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Last active May 1, 2018 10:48
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Save campaul/ee30b2dbc2c11a699bde to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Develop a RAW image by using ctypes to call libraw.
# This file was my first attempt at using libraw with ctypes. For a more
# complete project check out
# Usage: python some/raw/file.cr2 some/destination/file.ppm
from ctypes import *
import sys
libraw = cdll.LoadLibrary('')
class ph1_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('format', c_int),
('key_off', c_int),
('t_black', c_int),
('black_off', c_int),
('split_col', c_int),
('tag_21a', c_int),
('tag_210', c_float),
class libraw_iparams_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('make', c_char * 64),
('model', c_char * 64),
('raw_count', c_uint),
('dng_version', c_uint),
('is_foveon', c_uint),
('colors', c_int),
('filters', c_uint),
('xtrans', c_char * 6 * 6),
('cdesc', c_char * 5),
class libraw_image_sizes_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('raw_height', c_ushort),
('raw_width', c_ushort),
('height', c_ushort),
('width', c_ushort),
('top_margin', c_ushort),
('left_margin', c_ushort),
('iheight', c_ushort),
('iwidth', c_ushort),
('raw_pitch', c_uint),
('pixel_aspect', c_double),
('flip', c_int),
('mask', c_int * 8 * 4),
class libraw_colordata_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('curve', c_ushort * 0x10000),
('cblack', c_uint * 4),
('black', c_uint),
('data_maximum', c_uint),
('maximum', c_uint),
('white', c_ushort * 8 * 8),
('cam_mul', c_float * 4),
('pre_mul', c_float * 4),
('cmatrix', c_float * 3 * 4),
('rgb_cam', c_float * 3 * 4),
('cam_xyz', c_float * 4 * 3),
('phase_one_data', ph1_t),
('flash_used', c_float),
('canon_ev', c_float),
('model2', c_char * 64),
('profile', c_void_p),
('profile_length', c_uint),
('black_stat', c_uint * 8),
class libraw_imgother_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('iso_speed', c_float),
('shutter', c_float),
('aperture', c_float),
('focal_len', c_float),
('timestamp', c_uint), # time_t
('shot_order', c_uint),
('gpsdata', c_uint * 32),
('desc', c_char * 512),
('artist', c_char * 64),
class libraw_thumbnail_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('tformat', c_uint), # LibRaw_thumbnail_formats
('twidth', c_ushort),
('theight', c_ushort),
('tlength', c_uint),
('tcolors', c_int),
('thumb', POINTER(c_char)),
class libraw_internal_output_params_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('mix_green', c_uint),
('raw_color', c_uint),
('zero_is_bad', c_uint),
('shrink', c_ushort),
('fuji_width', c_ushort),
class libraw_rawdata_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('raw_alloc', c_void_p),
('raw_image', POINTER(c_ushort)),
('color4_image', POINTER(c_ushort * 4)),
('color3_image', POINTER(c_ushort * 3)),
('ph1_black', POINTER(c_short * 2)),
('iparams', libraw_iparams_t),
('sizes', libraw_image_sizes_t),
('ioparams', libraw_internal_output_params_t),
('color', libraw_colordata_t),
class libraw_output_params_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('greybox', c_uint * 4),
('cropbox', c_uint * 4),
('aber', c_double * 4),
('gamm', c_double * 6),
('user_mul', c_float * 4),
('shot_select', c_uint),
('bright', c_float),
('threshold', c_float),
('half_size', c_int),
('four_color_rgb', c_int),
('highlight', c_int),
('use_auto_wb', c_int),
('use_camera_wb', c_int),
('use_camera_matrix', c_int),
('output_color', c_int),
('output_profile', POINTER(c_char)),
('camera_profile', POINTER(c_char)),
('bad_pixels', POINTER(c_char)),
('dark_frame', POINTER(c_char)),
('output_bps', c_int),
('output_tiff', c_int),
('user_flip', c_int),
('user_qual', c_int),
('user_black', c_int),
('user_cblack', c_int * 4),
('sony_arw2_hack', c_int),
('user_sat', c_int),
('med_passes', c_int),
('auto_bright_thr', c_float),
('adjust_maximum_thr', c_float),
('no_auto_bright', c_int),
('use_fuji_rotate', c_int),
('green_matching', c_int),
('dcb_iterations', c_int),
('dcb_enhance_fl', c_int),
('fbdd_noiserd', c_int),
('eeci_refine', c_int),
('es_med_passes', c_int),
('ca_correc', c_int),
('cared', c_float),
('cablue', c_float),
('cfaline', c_int),
('linenoise', c_float),
('cfa_clean', c_int),
('lclean', c_float),
('cclean', c_float),
('cfa_green', c_int),
('green_thresh', c_float),
('exp_correc', c_int),
('exp_shift', c_float),
('exp_preser', c_float),
('wf_debanding', c_int),
('wf_deband_treshold', c_float * 4),
('use_rawspeed', c_int),
('no_auto_scale', c_int),
('no_interpolation', c_int),
('straw_ycc', c_int),
('force_foveon_x3f', c_int),
class libraw_data_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('image', POINTER(c_ushort * 4)),
('sizes', libraw_image_sizes_t),
('idata', libraw_iparams_t),
('params', libraw_output_params_t),
('progress_flags', c_uint),
('process_warnings', c_uint),
('color', libraw_colordata_t),
('other', libraw_imgother_t),
('thumbnail', libraw_thumbnail_t),
('rawdata', libraw_rawdata_t),
('parent_class', c_void_p),
# Load the RAW file
libraw.libraw_init.restype = POINTER(libraw_data_t)
data = libraw.libraw_init(0)
libraw.libraw_open_file(data, bytes(sys.argv[1], 'utf-8'))
# Develop the RAW file
libraw.libraw_dcraw_ppm_tiff_writer(data, bytes(sys.argv[2], 'utf-8'))
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paroj commented May 25, 2015

I added a python convenience layer on top. See here:

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@paroj: Check out rawkit (docs); it's what we expanded this Gist into. We'd love to have your help if you'd like to contribute!

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