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Last active April 24, 2022 17:04
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This algorithm finds the solution of an non-linear equation. The equation is the catenary, which must pass the point (x0, y0). There are 0, 1 or 2 solutions for this problem
# Description #
# This algorithm finds the solution of an non-linear equation
# The equation is the catenary, that is like
# h(x) = a * cosh(x/a)
# We want to find the value of "a" such that h(x0) = y0
# Where (x0, y0) is known
# In this problem, there's four types of solution
# if x0 == 0: one solution
# elif y0/x0 < ftstar: zero solutions
# elif y0/x0 == ftstar: one solution # almost impossible to get this case
# elif y0/x0 > ftstar: two solutions
# The value of ftstar is constant, approx 1.50888. See the link below
# Link to math.stackexchange
from scipy.special import lambertw
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy import linalg as la
sinh = np.sinh
cosh = np.cosh
def f(t):
return np.cosh(t) / t
def df(t):
return np.sinh(t) / t - f(t) / t
def g(t, k):
This function is to iterate, using Newton's method to find the solution
t_{n+1} = t_{n} - f(t_{n})/f'(t_{n})
t_{n+1} = t_{n} - g(t_{n})
----> g(t) = f(t)/f'(t)
return t * (np.cosh(t) - k * t) / (t * np.sinh(t) - np.cosh(t))
x0, y0 = 1, 2
tstar = 1.1996786402577338339
fstar = f(tstar)
print("tstar = ", tstar)
print("fstar = ", fstar)
if x0 == 0:
a1 = y0
a2 = None
print("a = ", a1)
k = y0 / x0
print(" k = ", k)
if k < fstar:
msg = "k is too low. Impossible find catenary to solve it\n"
msg += "k must be > %.4f" % fstar
a1 = None
a2 = None
t1 = 1 / k + 1 / (2 * k**3) + 13 / (24 * k**5) + 541 / \
(720 * k**7) + 9509 / (8064 * k**9)
print("frist estimate t1 = ", t1) # Frist estimate. Now we use Newton
for w in range(5): # Only 5 iterations
t1 -= g(t1, k)
print(" last estimate t1 = ", t1)
a1 = x0 / t1
print("a1 = ", a1)
t2 = -lambertw(-1 / (2 * k), -1)
if la.norm(t2 - np.real(t2)) < 1e-8:
t2 = np.real(t2) # Frist estimate. Now we use Newton
print("frist estimate t2 = ", t2)
for w in range(5): # Only 5 iterations
t2 -= g(t2, k)
print(" last estimate t2 = ", t2)
a2 = x0 / t2
print("a2 = ", a2)
a2 = None
ymin = 0
ymax = np.abs(y0)
if a1 is not None:
ymax = np.max([ymax, np.abs(a1)])
if a2 is not None:
ymax = np.max([ymax, np.abs(a2)])
ymax *= 1.5
L = np.log(2 * ymax)
L = np.max([L, 1.5 * x0])
xplot = np.linspace(-L, L, 129)
plt.scatter(x0, y0)
if a1 is not None:
plt.plot(xplot, a1 * cosh(xplot / a1), label="Frist solution")
if a2 is not None:
plt.plot(xplot, a2 * cosh(xplot / a2), label="Second solution")
plt.plot((-L, 0, L), (fstar * L, 0, fstar * L),
ls="dashed", label="Limit line")
plt.ylim([0, ymax])
plt.xlim([-L, L])
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