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Last active June 4, 2017 06:48
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(require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo]
'[clojure.core.async :as async])
(def zeus-route
(def best-route
(def airbases
{"Chongju" [[36 48.100] [128 36.314]]
"Choongwon" [[36 59.565] [129 08.769]]
"Hoengsong" [[37 27.477] [129 13.341]]
"Kangnung" [[37 47.315] [130 28.979]]
"Kimhae" [[35 12.856] [130 11.734]]
"Kimpo" [[37 36.868] [127 42.801]]
"Kunsan" [[35 57.554] [127 24.492]]
"Kwangju" [[35 12.906] [127 40.157]]
"Osan" [[37 04.141] [128 00.881]]
"Pohang" [[36 02.779] [130 48.826]]
"Pusan" [[35 14.353] [130 29.144]]
"P'Yong'Taeg" [[36 57.931] [128 03.884]]
"Sachon" [[35 07.972] [129 10.731]]
"Seosan" [[36 41.807] [127 19.884]]
"Seoul" [[37 26.719] [128 07.510]]
"Sokcho" [[38 06.185] [130 07.622]]
"Suwon" [[37 16.341] [127 57.800]]
"Taegu" [[35 57.999] [129 55.962]]
"Yechon" [[36 41.576] [129 40.163]]
"Chongwon" [[36 37.265] [128 35.318]]
"Chunchon" [[37 53.781] [128 56.751]]
"Kumi" [[36 12.633] [129 28.087]]
"Mandumi" [[38 04.259] [127 57.586]]
"R103" [[37 28.610] [127 39.140]]
"R107" [[37 46.237] [127 28.889]]
"R110" [[36 49.119] [127 39.642]]
"R113" [[37 43.159] [127 49.588]]
"R217" [[37 58.092] [128 18.822]]
"R218" [[38 03.480] [128 04.842]]
"R222" [[37 52.703] [128 06.146]]
"R419" [[37 41.926] [129 12.823]]
"R505" [[36 37.265] [128 19.205]]
"R601" [[36 41.731] [129 25.817]]
"R605" [[37 10.673] [129 31.878]]
"Singal" [[37 19.295] [128 07.928]]
"Songwhan" [[36 54.508] [128 09.622]]
"Yongju" [[36 51.275] [129 55.131]]
"Kadena" [[34 39.350] [132 55.367]]})
;; 25
(def dprk-airbases
{"Haeju" [[38 02.223] [126 36.807]]
"Hwangju" [[38 42.959] [126 32.227]]
"Hwangsuwon" [[40 43.756] [129 50.507]]
"Hyon-Ni" [[38 41.300] [128 37.565]]
"Iwon" [[40 24.718] [130 26.856]]
"Kaech'on" [[39 47.400] [126 42.427]]
"Koksan" [[38 48.157] [127 32.883]]
"Kuum-ni" [[38 54.190] [129 17.199]]
"Kwail" [[38 26.721] [125 29.149]]
"Manp'o" [[41 11.801] [127 27.140]]
"Mirim" [[39 03.544] [126 39.615]]
"Onch'on" [[38 57.412] [125 45.757]]
"Ongjin" [[37 59.158] [126 01.761]]
"Orang" [[41 27.626] [131 48.613]]
"Panghyon" [[39 58.840] [125 51.027]]
"Pukch'ang-up" [[39 37.849] [126 44.436]]
"Samjiyon" [[41 55.243] [130 13.612]]
"Sondok" [[39 47.577] [128 47.130]]
"Sunan" [[39 15.720] [126 21.840]]
"Sunch'on" [[39 26.670] [126 42.318]]
"T'aech'on" [[39 57.415] [126 10.724]]
"Taetan" [[38 08.607] [125 51.628]]
"Toksan" [[40 03.690] [128 59.915]]
"Uiju" [[40 15.017] [125 01.967]]
"Wonsan" [[39 13.084] [128 45.577]]})
;; 19
(def dprk-airstrips
"Ayang-Ni" [[38 18.184] [126 43.238]]
"Hoeyang SE" [[38 47.282] [128 54.712]]
"Ich'on" [[38 36.505] [127 51.762]]
"Kaech'on SW" [[39 51.249] [126 37.207]]
"Kilchu" [[40 59.144] [131 18.570]]
"Kojo" [[38 52.132] [129 11.725]]
"Koksan" [[38 47.665] [127 35.473]]
"Kwaksan" [[39 43.861] [125 44.733]]
"Kyongsong Chuul" [[41 35.786] [131 48.478]]
"Nuch'on-Ni" [[38 16.568] [127 07.865]]
"Okpyong-Ni" [[39 19.613] [128 30.958]]
"Panghyon" [[39 56.254] [125 46.633]]
"Pongsan" [[38 32.194] [126 32.937]]
"Sangwon" [[38 53.209] [126 50.598]]
"Sonch'on" [[39 47.633] [125 19.635]]
"Sugam-Ni" [[41 46.179] [131 56.882]]
"Taebukpo-Ri" [[38 21.417] [127 46.622]]
"Tangch'on" [[40 25.352] [130 36.617]]
"Yonghung" [[39 33.084] [128 33.424]])
(def russia
"Nachodka" [[42 59.916] [134 00.718]])
;; Where's the missing one?
