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Last active March 25, 2021 17:58
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  • Save cairdcoinheringaahing/e9850643a074db724ee92b510713c0f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cairdcoinheringaahing/e9850643a074db724ee92b510713c0f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
® restore
³ third
⁴ fourth
⁵ fifth
⁶ sixth
⁷ seventh
⁸ leftarg
⁹ rightarg
Ɠ stdineval
ƈ stdinchar
ɠ stdinraw
¬ vecnot
½ sqrt
! fact
A abs
B tobits
C complement
D todigits
E allequal
F flat
G grid
H halve
I increments
J indices
K spacejoin
L length
M maxindices
N negative
O ord
P product
Q unique
R range
S sum
T truths
U pend
V eval1
W wrap
X random
Y linejoin
Z zip1
~ bitnot
° rads
¹ id
² square
Ạ all
Ḅ frombits
Ḍ fromdigits
Ẹ any
Ḥ double; unhalve
Ị insig
Ḳ spacesplit
Ḷ lowrange
Ṃ min
Ṇ flatnot
Ọ char
Ṛ rev
Ṣ sort
Ṭ untruth
Ụ grade
Ṿ uneval
Ẉ lens
Ỵ linesplit
Ẓ prime
Ȧ anyall
Ḃ bit
Ċ ceil
Ḋ dequeue
Ė enum
Ḟ floor
Ġ group
Ḣ head
İ inv
Ṁ max
Ṅ print
Ȯ out
Ṗ pop
Ṙ repr
Ṡ sign
Ṫ tail
Ẇ windows
Ẋ shuffle
Ẏ tighten
Ż zero
§ sums
Ä scansum
‘ inc
’ dec
× mult
÷ div
% mod
& bitand
* pow
+ add
, pair
: intdiv
; concat
< lt
= equal
> gt
^ bitxor
_ sub
a and
b tobase
c combs
d divmod
e in
f filter
g gcd
i index
j join
k part
l log
m modmirror
n neq
o or
p cproduct
r range2
s slices
t trim
v eval2
w windex
x times
y trans
z zip2
| bitor
⁼ flateq
⁻ flatneq
ạ absdiff
ḅ frombase
ḍ divides
ẹ find
ḥ hash
ị atindex
ḷ left
ṃ custombase
ọ order
ṛ right
ṣ splitat
ṭ tack
ȧ flatand
ḃ bijective
ċ count
ḋ dotprod0
ḟ filterout
ḣ head2
ṁ mold
ȯ flator
ṗ cpower
ṙ rotate
ṡ overlaps
ṫ tail
ẇ wexists
ẋ repeat
ż zip
« min2
» max2
ؽ onetwo
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Ø+ signs+
Ø- signs-
Ø. bits
Ø0 zeroes
Ø1 ones
Ø2 twos
Ø< angles
ØA ualpha
ØB basedigits
ØḄ lconsonants
ØḂ uconsonants
ØC aconsonants
ØD digits
ØH uhex
ØJ codepage
ØP pi
ØQ uqwerty
ØV urv
ØW word
ØY bconsonantsy
Ø[ brackets
Ø^ slashes
Øa lalpha
Øb base64
Øc vowels
Øe euler
Øh lhex
Øp phi
Øq lqwerty
Øv lrv
Øy bvowelsy
Ø{ braces
Ø° 360
Ø⁵ 250
Ø⁷ 128
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ØỴ lconsonantsy
Øẹ lvowels
Øỵ lvowelsy
ØṖ ascii
ØẎ uconsonantsy
Øė uvowels
Øẏ uvowelsy
Æ! tofact
Æ¡ fromfact
Æ? toprimorial
Æ¿ fromprimorial
ƽ intsqrt
ÆA acos
ÆC countprimes
ÆD divisors
ÆE toexponent
ÆF primefact
ÆN zthprime
ÆP prime
ÆR primerange
ÆS sin
ÆT tan
Æc carmichael
Æd divcount
Æe exp
Æf primefacts
Æi reimag
Æị ascomplex
Æl ln
Æm mean
Æn next
Æp previous
Ær roots
Æs divsum
Æv numuniqprimefact
ÆẠ cos
ÆĊ catalan
ÆḌ propdivs
ÆẸ fromexponents
ÆṢ asin
ÆṬ atan
ÆḊ det
ÆḞ fib
ÆĿ lucas
ÆṪ eulerphi
Æḍ propdivcount
Æṃ mode
Æṛ fromroots
Æṣ propdivsum
Æṭ trace
Æṁ median
Æ° degs
Ʋ issquare
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æ× matmul
æ% symmod
æ* matpow
æA atan2
æC convpow
æR primerange2
æc conv
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æl lcm
ær round
æp precision
æċ ceilpow
æḟ floorpow
æ« shiftleft
æ» shiftright
Œ! perms
Œ¿ permindex
Œ? permunindex
ŒB bounce
ŒḄ flatbounce
ŒḂ ispalindrome
ŒD diagonal
ŒĖ multienum
ŒG getreq
ŒĠ multigroup
ŒH halves
ŒJ multiindices
Œb emptyparts
Œc pairs
Œċ pairsreplace
Œd antidiagonals
Œḍ fromantidiagonals
Œg groupruns
Œɠ grouprunlens
Œl lower
ŒM multimaxindices
Œœ oddeven
Œr rle
Œṙ rld
Œs swapcase
Œt title
ŒỤ multigrade
Œu upper
ŒP powerset
Œp selfcprod
ŒṖ partitions
Œṗ intpartitions
ŒḌ fromdiagonals
ŒḊ depth
ŒQ uniquesieve
ŒR absrange
ŒṘ pyrepr
ŒT time
ŒṪ multitruths
ŒṬ multiuntruth
ŒV pyeval
œ! permsnoreplace
œ& setintersect
œ- setdiff
œ^ setsymdiff
œ¿ permindices
œ? permatindex
œc combsnoreplace
œẹ multifind
œi multiindex
œị multiatindex
œl trimleft
œr trimright
œs chunks
œ| setunion
œS sleep
œṣ Splitsublist
œċ combsreplace
œṖ partat
œṗ partbefore
œP partatlose
œp partbeforelose
œṡ splitfirst
© copy
ß recurse
¢ last0
Ç last1
ç last2
Ñ next1
ñ next2
£ link0
Ŀ link1
ŀ link2
¦ at
¡ repeat
¿ while
/ reduce
ƒ reduce2
\ scan
¤ nilads
$ 2monads
Ɗ 3monads
Ʋ 4monads
¥ 2dyads
ɗ 3dyads
ʋ 4days
# nfind
? if
Ƒ invariant
⁺ again
@ swap
` asmonad
" zipwith
' flatspawn
þ table
{ ldyad
} rdyad
€ each
Þ sortby
Ɲ neighbours
Ƥ prefixes
ƙ key
ɼ register
ƭ tie
Ɱ eachright
С repeatkeep
п whilekeep
ÐƤ suffixes
Ƈ comb; filterkeep
Ðḟ filterfalse; filterdiscard
ÐL loop
Ƭ loopsteps
ÐḶ looploop
ÐṂ minlink
ÐṀ maxlink
Ðe ateven
Ðo atodd
“ "
” strend
» strdict
‘ strord
’ strbase
⁾ 2chars
⁽ 2base
¶ newline
ø 0chain
µ 1chain
) eachchain
ð 2chain
ɓ revchain
ı i
ȷ e
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