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Forked from mheadd/fastagi.js
Last active April 13, 2019 16:51
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Node.js script to execute FastAGI application

Launch the node TCP server for FastAGI:

~$ node path/to/fastagi.js

Add a context for FastAGI testing:

exten => _5XXX,1,Answer()
exten => _5XXX,n,AGI(agi://
exten => _5XXX,n,Hangup()

Include this in your default context:

include => fastagi-test

When you dial a 4-digit extension beginning with 5 the test will execute.

// Include required modules.
var net = require('net');
var sys = require('sys');
// Create a TCP server and listen on FastAGI port.
var server = net.createServer();
server.listen(4573, '');
// Add a listener for new connections.
server.addListener('connection', fastAGI);
// An array to hold AGI variables submitted from Asterisk.
var agiVars = new Array();
// An array to hold the set of commands we want to send back to Asterisk.
var commands = new Array();
// Return value provided by Asterisk after AGI commands are executed.
var returnValue;
* Asterisk AGI Commands.
// Method to stream an audio file.
function streamFile(file, escapeDigits, offset) {
var command = "STREAM FILE " + file + " \"" + escapeDigits + "\"" ;
if(typeof(offset) != 'undefined') { command += " " + offset; }
command += "\n";
// Method to say a number.
function sayNumber(number, escapeDigits) {
var command = "SAY NUMBER " + number + " \"" + escapeDigits + "\"" + "\n" ;
// Method to tell Asterisk to hangup the channel.
function hangup(channel) {
var command = "HANGUP";
if(typeof(channel) != 'undefined') { command += " " + channel; }
command += "\n";
* Helper methods.
// Method to access AGI variables submitted from Asterisk.
function getagiVars(data) {
var values = data.toString().split("\n");
for(i=1; i < values.length; i++) {
var temp = values[i].split(":");
agiVars[temp[0]] = temp[1];
// Method to extract the return value from Asterisk response.
function getReturnValue(data) {
returnValue = data.substr((data.indexOf("=")+1),1);
// Method to prepare the response before sending commands to Asterisk
// Call before stream.write().
function prepareResponse() {
// Method to render commands one at a time from the commands array.
function renderCommands() {
return commands.pop();
// Prototype method to create size property for agiVars array.
Array.prototype.size = function () {
var size = this.length ? --this.length : -1;
for (var item in this) {
return size;
// Method to execute AGI logic.
function fastAGI(stream) {
stream.addListener('connect', function() {
sys.puts("Got a connection from Asterisk!");
stream.addListener('data', function(data) {
// When Asterisk starts the AGI script, it will pass channel variables.
if(!agiVars.size()) {
// Populate agiVars array.
// Write some debug output.
sys.puts("Getting a call from: " + agiVars["agi_calleridname"]);
// Set up the commands to send back to Asterisk, populate the commands array.
streamFile("hello-world", "#");
streamFile("tt-monkeys", "#");
streamFile("goodbye", "#");
// Prepare the response (just reverses the commands array).
// Start sending commands.
// With subnsequent responses, Asterisk will send a response code with return value.
else {
// Check the return value from Asterisk.
// After we tell Asterisk to streak audio files, we get a 0 return.
if(returnValue == 0) {
stream.write(renderCommands()); // Send the next command.
// After we tell Asterisk to hangup, we get a 1 return.
else {
// We don't see this event until we call stream.end().
stream.addListener('end', function() {
sys.puts("Goodbye Asterisk.");
agiVars = new Array();
commands = new Array();
stream.addListener('error', function() {
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