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Last active July 22, 2024 18:25
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Analitic BSpline basis
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
class Knotvector:
def uniform(cls, degree, npts):
ninter = npts - degree
one = sp.Rational(1)
start = [0*one for _ in range(degree)]
end = [one for _ in range(degree)]
middle = [i*one/ninter for i in range(ninter+1)]
vector = start + middle + end
return cls(vector, degree)
def __init__(self, vector, degree=None):
vector = tuple(v if not isinstance(v, int) else sp.Rational(v)
for v in vector)
if degree is None:
degree = 0
while vector[degree] == vector[degree+1]:
degree += 1
npts = len(vector) - degree - 1
knots = tuple(sorted(set(vector[degree:npts+1])))
spans = [0] * len(knots)
for i, knot in enumerate(knots):
for j in range(degree, npts):
if vector[j] == knot:
spans[i] = j
spans[-1] = spans[-2]
self.vector = vector = degree
self.npts = npts
self.knots = knots
self.spans = spans
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.vector[index]
def __str__(self):
return str(self.vector)
def spline_eval_matrix(knotvector, reqdegree=None):
Given a knotvector, it has properties like
- number of points: npts
- polynomial degree: degree
- knots: A list of non-repeted knots
- spans: The span of each knot
This function returns a matrix of size
(m) x (j+1) x (j+1)
- m is the number of segments: len(knots)-1
- j is the requested degree
if reqdegree is None:
reqdegree =
j = reqdegree
knots = knotvector.knots
spans = knotvector.spans
niter = len(knots) - 1
matrix = np.zeros((niter, j+1, j+1), dtype="object")
if j == 0:
val = knots[-1] - knots[0]
return matrix
matrix_less1 = spline_eval_matrix(knotvector, j-1)
for y in range(j):
for z, sz in enumerate(spans[:-1]):
i = y + sz - j + 1
denom = knotvector[i + j] - knotvector[i]
for k in range(j):
matrix_less1[z, y, k] /= denom
a0 = knots[z] - knotvector[i]
a1 = knots[z + 1] - knots[z]
b0 = knotvector[i + j] - knots[z]
b1 = knots[z] - knots[z + 1]
for k in range(j):
matrix[z, y, k] += b0 * matrix_less1[z, y, k]
matrix[z, y, k + 1] += b1 * matrix_less1[z, y, k]
matrix[z, y + 1, k] += a0 * matrix_less1[z, y, k]
matrix[z, y + 1, k + 1] += a1 * matrix_less1[z, y, k]
return matrix
def compute_basis(knotvector: Knotvector, degree: int):
npts = knotvector.npts
shape = (npts, npts - degree)
basis = np.zeros(shape, dtype="object")
t = sp.symbols("t", real=True)
matrix3d = spline_eval_matrix(knotvector)
knots = knotvector.knots
spans = knotvector.spans
for j, span in enumerate(spans[:-1]):
u = (t - knots[j])
u /= knots[j + 1] - knots[j]
for y in range(degree + 1):
i = y + span - degree
coefs = matrix3d[j, y]
value = sum(ci * u**i for i, ci in enumerate(coefs))
basis[i, j] = value
for i in range(npts):
for j in range(npts - degree):
expr = sp.sympify(basis[i, j])
expr = sp.expand(expr)
expr = sp.simplify(expr)
expr = sp.factor(expr)
basis[i, j] = expr
return basis
def print_basis(knotvector, basis):
degree, npts =, knotvector.npts
print(f"Basis Function of degree {degree} and {npts} npts")
print(f"Knotvector: {knotvector}")
knots = knotvector.knots
for j, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(knots, knots[1:])):
print(f" For interval {j}: [{a}, {b}]")
for i in range(npts):
print(f" {i}: {basis[i, j]}")
def plot_basis(knotvector, basis):
npts = knotvector.npts
prop_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']
default_colors = prop_cycle.by_key()['color']
colors = []
for i, color in enumerate(default_colors):
if i == npts:
tvar = sp.symbols("t", real=True)
tvals = []
allfvals = [[] for _ in range(npts)]
knots = tuple(map(float, knotvector.knots))
for j, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(knots, knots[1:])):
tspace = np.linspace(a, b, 129)
tvals += list(tspace)
for i in range(npts):
expr = basis[i, j]
new_fvals = [expr.subs(tvar, ti) for ti in tspace]
allfvals[i] += new_fvals
for i, fvals in enumerate(allfvals):
plt.plot(tvals, fvals, color=colors[i], label=str(i+1))
def main():
if True:
degree, npts = 3, 6
knotvector = Knotvector.uniform(degree, npts)
degree = 2
knotvector = [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
knotvector = Knotvector(knotvector, degree)
basis = compute_basis(knotvector, degree=degree)
print_basis(knotvector, basis)
plot_basis(knotvector, basis)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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This gist translates the knotvector into a set of analitic basis functions, as shown bellow in the output.
Switching the condition at line 163 gives you different outputs, as you can see below:

Basis Function of degree 3 and 6 npts
Knotvector: (0, 0, 0, 0, 1/3, 2/3, 1, 1, 1, 1)
    For interval 0: [0, 1/3]
        0: -(3*t - 1)**3
        1: 9*t*(21*t**2 - 18*t + 4)/4
        2: -9*t**2*(11*t - 6)/4
        3: 9*t**3/2
        4: 0
        5: 0
    For interval 1: [1/3, 2/3]
        0: 0
        1: -(3*t - 2)**3/4
        2: 3*(21*t**3 - 36*t**2 + 18*t - 2)/4
        3: -3*(21*t**3 - 27*t**2 + 9*t - 1)/4
        4: (3*t - 1)**3/4
        5: 0
    For interval 2: [2/3, 1]
        0: 0
        1: 0
        2: -9*(t - 1)**3/2
        3: 9*(t - 1)**2*(11*t - 5)/4
        4: -9*(t - 1)*(21*t**2 - 24*t + 7)/4
        5: (3*t - 2)**3

Other condition:

Basis Function of degree 3 and 6 npts
Knotvector: (-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    For interval 0: [-2, -1]
        0: -(t + 1)**3/6
        1: (9*t**3 + 33*t**2 + 27*t + 11)/24
        2: -(7*t**3 + 33*t**2 + 39*t - 1)/24
        3: (t + 2)**3/12
        4: 0
        5: 0
    For interval 1: [-1, 1]
        0: 0
        1: -(t - 1)**3/24
        2: (3*t**3 - 3*t**2 - 9*t + 11)/24
        3: -(3*t**3 + 3*t**2 - 9*t - 11)/24
        4: (t + 1)**3/24
        5: 0
    For interval 2: [1, 2]
        0: 0
        1: 0
        2: -(t - 2)**3/12
        3: (7*t**3 - 33*t**2 + 39*t + 1)/24
        4: -(9*t**3 - 33*t**2 + 27*t - 11)/24
        5: (t - 1)**3/6


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