Create a role and a database for Django:
create role user with superuser login with password '***';
create database gn_24 with owner user;
\c gn_24
create extension postgis;
Restore backup:
psql gn_24 < sdi_django.sql
Activate virtualenv and set the env vars:
. env/bin/Activate
export vars_210
Here is a vasr_210 sample - update it to your enironment:
export DATABASE_URL=postgis://user:***@localhost:5432/dbname
export GEODATABASE_URL=postgis://user:***@localhost:5432/geonode_data
export ALLOWED_HOSTS="['localhost', '']"
export STATIC_ROOT=~/www/geonode/static/
export GEOSERVER_LOCATION=http://localhost:8080/geoserver/
export GEOSERVER_PUBLIC_LOCATION=http://localhost:8080/geoserver/
Downgrade psycopg2:
pip install psycopg2==2.7.7
Apply migrations and download basic fixtures:
cd wfp-geonode
./ migrate --fake-initial
paver sync
Fix migrations for upload application:
delete from django_migrations where app = 'upload';
drop table upload_upload cascade;
drop table upload_uploadfile;
./ migrate upload
Upgrade psycopg2:
pip install -r geonode/requirements.txt
To create a superuser I had to drop the following constraints (we can re-enable if needed):
alter table people_profile alter column last_login drop not null;
./manage createsuperuser
For some reason some resources are unpublished:
UPDATE base_resourcebase SET is_published = true;
Remove a foreign key from account_account which is not used anymore (GeoNode dev team: maybe even better let's remove all of the account tables!):
ALTER TABLE account_account DROP CONSTRAINT user_id_refs_id_726cb6b4;
ALTER TABLE account_signupcode DROP CONSTRAINT "inviter_id_refs_id_49a7c0d9";
Fix the remote service layers by running this script:
python migration/