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create database kv;
use kv;
possibly add a namespace to all of this
lets start with BLOB for values
exists key
delete key
put key = <any value>
get key
LIST: insert order must be maintained
list append key value
list del key value
list clear
list range -> input is start and end (inclusive)
probably will add list insert/list pop in the future
set add key value
set remove key value
set get key -> returns full set
set intersection -> input (list of keys) output (intersected set)
set union -> input (list of keys) output (union set)
set clear
insert ignore into keyspace values ("hi");
replace into blobvalues values ("hi", "taylor");
insert into jsonvalues values ("hi", '["taylor"]')
on duplicate key update v = json_array_append(v, "taylor");
insert ignore into setvalues values ("hi", "taylor");
select t, json_agg(sv.v :> text)
from keyspace ks
left join setvalues sv on ks.k = sv.k
ks.k = "hi";
create table keyspace (
k text,
t enum ("blob", "set", "list"),
primary key (k)
create table blobvalues (
k text,
v blob,
primary key (k)
create table setvalues (
k text,
v blob,
primary key (k, v)
create table listvalues (
k text,
i bigint,
v blob,
primary key (k, i)
create table jsonvalues (
k text,
v json,
primary key (k)
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