(def aviator2-stops
(-> (merge dprk-airbases dprk-airstrips russia)
(disj "Nachodka")
(disj "Wonsan")))
(def aviator1-stops (-> airbases keys set (disj "Kadena") (disj "Kunsan")))
(defn deg->rad
(/ (* d Math/PI) 180.0))
(defn rad->deg
(/ (* r 180.0) Math/PI))
(defn dm->deg [[d m]]
(+ d (/ m 60.0)))
(defn dms->deg [[d m s]]
(+ d (/ m 60.0) (/ s 3600.0)))
(defn dms->rad [dms]
(-> dms dms->deg deg->rad))
(defn dm->rad [dm]
(-> dm dm->deg deg->rad))
(defn distance [[lata longa] [latb longb]]
(let [theta (- (dm->rad longa) (dm->rad longb))]
(-> (+ (* (Math/sin (dm->rad lata))
(Math/sin (dm->rad latb)))
(* (Math/cos (dm->rad lata))
(Math/cos (dm->rad latb))
(Math/cos theta)))
(* 60 1.1515))))
(defn ab-distance
[node1 node2]
(distance (airbases node1) (airbases node2)))
(def ab-distance*
(memoize ab-distance))
(defn routes
"Return all the permutations of nodes that begin at `start` and
terminate at `end`"
[nodes start end]
(->> nodes
(map #(conj (into [start] %) end))))
(defn route-distance
(->> (map (fn [a b]
(ab-distance* a b))
(drop 1 route))
(reduce +)))
(defn all-routes
[nodes start end]
(for [route (routes nodes start end)]
{:distance (route-distance route)
:route route}))
(defn first-route
[nodes start end]
(loop [remaining (set nodes)
route [start]
last-node start]
(if (empty? remaining)
(conj route end)
(let [closest (->> remaining
(map (fn [node]
{:distance (ab-distance* node last-node)
:node node}))
(apply min-key :distance)
(recur (disj remaining closest)
(conj route closest)
(defn optimal-route
"Shortest route among the passed nodes"
[nodes start end]
(apply min-key :distance (all-routes nodes start end)))
(defn improve
[generator scorer score model index]
(->> (repeatedly #(generator model index))
(map (fn [m] [(scorer m) m]))
(drop-while (fn [[s m]] (<= s score)))
(defn- model-stream*
"Internal implementation of model-stream"
[model score scorer generator index]
(let [[next-score next-model] (improve generator scorer score model index)]
(cons model
(when next-model
(model-stream* next-model next-score scorer generator (inc index)))))))
(defn model-stream
"Returns an infinite sequence of models starting with `initial`. Each
successive model will have a higher fitness (as determined by
calling the `fitness-fn` function on it). Creates candidate models
with `generator`, a function of the previous model and the iteration
`(generator model index)` will be called repeatedly until it either
returns a more-fit model or nil."
[initial fitness-fn generator]
(model-stream* initial (fitness-fn initial) fitness-fn generator 0))
(defn rand-between
"Return a random integer between a and b, inclusive"
[a b]
(-> (- b a) inc rand-int (+ a)))
(defn pairwise-exchange
"Returns a new route with a random subset reversed."
[route _]
(let [n (count route)
a (rand-between 1 (- n 2))
b (rand-between (inc a) (- n 1))]
(reduce into
[(subvec route 0 a)
(reverse (subvec route a b))
(subvec route b n)])))
(defn route-fitness
(- (route-distance route)))
(defn scramble-fn
[rounds p-skip]
(fn [route _]
(->> (iterate (fn [r]
(if (< (rand) p-skip)
(pairwise-exchange r nil)))
(drop rounds)
(all-routes ["Seoul" "Taegu"] "Kimpo" "Kunsan")
(let [nodes (-> (keys airbases)
(disj "Kadena")
(disj "Kunsan"))]
(->> (all-routes nodes "Kadena" "Kunsan")
(take 100000)
(let [nodes (-> (keys airbases)
(disj "Kadena")
(disj "Kunsan"))]
(first-route nodes "Kadena" "Kunsan"))
(let [nodes (-> (keys airbases)
(disj "Kadena")
(disj "Kunsan"))]
(optimal-route nodes "Kadena" "Kunsan"))
(map (fn [a b]
[[a b] (ab-distance a b)])
(drop 1 zeus-route))
(route-distance zeus-route) ; => 1210.0821092501515
(route-distance best-route) ; => 1200.3717719438573
(route-distance (first-route aviator1-stops "Kadena" "Kunsan")) ; => 1371.3848846665865
;; Aviator 1 computation
(let [n 8
l (Object.)]
(doseq [[rounds p-skip] (for [rounds [1 2 4 8]
p-skip [0.1 0.5]]
[rounds p-skip])]
(future (doseq [route (model-stream best-route #_zeus-route #_(first-route stops "Kadena" "Kunsan") route-fitness (scramble-fn rounds p-skip))]
(locking l
(println (route-distance route) rounds p-skip route))))))
;; Aviator 2 computation
(let [n 8
l (Object.)]
(doseq [[rounds p-skip] (for [rounds [1 2 4 8]
p-skip [0.1 0.5]]
[rounds p-skip])]
(future (doseq [route (model-stream #_best-route #_zeus-route (first-route aviator2-stops "Nachodka" "Wonsan") route-fitness (scramble-fn rounds p-skip))]
(locking l
(println (route-distance route) rounds p-skip route))))))
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