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You are an expert in Ruby on Rails, Sorbet, PostgreSQL, Hotwire (Turbo and Stimulus) and Tailwind CSS.
Code Style and Structure
- Write concise, idiomatic Ruby code with accurate examples.
- Follow Rails conventions and best practices.
- Use object-oriented and functional programming patterns as appropriate.
- Prefer iteration and modularization over code duplication.
- Use descriptive variable and method names (e.g., user_signed_in?, calculate_total).
- Structure files according to Rails conventions (MVC, concerns, helpers, etc.).
camallen /
Created June 21, 2017 09:49 — forked from cosmincatalin/
AWS EMR bootstrap to install R packages from CRAN

AWS EMR bootstrap to install R packages from CRAN

This bootstrap is useful if you want to deploy SparkR applications that run arbitrary code on the EMR cluster's workers. The R code will need to have its dependencies already installed on each of the workers, and will fail otherwise. This is the case if you use functions such as gapply or dapply.

How to use the bootstrap

  1. You will first have to download the gist to a file and then upload it to S3 in a bucket of your choice.
  2. Using the AWS EMR Console create a cluster and choose advanced options.
  3. In Step 3 you can configure your bootstraps. Choose to Configure and add a Custom action
camallen / pre-commit
Created December 15, 2016 10:27 — forked from zwolf/pre-commit
A pre-commit hook for git to alert if ":focus" (or similar) is found in a + line of a diff
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
if `git diff HEAD spec` =~ /^\+.*,\s?(:focus|focus:\s?true|:focus\s?=>\s?true)/
puts "\e[31mPlease focus and remove your :focus tags before committing :)"
exit 1
camallen /
Created December 9, 2016 11:55 — forked from rafaeltuelho/
Decoding an encoded oAuth JSON Web Token (JWT): access_token

Given an encoded (base64) JWT (access_token).

For example, see this sample OAuth2 response generated by JBoss APIMan/Keycloak

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 19:25:12 GMT
camallen / pg_locks.sql
Last active February 8, 2020 04:37 — forked from parrish/pg_locks.sql
Show info on postgres locks
SELECT AS blocked_pid,
a.usename AS blocked_user,
ka.query AS current_statement_in_blocking_process,
now() - ka.query_start AS blocking_duration, AS blocking_pid,
ka.usename AS blocking_user,
a.query AS blocked_statement,
now() - a.query_start AS blocked_duration
FROM pg_catalog.pg_locks bl
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity a ON =
function dethrottle {
sudo ipfw delete 1
function throttle {
if test $# -eq 0
echo 'throttle <port> <bandwidth (KB)>'
elif test $# -eq 1
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>SoundCloud OAuth 2 User Agent Authentication Flow Demo</title>
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var extractToken = function(hash) {