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Last active February 17, 2025 12:25
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Generate yolo annotations for the CubiCasa5k dataset.
import os
from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from multiprocessing import Pool, Lock
import re
from svg.path import parse_path
print_lock = Lock()
possible_fixed_furniture_lut = {}
possible_fixed_furniture_count = 0
# building elements
building_element_names = ['Door']
# fixed furniture classes
interested_classes = []
classes_lut = {}
class_count = 0
find_new_annotations = False
def write(file, content):
with open(file, 'w') as outfile:
def bounding_box(xs, ys):
x_min = min(xs)
x_max = max(xs)
y_min = min(ys)
y_max = max(ys)
w = x_max - x_min
h = y_max - y_min
return x_min + (w / 2), y_min + (h / 2), w, h
def get_first_png(path):
pngs = list(path.glob('*scaled.png'))
return pngs[0]
def add_class(name):
global class_count
classes_lut[name] = class_count
class_count += 1
def add_candidate(name):
if name not in possible_fixed_furniture_lut:
global possible_fixed_furniture_count
possible_fixed_furniture_lut[name] = possible_fixed_furniture_count
possible_fixed_furniture_count += 1
def is_interested(name):
return name in classes_lut
def get_class_id(name):
return classes_lut[name]
def convert_polygon_string(text):
xs = []
ys = []
for p in text.split(" "):
if p == "":
e = p.split(",")
if len(e) != 2:
return xs, ys
def fix_inner_polygon_coordinates(points_txt):
elements = [e for e in points_txt.split(" ") if e != ""]
output = ""
for i, e in enumerate(elements):
output += e
if i % 2 == 0 or i == 0:
output += ","
if i % 2 != 0:
output += " "
return output
def arc_to_xys(path):
segments = path._segments
xs = []
ys = []
for segment in segments:
return xs, ys
def resolve_d(d):
# clean arc path
cleaned_d = re.sub('[^0-9,\.\-\s]', '', d)
arcx, arcy = convert_polygon_string(cleaned_d)
x = arcx[0]
y = arcy[0]
# make global coordinates
for i in range(1, len(arcx)):
arcx[i] = x + arcx[i]
arcy[i] = y + arcy[i]
return arcx, arcy
def post_process(index, img_width, img_height, cx, cy, w, h):
return "%s %s %s %s %s" % (index, cx / img_width, cy / img_height, w / img_width, h / img_height)
def is_image_size_valid(img_width, img_height, svg_width, svg_height):
# error margin in 1/100 percent
error_margin = 0.2
if error_margin < abs(img_width / svg_width - 1.0):
return False
if error_margin < abs(img_height / svg_height - 1.0):
return False
return True
def create_annotation(svg):
with print_lock:
print("processing %s..." % svg)
data_path = Path(svg).parent
annotations = []
class_candidates = []
could_not_parse_counter = 0
# get image width
img_path = get_first_png(data_path)
im =
img_width = im.size[0]
img_height = im.size[1]
# read svg
with open(svg, "r") as file:
xml_content =
soup = BeautifulSoup(xml_content, features="xml")
svg_tag ="svg")[0]
svg_width = float(svg_tag["width"])
svg_height = float(svg_tag["height"])
# if not is_image_size_valid(img_width, img_height, svg_width, svg_height):
# return img_path, class_candidates, could_not_parse_counter, "size invalid"
# find all building elements
building_elements = []
for name in building_element_names:
elements = soup.find_all(id=name)
for element in elements:
building_elements.append((name, element))
for name, element in building_elements:
id = classes_lut[name]
polygon = element.findChildren("polygon", recursive=False)[0]
xs, ys = convert_polygon_string(polygon["points"])
cx, cy, w, h = bounding_box(xs, ys)
# door fix
if name == "Door":
paths = element.findChildren("path", recursive=True)
for path in paths:
d = path["d"]
arc = parse_path(d)
arcx, arcy = arc_to_xys(arc)
nxs = xs + arcx
nys = ys + arcy
cx, cy, w, h = bounding_box(nxs, nys)
annotations.append(post_process(id, img_width, img_height, cx, cy, w, h))
annotations.append(post_process(id, img_width, img_height, cx, cy, w, h))
# find all fixed furniture
class_elements = [element for element in soup.find_all(class_=True)]
fixed_furniture_element = [ff for ff in class_elements if "FixedFurniture" in ff["class"].split(" ")]
# choose the last class name as furniture descriptor (most specific)
class_names = [e["class"].split(" ")[-1] for e in fixed_furniture_element]
# convert element to yolo annotation
for i, name in enumerate(class_names):
if not is_interested(name):
if find_new_annotations:
id = get_class_id(name)
element = fixed_furniture_element[i]
# read coordinates
# matrix(1,0,0,1,487.399,608.3636)
transform_matrix_elements = [float(e) for e
