap,
linewidths=[2.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5])
# Create a vertical Color bar
if cbar:
fig = ax.get_figure()
ticks = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 8, endpoint=True)
labels = ['{:.2f}'.format(tk) for tk in ticks]
# create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5%
# of ax and the padding between cax and ax.
if cborient == 'horizontal':
cbfrac += 0.016
cbpad += 0.1
cbar = fig.colorbar(sc, fraction=cbfrac, pad=cbpad, ticks=ticks, orientation=cborient)
if cborient == 'vertical':
cbar.set_label('{name} [{unit}]'.format(name=vari.attributes['standard_name'], unit=vunit))
# FixMe This set_visible is necessary for UTM coordinates only.
# cartopy labels for Mercator are set differently
if isinstance(projection,
if ylabel is not None:
ax.set_ylabel("%s [%s]" % ('y coordinate', cunits))
if xlabel is not None:
ax.set_xlabel("%s [%s]" % ('x coordinate', cunits))
gl = ax.gridlines(crs=projection, draw_labels=True,
linewidth=1, color='gray', alpha=0.5, linestyle='--')
gl.xlabels_top = gl.ylabels_right = False
gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER
# end is_vector()
if title is not None:
ax.set_title(timeobj[ts].strftime("%d-%B-%Y %H:%M:%S"))
print("Error Only UVar variables are supported ")
raise ValueError
if shpfilename is not None:
reader = shapefile.Reader(shpfilename)
for shape in reader.shapeRecords():
x = [i[0] for i in shape.shape.points[:]]
y = [i[1] for i in shape.shape.points[:]]
plt.plot(x, y, linewidth=1, color=scolor)
if block is False:
return sc, vari
# end class NcMapD3dfm
if __name__ == '__main__':
fn = ""
path = "../test_data"
file = path + '/' + fn
netcdf_3d3 = NcMapD3dfm(file)
lon = netcdf_3d3.ugrid.nodes[:, 0]
lat = netcdf_3d3.ugrid.nodes[:, 1]
triangles = netcdf_3d3.ugrid.faces[:]
# build the edges. No return
dump = True
if dump:
[nc_attrs, nc_dims, nc_vars] = netcdf_3d3.nc_dump(verb=True)
triang = tri.Triangulation(lon, lat, triangles=triangles)
# draw the mesh
depth = None
unit = None
bathy = True
projection ='17N')
# plot with bathymetry
if bathy:
variable_name = "flowelem_bl"
dvar = netcdf_3d3.ugrid.find_uvars_byname(variable_name)
depth_obj = next(iter(dvar))
depth =
unit = depth_obj.attributes['units']
ax = netcdf_3d3.draw_mesh(projection=projection, triang=triang, depth=depth, unit=unit,
numbercontours=25, contourcolors=['0.5', '0.25', '0.5', '0.5', '0.5'],
contourwidths=[0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], refine=2,
shpfilename=path + '/' + "lineboundary.shp", blabels=True)
# Test a 'face' location
variable_name = "sea_surface_height"
dvar = netcdf_3d3.ugrid.find_uvars(variable_name)
netcdf_3d3.plot_data_variable(fig=None, projection=projection, var=dvar, ts=11, marker='o', msize=1,
vmin=75, vmax=75.2, year=2013, month=8, day=7, km=False,
cbar=True, cborient='horizontal', ncolors=25,
shpfilename=path + '/' + "lineboundary.shp", block=False)
# Test a 'face' location with polygon drawing
variable_name = "sea_surface_height"
dvar = netcdf_3d3.ugrid.find_uvars(variable_name)
netcdf_3d3.plot_data_variable(fig=None, projection=projection, var=dvar, ts=11, marker=None, msize=1,
vmin=75, vmax=75.2, year=2013, month=8, day=7, km=False,
cbar=True, cborient='horizontal',
shpfilename=path + '/' + "lineboundary.shp", block=False)
# Test a non 'face' location with polygon drawing, should revert to marker drawing
variable_name = 'discharge' # "sea_surface_height"
dvar = netcdf_3d3.ugrid.find_uvars(variable_name)
netcdf_3d3.plot_data_variable(fig=None, projection=projection, var=dvar, ts=11, marker=None, msize=1,
year=2013, month=8, day=7, km=False,
cbar=True, cborient='horizontal', ncolors=25,
shpfilename=path + '/' + "lineboundary.shp", block=False)
# Test a 'node' location
variable_name = "altitude"
dvar = netcdf_3d3.ugrid.find_uvars(variable_name)
netcdf_3d3.plot_data_variable(fig=None, projection=projection, var=dvar, ts=11, marker='o', msize=1,
year=2013, month=8, day=7, km=True,
shpfilename=path + '/' + "lineboundary.shp", contours=False, block=False)
# # Test an 'edge' location
variable_name = "discharge"
dvar = netcdf_3d3.ugrid.find_uvars(variable_name)
netcdf_3d3.plot_data_variable(fig=None, projection=projection, var=dvar, ts=11, marker='o', msize=1,
year=2013, month=8, day=7, km=True,
shpfilename=path + '/' + "lineboundary.shp", block=False)
# Test a 'vector' var
variable_std_name = "sea_water_x_velocity"
variable_name = 'ucx'
dvar = netcdf_3d3.ugrid.find_uvars_byname(variable_name)
netcdf_3d3.plot_data_variable(fig=None, projection=projection, var=dvar, ts=9,
vectscale=10000, vectthin=30,
year=2013, month=8, day=7, km=False,
cbar=False, cborient='horizontal',
shpfilename=path + '/' + "lineboundary.shp", block=False)
# Test animation - must be last
variable_name = "sea_surface_height"
dvar = netcdf_3d3.ugrid.find_uvars(variable_name)
netcdf_3d3.animate(projection=projection, var=dvar, marker='o', msize=1,
vmin=75, vmax=75.2, year=2013, month=8, day=7, km=True,
shpfilename=path + '/' + "lineboundary.shp", save=True, block=True)
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