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Cart pole balancing solved using the Q learning algorithm. | |
https://gym.openai.com/envs/CartPole-v0 | |
https://gym.openai.com/evaluations/eval_kWknKOkPQ7izrixdhriurA | |
To run: | |
python CartPole-v0.py |
import gym | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
import random | |
# https://gym.openai.com/envs/CartPole-v0 | |
# Carlos Aguayo - [email protected] | |
class QLearner(object): | |
def __init__(self, | |
num_states=100, | |
num_actions=4, | |
alpha=0.2, | |
gamma=0.9, | |
random_action_rate=0.5, | |
random_action_decay_rate=0.99): | |
self.num_states = num_states | |
self.num_actions = num_actions | |
self.alpha = alpha | |
self.gamma = gamma | |
self.random_action_rate = random_action_rate | |
self.random_action_decay_rate = random_action_decay_rate | |
self.state = 0 | |
self.action = 0 | |
self.qtable = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(num_states, num_actions)) | |
def set_initial_state(self, state): | |
""" | |
@summary: Sets the initial state and returns an action | |
@param state: The initial state | |
@returns: The selected action | |
""" | |
self.state = state | |
self.action = self.qtable[state].argsort()[-1] | |
return self.action | |
def move(self, state_prime, reward): | |
""" | |
@summary: Moves to the given state with given reward and returns action | |
@param state_prime: The new state | |
@param reward: The reward | |
@returns: The selected action | |
""" | |
alpha = self.alpha | |
gamma = self.gamma | |
state = self.state | |
action = self.action | |
qtable = self.qtable | |
choose_random_action = (1 - self.random_action_rate) <= np.random.uniform(0, 1) | |
if choose_random_action: | |
action_prime = random.randint(0, self.num_actions - 1) | |
else: | |
action_prime = self.qtable[state_prime].argsort()[-1] | |
self.random_action_rate *= self.random_action_decay_rate | |
qtable[state, action] = (1 - alpha) * qtable[state, action] + alpha * (reward + gamma * qtable[state_prime, action_prime]) | |
self.state = state_prime | |
self.action = action_prime | |
return self.action | |
def cart_pole_with_qlearning(): | |
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') | |
experiment_filename = './cartpole-experiment-1' | |
env.monitor.start(experiment_filename, force=True) | |
goal_average_steps = 195 | |
max_number_of_steps = 200 | |
number_of_iterations_to_average = 100 | |
number_of_features = env.observation_space.shape[0] | |
last_time_steps = np.ndarray(0) | |
cart_position_bins = pd.cut([-2.4, 2.4], bins=10, retbins=True)[1][1:-1] | |
pole_angle_bins = pd.cut([-2, 2], bins=10, retbins=True)[1][1:-1] | |
cart_velocity_bins = pd.cut([-1, 1], bins=10, retbins=True)[1][1:-1] | |
angle_rate_bins = pd.cut([-3.5, 3.5], bins=10, retbins=True)[1][1:-1] | |
def build_state(features): | |
return int("".join(map(lambda feature: str(int(feature)), features))) | |
def to_bin(value, bins): | |
return np.digitize(x=[value], bins=bins)[0] | |
learner = QLearner(num_states=10 ** number_of_features, | |
num_actions=env.action_space.n, | |
alpha=0.2, | |
gamma=1, | |
random_action_rate=0.5, | |
random_action_decay_rate=0.99) | |
for episode in xrange(50000): | |
observation = env.reset() | |
cart_position, pole_angle, cart_velocity, angle_rate_of_change = observation | |
state = build_state([to_bin(cart_position, cart_position_bins), | |
to_bin(pole_angle, pole_angle_bins), | |
to_bin(cart_velocity, cart_velocity_bins), | |
to_bin(angle_rate_of_change, angle_rate_bins)]) | |
action = learner.set_initial_state(state) | |
for step in xrange(max_number_of_steps - 1): | |
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action) | |
cart_position, pole_angle, cart_velocity, angle_rate_of_change = observation | |
state_prime = build_state([to_bin(cart_position, cart_position_bins), | |
to_bin(pole_angle, pole_angle_bins), | |
to_bin(cart_velocity, cart_velocity_bins), | |
to_bin(angle_rate_of_change, angle_rate_bins)]) | |
if done: | |
reward = -200 | |
action = learner.move(state_prime, reward) | |
if done: | |
last_time_steps = np.append(last_time_steps, [int(step + 1)]) | |
if len(last_time_steps) > number_of_iterations_to_average: | |
last_time_steps = np.delete(last_time_steps, 0) | |
break | |
if last_time_steps.mean() > goal_average_steps: | |
print "Goal reached!" | |
print "Episodes before solve: ", episode + 1 | |
print u"Best 100-episode performance {} {} {}".format(last_time_steps.max(), | |
unichr(177), # plus minus sign | |
last_time_steps.std()) | |
break | |
env.monitor.close() | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
random.seed(0) | |
cart_pole_with_qlearning() |
Hi, spent some time this weekend trying your CartPole-v0, but for some reason it doesn't converge. Do you use some different variable values than above? The only thing that I changed for the code to work in python35 was xrange to range, everything else is intact. like @blabby said: Am I missing something?
Hi, I always get this error when I tried to run the script.
Error: Tried to reset environment which is not done. While the monitor is active for CartPole-v0, you cannot call reset() unless the episode is over.
which is strange since the reset only called at the beginning for each episode, which then can only be run if the previous episode reached 'done' state from the step function. Any clue as to why this happens?
Thanks in advance!
@mitbal I'm getting the same error after ~35 episodes after changing to:
env = gym.wrappers.Monitor(env, experiment_filename, force=True)
Did you manage to fix the issue? I don't understand why it stops working.
@alexmcnulty I fixed the error by putting the code "env.close()" before env.reset().
@blabby Good catch, I indeed mixed them. However changing them shouldn't affect much.
@JKCooper2 Great catch on the decay rate, I hadn't noticed it was decaying so quickly. By moving it to the
does what you suggest.@JKCooper2 and @Svalorzen I was wondering about the rewards as well. Initially I was confused by the fact that the environment wouldn't return a negative reward when the cart failed to balance the pole. As in, that's definitely a state we didn't want to be in and the agent should learn not to get near it.
At the same time, I realize that without giving it a bad reward, the agent should learn to get as many positive rewards as possible, implying keeping the pole balanced for as long as possible.