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Last active September 19, 2019 05:10
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Send email from Clojure AWS API
(require '[ :as aws])
(def ses (aws/client {:api :email}))
(aws/ops ses)
(keys (aws/ops ses))
(aws/doc ses :SendEmail)
;; Email addresses must be verified if in sandbox mode
(def payload
{:Destination {:ToAddresses ["[email protected]"]}
:Message {:Subject {:Charset "UTF-8"
:Data "Sent from AWS SES"}
:Body {:Text {:Charset "UTF-8"
:Data "This is the body of my email"}}}
:Source "[email protected]"})
(aws/invoke ses {:op :SendEmail :request payload})
{:deps { {:mvn/version "0.8.352"} {:mvn/version ""} {:mvn/version "742.2.527.0"}}}
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