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@app.route("/claims/new-employment-end-date", methods=["POST"])
def new_employment_end_date():
def on_success(validated):
draft_id = session.get('draft_id')
day = validated['new_job_end']['day']
month = validated['new_job_end']['month']
year = validated['new_job_end']['year']
date = "{day}/{month}/{year}".format(**locals())
from datetime import datetime
import mandrill
def send_email(to_email, to_name, subject, message_text, from_email = '[email protected]', from_name='RPS Exemplar'):
#additional message parameters
api_key = _MANDRILL_APP_KEY_
mandrill_client = mandrill.Mandrill(api_key)
# gpgedit: edit an encrypted file with an associated list of recipients
# $ gpgedit secrets.gpg [gpg args]
# gpgedit needs the companion file "secrets.rcp" to exist, and contains a list
# of intended recipients, one per line. The recipient file can contain end-of-
# line comments, starting with the "#" character.