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Last active November 24, 2024 07:57
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  • Save calzoneman/830f810b36c94aa772f81fa75680f49e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save calzoneman/830f810b36c94aa772f81fa75680f49e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use strict;
use warnings;
my %oobityp = ();
while (<>) {
if (/\*\*\* Joins: oobityp(\d+)/) {
$oobityp{$1} = 0 if !exists($oobityp{$1});
my @p = sort(keys %oobityp);
foreach (@p) {
print "$_,$oobityp{$_}\n";
0 5
1 7
10 6
11 3
12 5
13 11
14 4
15 11
16 7
17 5
18 7
19 8
2 2
20 9
21 5
22 9
23 10
24 7
25 7
26 8
27 8
28 7
29 6
3 6
30 6
31 5
32 8
33 6
34 6
35 6
36 6
37 5
38 7
39 10
4 5
40 6
41 4
42 2
43 5
44 16
45 8
46 8
47 9
48 6
49 7
5 11
50 5
51 5
52 5
53 8
54 10
55 8
56 4
57 5
58 12
59 9
6 6
60 3
61 8
62 6
63 7
64 5
65 4
66 8
67 5
68 10
69 3
7 6
70 5
71 12
72 12
73 11
74 7
75 8
76 1
77 7
78 5
79 6
8 11
80 7
81 3
82 4
83 10
84 5
85 7
86 9
87 6
88 4
89 4
9 4
90 7
91 6
92 8
93 12
94 10
95 5
96 6
97 6
98 7
99 8
set title "oobityp joins"
set key bmargin
set datafile separator ","
set xrange [0:99]
set term png small size 400,300
set xlabel "oobityp"
set ylabel "join count"
set output "000_joins.png"
plot "joins.csv" using 1:2 with points
use strict;
use warnings;
my %oobityp = ();
while (<>) {
if (/<oobityp(\d+)>/) {
$oobityp{$1} = 0 if !exists($oobityp{$1});
my @p = sort(keys %oobityp);
foreach (@p) {
print "$_,$oobityp{$_}\n";
0 85
1 214
10 13
11 67
12 37
13 44
14 89
15 30
16 49
17 27
18 97
19 179
2 3
20 126
21 70
22 10
23 26
24 18
25 7
26 21
27 29
28 190
29 21
3 39
30 12
31 92
32 36
33 31
34 42
35 43
36 44
37 2
38 4
39 54
4 100
40 2
41 60
42 22
43 5
44 58
45 144
46 73
47 68
48 40
49 128
5 43
50 74
51 111
52 52
53 50
54 196
55 39
56 6
57 96
58 83
59 17
6 1
60 87
61 176
62 61
63 11
64 7
65 1
66 87
67 9
68 103
69 13
7 74
70 21
71 116
72 104
73 109
74 51
75 12
77 70
78 80
79 70
8 100
80 214
81 128
82 39
83 17
84 18
85 30
86 89
88 18
89 39
90 19
91 30
92 13
93 37
94 38
95 44
96 17
97 50
98 212
99 65
set title "oobityp messages"
set key bmargin
set datafile separator ","
set xrange [0:99]
set term png small size 400,300
set xlabel "oobityp"
set ylabel "message count"
set output "001_messages.png"
plot "messages.csv" using 1:2 with points
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