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Make change (core.logic) with lots of comments
(ns make-change
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:require [clojure.core.logic :refer :all]
[clojure.core.logic.fd :as fd]))
(def common-us-coins
{:penny 1
:nickel 5
:dime 10
:quarter 25})
(def ^:dynamic *coin-set* common-us-coins)
(def ^:dynamic *quantities*
"Map of coin name -> number of coins available for making change. Set this to non-nil to add additional constraints to
the logic engine. Coins that are not specified are treated as if they have a quantity of zero. e.g.
(binding [*quantities* {:quarter 2, :dime 100}]
(make-change 1.0))
;; -> {:num-coins 7, :quarter 2, :dime 5}"
(def ^:dynamic ^{:arglists '([amount])} *round-fractional-amount-fn*
"Function used to round fractional change amounts (in cents or equivalent) to an integer e.g. if you're buying gas for
$3.499 a gallon. You're not getting back tenths of a cent; if you pay $4.00 do you get back $0.50 or $0.51? Default
implementation just keeps the fractional amount no matter what it is, just like gas stations."
#(long (Math/floor %)))
(defn possible-total-num-coins-interval
"Return an `[min max]` interval (inclusive) of all possible numbers of coins that might possibly be able to add up to
[coin-set amount]
;; 1. You cannot possibly have less than ceil(amount ÷ largest-coin-value) coins. e.g. if I'm making change for
;; $0.95 using the default common coin set I cannot possibly have less than 4 coins in the solution ceil(95 ÷ 25)
;; => 4 3 coins isn't enough to add up to amount -- it can add up to at most $0.75 -- so the best solution has to
;; have *at least* 4 coins.
;; 2. You cannot possibly have more than amount ÷ smallest-coin-value coins in the solution, e.g. for $0.95 they
;; worst possible solution is 95 pennies and it would be impossible to have more coins than that
(let [[smallest-coin largest-coin] (apply (juxt min max) (vals coin-set))]
(mapv #(long (Math/ceil (/ (double amount) %)))
[largest-coin smallest-coin])))
(defn sum°
"A relation such that `summ` is the sum of all numbers in list `l`."
[l summ]
(matcha [l]
;; sum of empty list => 0
(== summ 0))
;; sum of list with one element => value of element
(== summ ?x))
;; sum of (a b c...) => value of a + sum of (b c...)
([[?head . ?more]]
(fresh [sum-more]
(fd/+ ?head sum-more summ)
(sum° ?more sum-more)))))
(defn make-change*
"Return a combination of coins that adds up to `amount`."
;; create lvars that will track the quantity `n` of each coin and the `total` value of all coins of that type.
(let [coin-set *coin-set*
coins (vec (for [[coin-name value] coin-set
;; quantity = the max quantity of this coin available, if we're specifying *quantities*
:let [quantity (when *quantities*
(get *quantities* coin-name 0))]
;; we can go ahead and skip any coins that are too big to make amount
:when (<= value amount)]
{:name coin-name
:value value
:n (lvar)
:total (lvar)
;; `max-n` = the maximum quantity of this coin, which is the min of *quantities* (if
;; specified) and `amount` ÷ `value` (e.g. can't have more than 3 quarters to make $0.80)
:max-n ((fnil min Integer/MAX_VALUE) quantity (long (/ amount value)))}))
num-coins (lvar)]
(run 1 [q]
(== q {:num-coins num-coins, :coins coins})
;; set the domain of num-coins
(fd/in num-coins (apply fd/interval (possible-total-num-coins-interval coin-set amount)))
;; for each coin in the results...
(fn [{:keys [value n total max-n], :as coin}]
;; give `n` a domain. 0 ≤ n ≤ max-n
(fd/in n (fd/interval 0 max-n))
;; `value` × `n` = `total`
(fd/* value n total)))
;; total number of coins must equal `num-coins`
(sum° (mapv :n coins) num-coins)
;; total value of coins must equal `amount`
(sum° (mapv :total coins) amount))))
(defn format-solution
"Convert the solution into a nice ordered map with extra info stripped out."
[{:keys [num-coins coins]}]
(into (array-map :num-coins num-coins) (for [coin (sort-by (comp - :value) coins)
