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Starbuck Starfish carlos8f

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I am autistic. I have a rare type of autism called Savant Syndrome. It is rare and no one talks about it. But, I have lived my whole life like this and no one told me what I had. I found out just recently. I got books on it but they were all written for parents of children. I don't know who to turn to.

I tried to see a doctor but they wanted a diagnosis first. I went to the diagnosis person and they wanted $1000. I couldn't afford it. I left and I knew I had autism and no one understands. I also have Synesthesia, I am an open source programmer, I have a fighting game channel on youtube, I am a chess player, I know every note on hundreds of jazz records. I can recite all this music from heart. I have perfect pitch. Plz help.

From: manoj <[email protected]>
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HI Sir/Madam
Can you outsource some SEO business to us? We will work according to you and
your clients and for a long term relationship we can start our SEO services in
only $99 per month per website.
Looking forward for your positive reply
carlos8f / gist:074640236bfe2d8663a8
Created August 18, 2014 19:05
Pra Que Discutir Con Madame?
Madame diz que a raça não melhora
Que a vida piora por causa do samba,
Madame diz o que samba tem pecado
Que o samba é coitado e devia acabar,
Madame diz que o samba tem cachaça, mistura de raça mistura de cor,
Madame diz que o samba democrata, é música barata sem nenhum valor,
Vamos acabar com o samba, madame não gosta que ninguém sambe
Vive dizendo que samba é vexame
Pra que discutir com madame.

Install Dnsmasq on OSX

This will allow any url having the non-existant TLD .dev to resolve to your locale machine.

Install dnsmasq and run as a service

$ brew update
carlos8f / mj_love_never_felt_so_good.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Michael Jackson - Love Never Felt So Good
Love never felt so good.
Gm7/C Fmaj7
And I'd die if it ever could!
Am7b9 D7b9
...not like you hold me, hold me...
carlos8f / account_controller.js
Created June 13, 2014 07:52
simple blog with LevelDB persistence, built with Motley
module.exports = function (app) {
return app.controller()
// just upsert a user and log them in
.post('/login', function (req, res, next) {
function logIn (err, user) {
if (err) return next(err);
if (user) {
carlos8f / .gitignore
Created June 13, 2014 06:31