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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
Vim config (.vimrc)
execute pathogen#infect()
" Bundle: magic-dot-files/TagHighlight
" Bundle: scrooloose/nerdtree
" Bundle: itchyny/lightline.vim
if has("syntax")
syntax on
if has("autocmd")
filetype plugin indent on
set showmatch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set incsearch
set mouse=a
set hlsearch
map <C-Tab> :bnext!<CR>
map <C-S-Tab> :bprev!<CR>
imap <C-h> <BS>
imap <A-h> <Left>
imap <A-l> <Right>
imap <A-j> <Down>
imap <A-k> <Up>
map <S-k> 8k
map <S-j> 8j
noremap <C-h> <Home>
noremap <C-l> <End>
" Code extras
map <C-A-f> A<BS><SPACE>{<CR>}<CR><ESC>
map <C-A-w> :w<CR>
map <C-n> :noh<CR>
map <C-c> :bp<BAR>sp<BAR>bn<BAR>bd<CR>
map <C-A-b> :!make -s<CR>
map <C-A-t> :!ctags -R<CR>:UpdateTypesFile<CR><CR>
map <C-A-c> :bufdo bd<CR>
" Selecting window
map <C-A-h> <C-w><C-h>
map <C-A-l> <C-w><C-l>
map <C-A-j> <C-w><C-j>
map <C-A-k> <C-w><C-k>
" Omni
imap <C-s> <C-x><C-o>
map <C-s> <C-w><C-z>
map <C-h> <C-w>}
" Clipboard
vmap <C-y> "+y
map <C-p> "+p
map <C-P> "+P
" Navigation
map <A-h> <C-t>
map <A-l> <C-]>
set number
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
"set encoding=iso8859-1
"set spell spelllang=en_us
"set spell spelllang=sv_se
noremap <Up> ""
noremap <Down> ""
noremap <Left> ""
noremap <Right> ""
imap jk <Esc>
"vmap jk <Esc>
set laststatus=2
set foldmethod=marker
set nowrap
map <C-A-n> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
map <C-w><C-n> :NERDTreeFocus<CR>
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