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Last active February 27, 2025 07:20
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Simple Merge process for JsonNode using System.Text.Json
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
namespace CajunCoding
public static class SystemTextJsonMergeExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Merges the specified Json Node into the base JsonNode for which this method is called.
/// It is null safe and can be easily used with null-check & null coalesce operators for fluent calls.
/// NOTE: JsonNodes are context aware and track their parent relationships therefore to merge the values both JsonNode objects
/// specified are mutated. The Base is mutated with new data while the source is mutated to remove reverences to all
/// fields so that they can be added to the base.
/// Source taken directly from the open-source Gist here:
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jsonBase"></param>
/// <param name="jsonMerge"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
public static JsonNode Merge(this JsonNode jsonBase, JsonNode jsonMerge)
if (jsonBase == null || jsonMerge == null)
return jsonBase;
switch (jsonBase)
case JsonObject jsonBaseObj when jsonMerge is JsonObject jsonMergeObj:
//NOTE: We must materialize the set (e.g. to an Array), and then clear the merge array so the node can then be
// re-assigned to the target/base Json; clearing the Object seems to be the most efficient approach...
var mergeNodesArray = jsonMergeObj.ToArray();
foreach (var prop in mergeNodesArray)
jsonBaseObj[prop.Key] = jsonBaseObj[prop.Key] switch
JsonObject jsonBaseChildObj when prop.Value is JsonObject jsonMergeChildObj => jsonBaseChildObj.Merge(jsonMergeChildObj),
JsonArray jsonBaseChildArray when prop.Value is JsonArray jsonMergeChildArray => jsonBaseChildArray.Merge(jsonMergeChildArray),
_ => prop.Value
case JsonArray jsonBaseArray when jsonMerge is JsonArray jsonMergeArray:
//NOTE: We must materialize the set (e.g. to an Array), and then clear the merge array,
// so they can then be re-assigned to the target/base Json...
var mergeNodesArray = jsonMergeArray.ToArray();
foreach(var mergeNode in mergeNodesArray) jsonBaseArray.Add(mergeNode);
throw new ArgumentException($"The JsonNode type [{jsonBase.GetType().Name}] is incompatible for merging with the target/base " +
$"type [{jsonMerge.GetType().Name}]; merge requires the types to be the same.");
return jsonBase;
/// <summary>
/// Merges the specified Dictionary of values into the base JsonNode for which this method is called.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TKey"></typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TValue"></typeparam>
/// <param name="jsonBase"></param>
/// <param name="dictionary"></param>
/// <param name="options"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static JsonNode MergeDictionary<TKey, TValue>(this JsonNode jsonBase, IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, JsonSerializerOptions options = null)
=> jsonBase.Merge(JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(dictionary, options));
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The feature gap between System.Text.Json and Newtonsoft.Json regarding support for dynamically and easily merging Json objects is discussed further in this (still open) GitHub issue: dotnet/runtime#31433

This solution addresses some of the main use cases with a reasonably small amount of code...

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Fix Log:
07/11/2024: As noted in this response here, there was a missing case for nested properties of an object that were actually an array that wasn't being handled, so that is now updated.

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cajuncoding commented Jul 12, 2024

For future reference here is the Unit Test that validates a variety of common use cases . . .

using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using CajunCoding;

namespace SystemTextJsonMergeExtensionTests
    public class SystemTextJsonMergeExtensionTests
        private enum StarWarsCharacterType

        private enum LightsaberColor { Blue, Green, Yellow }

        public void TestSystemTextJsonObjectMerge()
            var jedi = new
                Name = "Luke Skywalker",
                CharacterType = StarWarsCharacterType.Jedi,
                LightsaberCount = -1, //Should get overwritten...
                //Test merging of nested objects...
                DroidFriends = new[]
                    new { Name = "R2D2", CharacterType = StarWarsCharacterType.Droid }
                Enemies = new 
                    DarthVader = StarWarsCharacterType.SithLord

            var jediAugmentingData = new
                LightsaberOriginalOwner = "Anikan Skywalker",
                LightsaberCount = 3,
                OriginalLightsaberColor = LightsaberColor.Blue,
                ReplacementLightsaberColor = LightsaberColor.Green,
                FoundLighSaberColor = LightsaberColor.Yellow,
                DroidFriends = new[]
                    new { Name = "C-3PO", CharacterType = StarWarsCharacterType.Droid }
                Enemies = new
                    SenatorPalpatine = StarWarsCharacterType.SithLord

            var jediJson = JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(jedi);
            var jediAugmentingDataJson = JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(jediAugmentingData);
            var json = jediJson.Merge(jediAugmentingDataJson);

            //NOTE: This assumes that the Macross.JsonExtensions StringEnumConverter is used on the Enums...
            Assert.AreEqual("Jedi", json["CharacterType"]?.GetValue<string>());
            Assert.AreEqual("Anikan Skywalker", json["LightsaberOriginalOwner"]?.GetValue<string>());
            Assert.AreEqual(3, json["LightsaberCount"]?.GetValue<int>());
            Assert.AreEqual("Blue", json["OriginalLightsaberColor"]?.GetValue<string>());
            Assert.AreEqual("Green", json["ReplacementLightsaberColor"]?.GetValue<string>());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, json["DroidFriends"]?.AsArray()?.Count);
            foreach (var droidFriend in json["DroidFriends"]?.AsArray())
                Assert.AreEqual("Droid", droidFriend["CharacterType"].GetValue<string>());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, json["Enemies"]?.AsObject().ToArray().Length);
            foreach (var enemyProp in json["Enemies"]?.AsObject())
                Assert.AreEqual("SithLord", enemyProp.Value.GetValue<string>());

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