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  • Save carcinocron/e09ef8b98aa809880c07 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save carcinocron/e09ef8b98aa809880c07 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The goal is fast + unique, this is not for cryptographically secure purposes!
$startTime = microtime(true);
// Your content to test
$var =mt_rand(100000000000000,999999999999999);
$endTime = microtime(true);
$elapsed = $endTime - $startTime;
echo 'mt_rand in: ',$elapsed,"\n";
$startTime = microtime(true);
// Your content to test
$var = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(14);
$endTime = microtime(true);
$elapsed = $endTime - $startTime;
echo 'openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(14): in ',$elapsed,"\n";
$startTime = microtime(true);
for($x=0;$x< LOOP_COUNT;$x++)
// Your content to test
$var = uniqid('',true);
$endTime = microtime(true);
$elapsed = $endTime - $startTime;
echo 'uniqid(\'\',true) in: ',$elapsed,"\n";
$startTime = microtime(true);
for($x=0;$x< LOOP_COUNT;$x++)
// Your content to test
$var = uniqid('',false);
$endTime = microtime(true);
$elapsed = $endTime - $startTime;
echo 'uniqid(\'\',false) in: ',$elapsed,"\n";
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uniqid calls getdatetime(), but uniqid('',false) does extra blocking to the CPU and uses sleep(1) to guarantee that no other process gets the same value. The extra entropy flag seems to be free or built in, we're just halting and blocking the CPU to ensure that a shorter value is unique, which is a total waist.

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my laptop, single threaded:

mt_rand in:                         0.036395788192749
openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(14): in 0.10478019714355
uniqid('',true) in:                 0.050448894500732
uniqid('',false) in:                47.480038881302

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