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// Run this in the F12 javascript console in chrome | |
// if a redirect happens, the page will pause | |
// this helps because chrome's network tab's | |
// "preserve log" seems to technically preserve the log | |
// but you can't actually LOOK at it... | |
// also the "replay xhr" feature does not work after reload | |
// even if you "preserve log". | |
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function() { debugger; }, false) |
Chrome has a UI in the DevTools Sources panel for Event Listener Breakpoints which has the various Load > * events like the one mentioned here. Not sure it's working though..
Cool. And where do you see what page it would be redirecting to then, had it not paused?
Haha. Baahaal 👍
so simple so genius!
Very helpful!
What a genius!
You can also check Preserve Log checkbox in Network Settings (Chrome DevTools plugin)
Actually the whole point of this is that the "Preserve Log" checkbox doesn't actually work...
Thanks! Saved the day!
You are beautiful, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
Wow.. thanks!
Thanks! Saved the day!
thank you
Thank a lot, man.
Thank a lot, man.
That's so nice
Saved my life! Thank you 💪💪💪
bump, really save life, otherwise the original URL is lost when 302 auto redirected to page saying this region is not available
, and there is not the history entry for original URL, neither switch back.
-- Edit
okay, I did not try it before I reply, what I saying here is not the feature to pause redirection automatically in the background, means you have to open devtools console beforehand to run the code first. Google leads me to here, but now it's time to go
greate idea
Im having a bit of trouble interacting with the website in this state. im trying to copy a string