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Created June 14, 2013 04:22
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open Spotlib.Spot
open GapiUtils.Infix
open GapiLens.Infix
open GapiLens.StateInfix
open GapiMonad.SessionM
module OAuth2 = GapiOAuth2
module Conv = GapiConversation
module Service = GapiService
(*** How to configure your client and authenticate using OAuth 2.0 for native
* applications. ***)
let application_name = "picasatest"
(* The clientId and clientSecret are copied from the API Access tab on
* the Google APIs Console *)
let client_id =
let client_secret = Priv.Client.secret
let configuration =
let module C = GapiConfig in
|> C.application_name ^= application_name
|> C.auth ^= C.OAuth2 { C.client_id; client_secret }
module Xml = struct
include Xml
let parse_string str =
let xmlp = XmlParser.make () in
XmlParser.prove xmlp false;
XmlParser.parse xmlp (XmlParser.SString str)
let parse_string s =
try parse_string s with
| (Xml.Error error as e) ->
Format.eprintf "ERROR: Xml: %s (saved as error.xml)@." (Xml.error error);
let oc = open_out "error.xml" in
output_string oc s;
close_out oc;
raise e
let parse_string ?(robust=false) s =
Xml_lexer.robust := robust;
XmlParser.robust := robust;
parse_string s
let parse_string s =
try parse_string ~robust:false s with _ ->
parse_string ~robust:true s
(* HaXml style quickly built combinator *)
let visit f xml = match xml with
| Element _ -> iter f xml
| PCData _ -> ()
let children = List.concat_map & function
| PCData _ -> []
| Element (_, _, xs) -> xs
let tag s = List.concat_map & function
| PCData _ -> []
| (Element (s', _, _) as e) when s = s' -> [e]
| Element _ -> []
let pcdata = List.concat_map & function
| PCData s -> [s]
| Element _ -> []
module Picasa = struct
let scope = ""
(* *)
let albums_url userid = !% "" userid
let parse pipe =
Conv.read_all pipe
|> Xml.parse_string
let albums userid session = Service.get (albums_url userid) parse session
let album_ids xml =
let open Xml in
|> children
|> tag "entry"
|> (children *> tag "id" *> children *> pcdata)
let delete_album url session =
Service.delete url (fun pipe ->
prerr_endline & Conv.read_all pipe )
module Authorize(A : sig end) = struct
let redirect_uri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
(* Step 1: Authorize --> *)
let authorization_url =
~scope: [Picasa.scope]
(* Point or redirect your user to the authorization_url. *)
let () = print_endline "Go to the following link in your browser:";
print_endline authorization_url
(* Read the authorization code from the standard input stream. *)
let () = print_endline "What is the authorization code?: "
let code = input_line stdin
let () = !!% "code =%S@." code
let batch = perform
response <-- OAuth2.get_access_token
let (access_token, refresh_token) = match response with
| GapiAuthResponse.OAuth2AccessToken token ->
| _ -> failwith "Not supported OAuth2 response" in
\ !!% "acc=%[email protected]=%s@." access_token refresh_token;
return ()
let (), _ = Conv.with_curl configuration batch
(* module M = Authorize(struct end) *)
let access_token = Priv.Token.access
let refresh_token = Priv.Token.refresh
let batch = perform
\ !!% "acc=%s ref=%s@." access_token refresh_token;
(* Update session with OAuth2 tokens *)
Conv.Session.auth ^=!
Conv.Session.OAuth2 {
Conv.Session.oauth2_token = access_token;
xml <-- Picasa.albums Priv.userid;
let album_urls = Picasa.album_ids xml in
\ List.iter prerr_endline album_urls;
mapM_ Picasa.delete_album album_urls;
return ()
(* Start a new session *)
let (), _ =
Conv.with_curl configuration batch
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