in element["transform"].replace("matrix(", "").replace(")", "").split(",")]
# fix bug if fixedfurniture set
if element.parent.attrs['class'] == 'FixedFurnitureSet':
parent = element.parent
transform_matrix_elements = [float(e) for e
in parent["transform"].replace("matrix(", "").replace(")", "").split(",")]
x = transform_matrix_elements[4]
y = transform_matrix_elements[5]
inner_polygon = False
boundary_elements = element.findChildren("g", {"class": "BoundaryPolygon"}, recursive=False)
if len(boundary_elements) == 0:
boundary_elements = element.findChildren("g", {"class": "InnerPolygon"}, recursive=False)
inner_polygon = True
if len(boundary_elements) == 0:
# if no boundary polygon was found
could_not_parse_counter += 1
boundary_element = boundary_elements[0]
polygons = boundary_element.findChildren("polygon", recursive=False)
if len(polygons) == 0:
# not using a polygon for boundary info but a rect
# todo: implement extended caluclation of boundary
could_not_parse_counter += 1
polygon = polygons[0]
points_txt = polygon["points"]
# fix inner polygon different structure of values
if inner_polygon and "," not in points_txt:
points_txt = fix_inner_polygon_coordinates(points_txt)
xs, ys = convert_polygon_string(points_txt)
width = float(max(xs))
height = float(max(ys))
cx, cy, w, h = bounding_box([x, x + width], [y, y + height])
# translate by matrix
if transform_matrix_elements[2] < 0.0:
cx += transform_matrix_elements[2] * w
if transform_matrix_elements[1] < 0.0:
cy += transform_matrix_elements[1] * h
annotations.append(post_process(id, img_width, img_height, cx, cy, w, h))
# store annotation in txt file besides scaled png
txt_name = os.path.join(data_path, img_path.stem + ".txt")
write(txt_name, "\n".join(annotations))
# find out of bounds annotation
if len(annotations) > 0 \
and True in [float(e) > 1.0 for e in " ".join(annotations).split(" ")] \
and not is_image_size_valid(img_width, img_height, svg_width, svg_height):
return img_path, class_candidates, could_not_parse_counter, "over one position"
return img_path, class_candidates, could_not_parse_counter, None
def store_names(filename, class_lut):
pairs = class_lut.items()
pairs = sorted(pairs, key=lambda x: x[1])
write(filename, "\n".join(map(lambda x: x[0], pairs)))
def main():
print("converting CubiCasa5k svgs into yolo annotations...")
svgs = sorted(list(Path('data').glob('**/*.svg')))
pool = Pool()
results =, svgs)
annotated_image_files = [result[0] for result in results]
candidates_list = [result[1] for result in results]
candidates = [item for sublist in candidates_list for item in sublist]
could_not_parse_counter = sum([result[2] for result in results])
for name in sorted(candidates):
store_names("possible.names", possible_fixed_furniture_lut)
store_names("obj.names", classes_lut)
write("list.txt", "\n".join([str(e) for e in annotated_image_files]))
print("processed %s files!" % len(svgs))
print("could not parse: %s" % could_not_parse_counter)
failed_imgs = [e for e in results if e[3] is not None]
if len(failed_imgs) > 0:
print("Errors (%s): " % len(failed_imgs))
for result in [e for e in results if e[3] is not None]:
img_name = result[0]
message = result[3]
# print("%s: %s" % (img_name, message))
# add classes
for cls in sorted([item for sublist in [building_element_names, interested_classes] for item in sublist]):
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
import shutil
from multiprocessing import Pool, Lock
from pathlib import Path
print_lock = Lock()
data_path = Path('data')
flat = os.path.join(data_path, "flat")
def write(file, content):
with open(file, 'w') as outfile:
def process(txt):
prefix = "%s" % txt.parent.parent.stem
stem_name = txt.stem.replace("F1_scaled", txt.parent.stem)
new_txt_name = "%s_%s.txt" % (prefix, stem_name)
new_png_name = "%s_%s.png" % (prefix, stem_name)
old_png_path = os.path.join(str(txt.parent), "%s.png" % txt.stem)
txt_path = os.path.join(flat, new_txt_name)
png_path = os.path.join(flat, new_png_name)
with print_lock:
# copy
shutil.copyfile(txt, txt_path)
shutil.copyfile(old_png_path, png_path)
return png_path
def main():
if not os.path.exists(flat):
txts = list(set(data_path.glob('**/*.txt')) - set(data_path.glob('flat/*.txt')))
pool = Pool()
annotated_image_files =, list(txts))
write("flat_list.txt", "\n".join([str(e) for e in annotated_image_files]))
write("files.txt", "\n".join([str(Path(e).name) for e in annotated_image_files]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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