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Last active June 30, 2021 17:13
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Simple data hiding demo using RBAC in SingleStore

This is an example of how you can use RBAC and the CURRENT_SECURITY_GROUPS function to implement data hiding in SingleStore.

  1. Get a SingleStore free license key from
  2. Set your SingleStore license key as an environment variable
  1. Run SingleStore cluster in a box
docker run -it \
  --name memsql-ciab \
  -e ROOT_PASSWORD='p' \
  -p 3306:3306 -p 8080:8080 \
  1. Download and run hiding.sql
mysql -u root -h -pp < hiding.sql
This is BOB, the operator.  He can only see the last 4 of the social security number
| customer_id | fname | lname   | dob                 | ssnumber    |
|           2 | dale  | deloy   | 2000-10-01 00:00:00 | xxx-xx-1234 |
|           1 | matt  | demarco | 2000-01-31 00:00:00 | xxx-xx-6789 |
This is ALICE, the manager.  She can the ENTIRE social security number
| customer_id | fname | lname   | dob                 | ssnumber    |
|           2 | dale  | deloy   | 2000-10-01 00:00:00 | 198-12-1234 |
|           1 | matt  | demarco | 2000-01-31 00:00:00 | 123-45-6789 |
create database if not exists demo;
use demo;
drop view if exists data_table;
drop table if exists base_table;
create table if not exists base_table
customer_id bigint primary key,
fname longtext,
lname longtext,
dob datetime,
ss_number longtext
create view data_table as select
customer_id, fname, lname, dob,
when CURRENT_SECURITY_GROUPS() = 'operator' then
when CURRENT_SECURITY_GROUPS() = 'manager' then
else 'Access Denied'
end ssnumber
from base_table;
/* create roles and groups */
drop role if exists 'manager_role';
drop role if exists 'operator_role';
create role 'manager_role';
create role 'operator_role';
grant select on demo.data_table to role 'manager_role';
grant select on demo.data_table to role 'operator_role';
drop group if exists 'manager';
drop group if exists 'operator';
create group 'manager';
create group 'operator';
grant role 'manager_role' to 'manager';
grant role 'operator_role' to 'operator';
/* create users and grant groups */
drop user if exists 'alice';
create user 'alice';
grant group 'manager' to 'alice';
drop user if exists 'bob';
create user 'bob';
grant group 'operator' to 'bob';
/* insert example data */
insert into base_table (customer_id, fname, lname, dob, ss_number)
\! echo "This is BOB, the operator. He can only see the last 4 of the social security number"
\! mysql demo -h -ubob -e 'select * from data_table' --table
\! echo "---"
\! echo "This is ALICE, the manager. She can the ENTIRE social security number"
\! mysql demo -h -ualice -e 'select * from data_table' --table
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