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mateusg / inflections.rb
Created April 17, 2011 23:03
pt-BR inflections file for Ruby on Rails applications
# encoding: utf-8
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
# Add new inflection rules using the following format
# (all these examples are active by default):
# ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
# inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '\1en'
# inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '\1'
# inflect.irregular 'person', 'people'
# inflect.uncountable %w( fish sheep )
btoone / deploy.rb
Created August 17, 2011 14:48
Example Capistrano configuration for multi stage deployment
# app/config/deploy.rb
# Most of the changes specific to your environment will be set in
# the `app/config/deploy/[env].rb` files.
# define multiple deployments
set :stages, %w(production staging)
set :default_stage, "staging"
jrochkind / gist:2161449
Created March 22, 2012 18:40
A Capistrano Rails Guide

A Capistrano Rails Guide

by Jonathan Rochkind,

why cap?

Capistrano automates pushing out a new version of your application to a deployment location.

I've been writing and deploying Rails apps for a while, but I avoided using Capistrano until recently. I've got a pretty simple one-host deployment, and even though everyone said Capistrano was great, every time I tried to get started I just got snowed under not being able to figure out exactly what I wanted to do, and figured I wasn't having that much trouble doing it "manually".

jonforums / download.rb
Created March 26, 2012 01:15
Ruby HTTP/HTTPS/FTP file downloader
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# An HTTP/HTTPS/FTP file downloader library/CLI based upon MiniPortile's
# HTTP implementation.
# Author: Jon Maken
# License: 3-clause BSD
# Revision: 2012-03-25 23:01:19 -0600
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https' if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
sauloarruda / 1.
Created April 17, 2012 19:01
Configurando aplicação Rails com Nginx e Unicorn

Configurando aplicação Rails com Nginx e Unicorn

TL;DR Como configurar uma aplicação Rails usando Nginx + Unicorn + Upstart + RVM (gemset por aplicação).

Dependências: (TODO) Configuração de Servidor Nginx

Essas instruções são aplicáveis para o seguinte ambiente:

  • Sistema Operacional: Ubuntu Server 12.04 beta2
  • Servidor: AWS EC2 usando ESB AMI: ubuntu/images-milestone/ebs/ubuntu-precise-12.04-beta2-amd64-server-20120328 (ami-b5ea34dc)
raphaelstolt / php54_php53_pear_macports.markdown
Created May 17, 2012 21:37
Installing PHP 5.4 and 5.3 side by side on Max OSX via MacPorts

##Given Apache 2 and MySQL are already installed.

#Update MacPorts sudo port selfupdate;sudo port -u upgrade outdated

#Install PHP 5.4.* sudo port install php54 php54-apache2handler ##Activate Apache Module cd /opt/local/apache2/modules

statique / serialized_conversion.sql
Created November 2, 2012 20:42
PostgreSQL Convert Rails serialized YAML to JSON query
-- replace table_name with the name of your database table, e.g. users
-- replace data with the serialized field in the table, e.g. nicknames
-- output generates serialized data that decrypts to a Ruby array.
-- data with quotes, hyphens, or spaces will have issues with this query.
-- preview the YAML to JSON to confirm the conversion is working.
' ', ''),
'...', ''),
'---', '["'),
shmatov / deploy.rake
Created November 15, 2012 13:17
rails + mina + unicorn
# lib/tasks/deploy.rake
namespace :deploy do
desc 'Deploy to staging environment'
task :staging do
exec 'mina deploy -f config/deploy/staging.rb'
joemaller / PS1 Color Functions for Shell
Last active March 9, 2018 21:33
A set of simple color functions to help customize the shell's $PS1 prompt. These wrap the nasty color and background escape codes into more humane functions. Due to shell string escaping oddness, these must be used with `PROMPT_COMMAND` instead of directly in PS1. A complete git-aware .bashrc prompt is here:…
# A set of color functions to help with fancy $PS1 prompts
# This:
# PROMPT_COMMAND='PS1="\e[32;1m\]\u@\[\e[35;1m\]\H \[\e[0m\]\w]\$ "''
# Can be more clearly written as:
# PROMPT_COMMAND='PS1="$(DARK_GREEN \\u@)$(PURPLE \\H) \w]\$ "''
tlowrimore / union_scope.rb
Last active January 13, 2023 21:12
Unions multiple scopes on a model, and returns an instance of ActiveRecord::Relation.
module ActiveRecord::UnionScope
def self.included(base)
base.send :extend, ClassMethods
module ClassMethods
def union_scope(*scopes)
id_column = "#{table_name}.#{primary_key}"
sub_query = { |s| }.join(" UNION ")
where "#{id_column} IN (#{sub_query})"