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Created July 21, 2022 20:29
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
A script to output tabular data from a Storm query. Stormfile queries must emit data via $lib.csv.emit()
Based on Synapse's csvtool
import argparse
import asyncio
import sys
from typing import Optional
import rich.console
import rich.table
import synapse.telepath as s_telepath
def parse_args() -> Optional[argparse.Namespace]:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="cli-csv", description="Tool to print tabular data from a Synapse cortex")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--cortex", required=True, help="Cortex telepath/alias")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-header", help="Specify this flag if the provided storm file query doesn't output a header row")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument("-f", "--storm-file", type=str, help="Path to storm file to execute")
group.add_argument("-q", "--query", type=str, help="Storm query to execute")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args:
return None
return args
async def main() -> int:
args = parse_args()
if not args:
return 1
query = ""
if args.query:
# if we are running a query, just show the repr for each node
query = args.query + " | { $lib.csv.emit($node.repr()) }"
with open(args.storm_file, "r") as f:
query =
# incoming queries should be doing csv emits
if not "$lib.csv.emit" in query:
raise ValueError("Did not detect $lib.csv.emit() calls in the provided query file!")
async with await s_telepath.openurl(args.cortex) as core:
opts = {}
opts["show"] = ("csv:row", "print", "warn", "err")
rows = []
async for name, info in core.storm(query, opts=opts):
if name == "csv:row":
if name in ("init", "fini"):
print(f"{name}: {info}")
tbl = rich.table.Table(show_lines=True, show_header=(False if args.no_header else True))
if not args.no_header:
if args.query:
[tbl.add_column(str(c)) for c in rows[0]]
rows = rows[1:]
[tbl.add_row(*[str(c) for c in r]) for r in rows]
console = rich.console.Console()
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
+{ -> inet:dns:request +:query:name:fqdn -> inet:fqdn }
$lib.csv.emit("MD5", "FQDN", "A rez")
$row = ({"md5": :md5})
-> inet:dns:request +:query:name:fqdn -> inet:fqdn
$row.fqdn = $node.value()
-> inet:dns:a
$row.ipv4 = $node.repr(ipv4)
$lib.csv.emit($row.md5, $row.fqdn, $row.ipv4)
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