:when (pos? (:n coin))]
[(:name coin) (:n coin)])))
(defn make-change
"Make change for an `amount` (as a floating-point value e.g. a dollar amount) of money using the least possible number
of coins."
{:pre [(not (neg? amount))]}
(let [amount (*round-fractional-amount-fn* (* amount 100))]
(when-let [[solution] (not-empty (make-change* amount))]
(format-solution solution))))
(ns make-change-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[make-change :refer :all]))
(def us-coins
{:penny 1
:nickel 5
:dime 10
:quarter 25
:half-dollar 50
:dollar 100})
(def british-coins
{:penny 1
:two-p 2
:five-p 5
:ten-p 10
:twenty-p 20
#_:twenty-five-p #_25 ; technically this exists but it's not super common
:fifty-p 50
:one-pound 100
:two-pound 200})
(deftest make-change-test
(is (= {:num-coins 0}
(make-change 0)))
(doseq [[amount coin-set->expected]
{0.01 {us-coins {:num-coins 1, :penny 1}
british-coins {:num-coins 1, :penny 1}
common-us-coins {:num-coins 1, :penny 1}}
0.50 {us-coins {:num-coins 1, :half-dollar 1}
british-coins {:num-coins 1, :fifty-p 1}
common-us-coins {:num-coins 2, :quarter 2}}
0.71 {us-coins {:num-coins 4, :half-dollar 1, :dime 2, :penny 1}
british-coins {:num-coins 3, :fifty-p 1, :twenty-p 1, :penny 1}
common-us-coins {:num-coins 5, :quarter 2, :dime 2, :penny 1}}
0.99 {us-coins {:num-coins 8, :half-dollar 1, :quarter 1, :dime 2, :penny 4}
british-coins {:num-coins 6, :fifty-p 1, :twenty-p 2, :five-p 1, :two-p 2}
common-us-coins {:num-coins 9, :quarter 3, :dime 2, :penny 4}}}
[coin-set expected] coin-set->expected]
(testing (format "make change for %.03f with %s" amount coin-set)
(binding [*coin-set* coin-set]
(is (= expected
(make-change amount)))))))
(deftest prefer-larger-coins-test
(testing "Given 10, 20, and 30 coins, how do make 40? 30 + 10 or 2x20?? What's the right answer?"
;; I'm not 100% sure how the logic engine is determining what to try, so I can't yet
(let [l [:large 30]
m [:medium 20]
s [:small 10]]
(doseq [coin-set [[l m s]
[l s m]
[m l s]
[m s l]
[s l m]
[s m l]]
:let [coin-set (into (array-map) coin-set)]]
(testing (format "coin-set = %s" (pr-str coin-set))
(binding [*coin-set* coin-set]
(is (contains? #{{:num-coins 2, :medium 2}
{:num-coins 2, :large 1, :small 1}}
(make-change 0.4)))))))))
(deftest round-fractional-amount-test
(is (= (make-change 0.99)
(make-change 0.995)))
(testing "override the fractional-amount-fn - round instead of keeping fractional amounts"
(binding [*round-fractional-amount-fn* #(long (Math/round %))]
(doseq [[amount rounded-amount] {0.995 1.0
0.994 0.99}]
(testing amount
(is rounded-amount
(*round-fractional-amount-fn* amount))
(is (= (make-change rounded-amount)
(make-change amount))))))))
(deftest quantities-test
(doseq [[quantities expected] {{:quarter 2, :dime 100} {:num-coins 7, :quarter 2, :dime 5}
{:quarter 1, :dime 100} {:num-coins 10, :dime 10}
{:nickel 18, :penny 100} {:num-coins 28, :nickel 18, :penny 10}
;; not possible
{:quarter 2} nil}]
(testing (format "quantities = %s" (pr-str quantities))
(binding [*quantities* quantities]
(is (= expected
(make-change 1.0)))))))
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camsaul commented Jan 7, 2021


(make-change 0.50)
;; => {:num-coins 2, :quarter 2}

(make-change 0.71)
;; => {:num-coins 5, :quarter 2, :dime 2, :penny 1}

;; specify different coin sets
(binding [*coin-set* british-coins]
  (make-change 0.71))
;; => {:num-coins 3, :fifty-p 1, :twenty-p 1, :penny 1}

;; do we steal fractional change amounts, like at a gas pump? Up to you
(make-change 0.019)
;; => {:num-coins 1, :penny 1}

(binding [*round-fractional-amount-fn* #(long (Math/round %))]
  (make-change 0.019))
;; => {:num-coins 2, :penny 2}

;; specify the quantity of coins available
(binding [*quantities* {:quarter 2, :dime 100}]
  (make-change 1.0))
;; => {:num-coins 7, :quarter 2, :dime 5}

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