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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Parse hbase regions server logs
# Charles-Antoine Mathieu <[email protected]>
# Parse memstore flushes in hbase rs logs (tested against hbase 0.96)
# $1 : rs log file
# $2 : command : flush | major
if [ "$2" == "flush" ];then
cat $1 | grep "memstore flush" | sed -n 's/^\(.*\) INFO.*of \(.*\)\/[0-9]\+, current.*region \(.*\),\(.*\),14.*in \(.*\), seq.*$/\1 \3 \4 \2 \5/p'
if [ "$2" == "minor" ];then
cat $1 | grep "Completed compaction" | sed -n 's/^\(.*\) INFO.*regionName=\(.*\),\(.*\),.*, storeName=.*fileCount=\([0-9]\+\),.*fileSize=\(.*\), priority.*duration=\(.*\).*$/\1 \2 \4 files for \5 in \6/p'
if [ "$2" == "major" ];then
cat $1 | grep "Completed major compaction" | sed -n 's/^\(.*\) INFO.*\([0-9]\+\) file(s) in data of \(.*\),\(.*\),.*into.*total size for store is \(.*\). This selection was in queue for \(.*\), and took \(.*\) to execute.$/\1 \3 \2 files for \5 in \7 ( queued for \6 )/p'
if [ "$2" == "split" ];then
cat $1 | grep 'Region split' | sed -n 's/^\(.*\) INFO.*Parent=\(.*\),\(.*\),.*, new regions.*Split took \(.*\)$/\1 \2 in \4/p'
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