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Last active October 4, 2023 10:08
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regbits - pretty print numbers as binary

Register Bits

Dump in a register value and get a binary representation that makes decoding registers just that bit easier.



import argparse
from ansi.colour import fg
from ansi.colour.fx import reset
from math import ceil
def auto_int(x):
return int(x, 0)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Pretty print')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--bits', type=int, default=None, help='Number of bits')
parser.add_argument('value', type=auto_int, help='Value to print')
args = parser.parse_args()
pretty_val = ""
if (args.value >> 32) > 0:
pretty_val += f"{fg.cyan}{args.value >> 32:#10x}"
pretty_val += f"{}{args.value & 0xFFFFFFFF:08x}{reset}"
pretty_val += f"{}{args.value & 0xFFFFFFFF:#010x}{reset}"
print(f"Value: {pretty_val} // {}{args.value}{reset}\n\n\t", end="")
bl = args.value.bit_length()
if args.bits is None or bl > args.bits:
args.bits = ceil(bl/8)*8
cols = [, fg.cyan,, fg.magenta, fg.yellow,]
coli = len(cols)-1
for i in reversed(range(args.bits)):
if i % 8 == 7:
print(f"{cols[coli % len(cols)]}", end="")
coli -= 1
if coli < 0:
coli = len(cols)-1
print(f"{i:3d} ", end="")
print(f"{reset}\n", end="")
print("\t╭", end="")
print("───┬" * (args.bits - 1) , end="")
print("───╮\n\t│", end="")
for i in reversed(range(args.bits)):
print(" x │" if args.value & (1 << i) else " │", end="")
print("\n\t╰", end="")
print("───┴" * (args.bits - 1) , end="")
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