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Created April 5, 2022 13:34
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Caleb's hacky bisect script
# sudo uhubctl -a off -p 2 -n 2109:2812 && printf "%b" "\0x01" > /dev/ttyACM0 && sleep 15 && sudo uhubctl -a on -p 2 -n 2109:2812
export TOOLSDIR=$HOME/pmos/tools
. $HOME/pmos/tools/pmenv
. $HOME/pmos/tools/
. ~/pmos/pmbootstrap/helpers/
export MAKECMD="pmbootstrap -q chroot --user -- ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/aarch64-alpine-linux-musl- make -C /mnt/linux O=/mnt/linux/.output CC=aarch64-alpine-linux-musl-gcc HOSTCC=gcc"
echo; echo "====================="; echo
#set -x
# mm clean
# mm defconfig sdm845.config || exit 125
cat ../patches/*.patch | patch -p1 -N -f || :
$MAKECMD olddefconfig
$MAKECMD -j16 2>&1 > /dev/null
if [ "$MAKE_EXIT" != "0" ]; then
echo "Failed to build, skipping this commit: $MAKE_EXIT"
git clean -f
git reset --hard HEAD
exit 125
pmbootstrap build --envkernel linux-postmarketos-qcom-sdm845 && \
pmbootstrap chroot -r apk upgrade && pmbootstrap install --password 147147
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "Failed to install, something is very wrong!!!"
while true; do sleep 10; done
[[ -d /tmp/postmarketOS-export ]] || pmbootstrap export
echo "Rebooting to bootloader"
#set -x
at-to_bootloader_hard 2>&1 > /dev/null
#set +x
echo "flashing new boot image, state=$(at-state)"
#at-flash $HOME/pmos/mainline-boot.img
pmbootstrap flasher flash_rootfs --partition userdata
pmbootstrap flasher flash_kernel
fastboot reboot
# Cheeky one liner to read from serial until we find a match or timeout after 20 seconds
( tail -F -n0 /tmp/dmesg.log & ) | timeout 25s grep -q "end Kernel panic"
echo "" > /tmp/dmesg.log
git clean -f
git reset --hard HEAD
echo; echo "===================== $FAILED ==========="; echo
# If we found a match, that means it's a bad kernel
if [ $FAILED == 0 ]; then
exit 120
exit 0
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